Download and Install quantum GIS – QGIS with oracle connectivity. Quantum GIS is an open source cross platform software for developing GIS (Geographic information System) solutions. QGIS connects to large set of spatial database and supports many data file formats, which enable us to visualize data, analyze data, edit data and generate a final map. QGIS is a best alternative to ESRI ARCGIS Desktop and is available for free under GNU General Public License. You can download and install Quantum GIS from either of the two way, i.e by standalone installer software or you can install it with OSGeo4w installer. OSGeo stands for open source geospatial foundation which include many open source projects, geospatial libraries, desktop application and web mapping.
While QGIS can be installed by one click with QGIS standalone installer, but it is better to install QGIS with OSGeo4w software as it helps you to install many libraries and packages with QGIS. As this post topic is concentrating for QGIS with oracle connectivity, so, for that reason we need to install GDAL/ORG library with QGIS , and it would be easy for you to install with support of OSGeo4w installer.
You might be interested in looking at QGIS tutorial.
If you have already done with this, you can see post to connect qgis with oracle : QGIS connect with oracle.
Download and Install quantum GIS – QGIS with oracle connectivity:
a.)Run the installer and select “advanced Install” and select “Next”.
b.)Choose Install from internet when choose download source appears, as shown below.
Download and Install quantum GIS – QGIS with oracle connectivity
c.)Select root directory, then next and select package directory and select next. Choose your internet connection. Default installation directory will be, C:\OSGeo4W. If you want to change the directory you can choose and select the same, as shown below.
Download and Install quantum GIS – QGIS with oracle connectivity
2.)Select package to install will be prompted on the same window, Wait, don’t select next. You need to select the desire packages from the following open source utilities, enlisted below:
Download and Install quantum GIS – QGIS with oracle connectivity
a.) Command line utilities: Dont need to select any utitlies from this for our above aim.
b.) Desktop utilities: Here, select the following libraries:
i.) grass : Geographic Resource Analysis Support System
ii.) qgis : Quantum GIS (desktop)
iii.) qgis-dev : Quantum GIS rightly build of the master
Download and Install quantum GIS – QGIS with oracle connectivity
c.)Libs (Library): By selecting above desktop utitlies, some libraries which are connected with above desktop utilites will get selected by default. Let it be selected and dont make any change in that. For getting oracle connection, some of libraries you need to select by clicking and making cross across that. This libraries are as follows:
i.) gdal : The GDAL/OGR library and command line tools
ii.) gdal-ffegdb : OGR fileGDB driver
iii.) gdal-oracle : OGR OCI and GDAL GeoRaster Plugins for Oracle
iv.) gdal-oracle 10g: Oracle 10g Plugin for GDAL(OGR)
v.) gdal 16-oracle : OGR OCI and GDAL Geo Raster Plugins for Oracle
Download and Install quantum GIS – QGIS with oracle connectivity
d.)Web and Web application.
2.) After selecting all libraries, click on next. This step will connect you to internet and install all the library and utilities that you have selected. This may take some time to download and install.
Download and Install quantum GIS – QGIS with oracle connectivity
3.) All done. Now Open Quantum GIS and select add vector layer. Now select database in vector layer window and see if oracle spatial is on the list or not.
If you are having any problem to Download and Install quantum GIS – QGIS with oracle connectivity, comment on below. As i am also a newbie to QGIS, we will discuss and make out some proper solution.
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