Convert GRIB to Geotiff

In this tutorial, we will find out how a can we convert GRIB to GeoTIFF file format. First of all the question is what is GRIB file and why anyone would convert the GRIB file in Geotiff format.

Here is the online Tool to Convert GRIB To GeoTiff

Convert GRIB to GeoTIFF

Before taking to conversion of GRIB and GeoTIFF, lets first understand what is GRIB and What is GeoTIFF.

GRIB (General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary) files are multidimensional files. These files are used to store Meteorological data. The data is store in image mosaic format. That measn all the raster bands ate mosaic together to store in one file. You may also look over details of GRIB Multi dimensional data.

Convert-GRIB to Geotiff

Convert GRIB file in Geotiff using GDAL utility-

Here GDAL Utility (gdal_translate) is used . For using this utility you need to add GDAL in your system. please follow the given command

Convert-GRIB to Geotiff

To check the presence of this library, you can type ogr2ogr in command prompt and get the following output.Convert-GRIB to Geotiff

Now follow the command to convert GRIB in geotiff.

–> gdal_translate -b 354 -a_srs EPSG:4326 GRIB_Filename.grb2 -of Gtiff’ Output_tiffname.geotiff

The options available in gdal_translate utility can be viewed by executing command gdal_translate on command prompt.

Convert-GRIB to Geotiff

Here, in the command we have -a_srs to assign SRS (spatial reference system) , specify the GRIB file. The option -of ‘Gtiff’ shows the output file format.

Output in QGIS software

Convert-GRIB to Geotiff

Here we have more conversion as Netcdf to geotiff, HDF5 to geotiff etc., which can follow to convert your data.

Please feel free to comment in given box for any help.

Convert Geojson to GML- Geography Markup Language

This article is about Convert GeoJSON to GML. Here we are using GDAL utility (ogr2ogr) for conversion. This conversion become useful when you just wants to study or analysis the data in text format. In GML format stores data as text in tags. It makes easy for user to understand the details of attributes. Before conversion, lets look for GeoJSON and GML (Geography Markup Language) in detail.

Convert Geojson to GML

Lets look for specification of GML and GeoJSON file before moving for conversion, as you should be aware of how the files are structured, so that if conversion has any minor error then it can be corrected. If you know specification of both the files, then you may skip and navigate to convert.

Online Tool to Convert GeoJSON To GML

Specification of GML – Convert Geojson to GML

GML stores geographic information as text developed by the OpenGIS Consortium (OGC). GML is based on XML and it is not programming language. it is just data describing language. It provides bounding box in the starting of file in ‘Boundedby’ tag. Feature member is defined with geometry property, SRS (Spatial reference system) used, coordinates and attributes.

Convert- Geojson to GML- Geography Markup Language

Specification of GeoJSON

Geojson data is open standard format, contains simple geographical feature with non-spatial data. In type, it has feature collection. That contains name, CRS (coordinate reference system) and features. These features can be line, point, polygon, Multi-Line string and multi-polygon. Properties contains all attribute information.

Convert- Geojson to GML- Geography Markup Language

Convert Geojson to GML using GDAL utility-

For converting GeoJSON to GML we need to have GDAL library in system. you can follow the commands to download the library.

Convert- Geojson to GML- Geography Markup Language

The presence of this utility  can be tested by typing ogr2ogr in command prompt. Convert- Geojson to GML- Geography Markup Language

Now, to check the drivers available you can follow the given command,

–> ogr2ogr –formats

Convert- Geojson to GML- Geography Markup Language

Convert GeoJSON to GML is an easy process, we also can assign the SRS (Spatial reference system) to the generated output file. ogr2ogr have various options, which can be used while converting file in other format.

–> ogr2ogr -f ‘GML’ -a_srs EPSG:4326 Output_fileName.gml Input_fileName.geojson

Here -f is an option for output file format. The ‘GML’ is driver available for converting file in GML.

Output of Convert Geojson to GML-

The Generated file can be open in any test editor.

Convert- Geojson to GML- Geography Markup Language

We can also help you out in conversion like Shapefile to geopackage, KML to GML , shapefile to TopoJSON and many more.

Feel free to comment in given box for any help or suggestions.

Convert Geojson to MIF MapInfo file

In this article we will be discussing about convert GeoJSON to MIF Mapinfo using GDAL utility (Ogr2ogr). This conversion is useful with MapInfo mapping and geographic analysis softwares.

Convert Geojson to MIF MapInfo file

We must understand GeoJSON and MIF format in detail before conversion.

Convert Online GeoJSON to MIF Mapinfo

Specification of GeoJSON data- Convert Geojson to MIF

Geojson data is open standard format, contains simple geographical feature with non-spatial data. In type, it has feature collection. That contains name, CRS (coordinate reference system) and features. These features can be line, point, polygon, Multi-Line string and multi-polygon. Properties contains all attribute information.

Convert Geojson to MapInfo file

Specification of MIF data- Convert Geojson to MIF

Convert Geojson to MapInfo file

MIF (Map Info File) File format used by MapInfo mapping and geographic analysis software. This stores a map visualization in a format that can be recognized by third party applications. Also used as an exchange format between GIS applications. This sometimes accompanied by a .MID (MapInfo data) file that contains additional spatial data. MID files are GIS data files created by MapInfo, a spatial data analysis and visualization software, saves spatial data for a corresponding .mif (MapInfo Interchange Format) file. Also used for storing larger data sets not expressed in the MIF file.

MIF file show some general property when open with QGIS software, as like :

i.) Storage type of this layer
–> MapInfo File
ii.) Description of this provider
–> OGR data provider (compiled against GDAL/OGR library version 2.2.2, running against GDAL/OGR library version 2.2.2)
iii.) Source for this layer
–> /var/www/html/PHP_pgrouting/public/shpfolder222/newwhello.mif
iv.) Geometry type of the features in this layer
–> Line
v.) The number of features in this layer
–> 19148
vi.) Capabilities of this layer
–> Fast Access to Features at ID, Presimplify Geometries, Presimplify Geometries with Validity Check
vii.) In layer spatial reference system units
–> xMin,yMin 68.4982,7.92528 : xMax,yMax 97.3348,35.5013
viii.) Layer Spatial Reference System
–> +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs

Convert Geojson to MIF MapInfo file

  • Go to MapOG Tool
  • Tap on Switch To and click on Converter.
  • Now upload your data from system or drag & drop from system.
  • Once input is uploaded select the output format and if you want to change coordinate reference system then click on the third option. And in the last click on Convert File.
  • You converted file is published on the map directly.
  • Check video for steps of conversion for Geojson to MIF.

Convert GeoJSON to MIF using GDAL utility-

Gdal library should be available in system when converting data format from one to another. This utility can be installed in system by following the given commands.

Convert Geojson to MIF MapInfo file
Convert Geojson to MIF

The options available with ogr2ogr utility cab seen by typing ogr2ogr in command prompt.

Convert Geojson to MIF MapInfo file

The drivers or format supported by utility can be seen by typing the following command.

–> ogr2ogr –formats

Convert Geojson to MIF MapInfo file

Convert the Geojson data in MIF with given command.

–> ogr2ogr -f  ‘MapInfo File’ -a_srs EPSG:4326 MIF_output.mif geojson_input.geojson

The option -a_srs is used to assign coordinate system to generated output file.

Output in QGIS software- Convert Geojson to MIF

The generated output file can be open with QGIS open source software.

Convert Geojson to MapInfo file

You can also use conversions using gdal utility as netcdf to geotiff, Hdf to geotiff, shapefile to topojson and many more.

Please comment in the given comment box for any help and suggestions. We are always ready for your help.

You might be interested in Different ways to convert Shapefile to GeoJSON

Convert GeoJSON to KML

In this article we would be discussing about conversion of GeoJSON data to KML (Keyhole Markup Language). This conversion is required when you are using software such Google earth to see the data. KML works great with Google earth. There is simple step to Convert GeoJSON to KML using ogr2ogr utility from GDAL library. Before that we must go through specification of GeoJSON and KML.

Here is the way to Convert the GeoJSON to KML online

Specification of GeoJSON – Convert GeoJSON to KML

Geojson data is open standard format, contains simple geographical feature with non-spatial data. In type element it has feature collection. That contains name, CRS (coordinate reference system) and features. These features can be line, point, polygon, Multi-Line string and multi-polygon.

Convert GeoJSON to KML
Convert GeoJSON to KML

Specification of KML- Convert GeoJSON to KML

The KML (Keyhole Markup language) this data format contains information in tags. SimpleField contains attribute information with name and type. Style tag contains the style of file as color of lines, points and polygons. Geometry is stored as coordinates in file.

Convert GeoJSON to KML

Convert GeoJSON to KML using GDAL Utility-

The conversion requires Gdal utility. This utility can be installed in the system by following the given commands.

Convert GeoJSON to KML

By typing ogr2ogr in command prompt you can get the following result. This result shows the presence of ogr2ogr utility in system.

To know the version of installed GDAL library you can type,

–> gdalinfo –version

Convert GeoJSON to KML

Before executing the conversion command, you should check the drivers. The drivers can be checked by typing

–> ogr2ogr –formats

in your command prompt. Now check for the GeoJSON and KML driver.

Convert GeoJSON to KML

After checking the drivers you can execute the following command.

–> ogr2ogr -f ‘KML’ -a_srs EPSG:4326 Output_fileName.kml Input_FileName.geojson

Output of Convert GeoJSON to KML-

The generated output file can be open in editor to see the content.

Convert GeoJSON to KML

In the similar way you can also convert shape file to MIF, shapefile to sql and shape file to excel file.

You can also comment in given comment box for any query, help or suggestions.

Convert GeoJSON to Shapefile

In this article we are converting GeoJSON to Shapefile shp format. You might be thinking why would anyone convert GeoJSON in shapefile. Answer is very simple Shapefile is very popular data format with open specification for data interoperability among GIS (Geographical information system) softwares. Before moving towards conversion steps we must look for GeoJSON and Shape file in detail. There Specification is given below.

Here is the Online Converter Tool from GeoJSON To Shapefile

Specification of GeoJSON-

Geojson data is open standard format, contains simple geographical feature with non-spatial data. In type element it has feature collection. That contains name, CRS (coordinate reference system) and features. These features can be line, point, polygon, Multi-Line string and multi-polygon.

Convert GeoJSON to Shapefile
Convert GeoJSON to Shapefile

Specification of Shapefile-

Shapefile is very popular data format specially among open source GIS softwares. It has some mandatory files, which contains various information such as index of geometry, attribute data and projection information.

  1. shx- contains geometry index,
  2. shp- contains geometry,
  3. dbf- contains attribute data,
  4. prj- contains projection data.

Convert GeoJSON to Shapefile using MapOG Tool

Convert GeoJSON to Shapefile

Convert GeoJSON to Shapefile Shp Using Gdal Utility-

Conversion from geojson to shapefile requires GDAL library in your system. For downloading it you can follow given commands.

Convert GeoJSON to Shapefile

To check the availability of library can be check by typing ogr2ogr in command prompt. You can also check the version of GDAL library by typing gdalinfo –version.

Convert GeoJSON to Shapefile

To convert data from geojson to shapefile we must have format available in library. To check the formats available you can execute the following command,

–> ogr2ogr –formats

you will get the following list that contains the drivers list. Check for the GeoJSON and Shapefile driver.

Convert GeoJSON to Shapefile

Now you can execute the conversion command given below,

–>ogr2ogr -f ‘ESRI Shapefile’ -a_srs EPSG:4326 Output_fileName.shp Input_FileName.geojson

Here Command shows some options of ogr2ogr utility as -f, which shows output file format, -a_srs shows SRS (spatial reference system) assigned to output file. The Generated output file can be seen on QGIS software.

Converted Output GeoJSON to Shapefile In QGIS software-

Convert GeoJSON to Shapefile

In similar way you can also convert Shp to geojson, shp to KML or many more.

Feel free to contact for any help or suggestions by commenting in given comment box.

KML to GML – Convert Keyhole to Geography

Sometimes we need to convert KML to GML where the software supports GML language. But before converting Keyhole markup language to Geography markup language, you should know the basic structure of KML and GML. So that if the file is corrupted then before converting it you can correct it manually and process the same in any GIS converter software to work properly. If you already know structure of this files, then you can directly navigate to the main topic i.e kml to gml conversion of this page.

Here is the Online Converter Tool from KML To GML 

Know KML and GML data structure before converting kml to gml

WHAT IS KML (Keyhole Markup Language)? – KML (Keyhole Markup Language), is an XML grammar and file format for modeling and storing geographic features such as points, lines,images, and polygons for display in the Google Earth client.KML is based on GML, although it doesn’t formally import GML schemas. KML language is used by a variety of GIS and mapping applications and the specifications are freely available to the public and available to the user community without charge or restriction. The Google Earth client supports a number of display features for rich presentation of GIS data. All of the features supported by the Google Earth client are described in KML. The Google Earth client supports a number of two-dimensional geometric shapes for display in the 3D viewer.

<Schema name="roads" id="roads">
 <SimpleField name="MED_DESCRI" type="string"></SimpleField>
 <SimpleField name="RTT_DESCRI" type="string"></SimpleField>
 <SimpleField name="F_CODE_DES" type="string"></SimpleField>
 <SimpleField name="ISO" type="string"></SimpleField>
 <SimpleField name="ISOCOUNTRY" type="string"></SimpleField>
 <SimpleField name="Length_km" type="float"></SimpleField>
 <SimpleField name="Latitude" type="string"></SimpleField>
 <ExtendedData><SchemaData schemaUrl="#roads">
 <SimpleData name="MED_DESCRI">Without Median</SimpleData>
 <SimpleData name="RTT_DESCRI">Secondary Route</SimpleData>
 <SimpleData name="F_CODE_DES">Road</SimpleData>
 <SimpleData name="ISO">IND</SimpleData>
 <SimpleData name="ISOCOUNTRY">US</SimpleData>
 <SimpleData name="Length_km">0.3</SimpleData>
 <LineString><coordinates>77.8277403975188,35.5012774951028 77.8257523065223,35.4995003281062</coordinates></LineString>

WHAT IS GML (Geography Markup Language)? GML (Geography Markup Language) is only concerned with the representation of the geographic data content. While GML is an effective means for transporting geographic information from one place to another we expect that it will also become an important means of storing geographic information as well.

 <ogr:raods fid="raods.0">
 <ogr:geometryProperty><gml:LineString srsName="EPSG:32643"><gml:coordinates>756486.657418272,3932312.4133327 756311.93383727,3932110.06520674</gml:coordinates></gml:LineString></ogr:geometryProperty>
 <ogr:MED_DESCRI>Without Median</ogr:MED_DESCRI>
 <ogr:RTT_DESCRI>Secondary Route</ogr:RTT_DESCRI>
 <ogr:Latitude xsi:nil="true"/>

Convert KML to GML using Ogr2ogr utility-

For using this utility you need to install GDAL OGR2OGR in your system. To  install this you can follow the given commands.

KML to GML - Convert Keyhole to Geography
KML to GML – Convert Keyhole to Geography

If you have already install ogr2ogr utility you can check by typing ogr2ogr in terminal.

KML to GML - Convert Keyhole to Geography

Now run the given command to convert from KML to GML-

--- ogr2ogr -f 'GML' Output_GML.gml Input_KML.kml

Changing Coordinate System of Output File kml to gml-

Sometimes we need different coordinate system. So to get different coordinate system from input you can follow this given command.

--- ogr2ogr -f 'GML' -t_srs EPSG:32643 -s_srs EPSG:4326 Output_GML.gml Input_KML.kml

Convert KML (KeyHole Markup Language) to GML (Geography Markup Language) Using PHP Code-

If you want the conversion using programing or don’t want to use terminal then this can also be done using PHP. You can create a function that defined this command as string and can give this string in shell_exec() method to execute. Shell_exec() actually execute the command and returns output as string.

public function kmltogml($kmlfilepath,$output,$srsno,$srsold){
 $query="ogr2ogr -f GML -t_srs EPSG:$srsno -s_srs EPSG:$srsold $output.gml $kmlfilepath";

Generated output of kml to gml –

KML to GML - Convert Keyhole to Geography
KML to GML – Convert Keyhole to Geography

If you have any problem regrading this tutorial, please let us know via comments  in provided comments box.

KML to SHP Shapefile – Convert

Convert kml to shp shapefile. Have you extracted and downloaded kml file from Google Earth or Google map and want to render it with your geo library which support shapefile? Do you have KML data given from third party and want to give a proper representation of data over map by converting the same in shapefile? If so, here is an article to convert kml to shp using command line tool ogr2ogr or using php code. While if you use QGIS tool, you can look over kml to shp convert using QGIS or else continue using this article.

Here is the online Tool To Convert KML To SHP Shapefile

KML (Keyhole Markup Language) is very popular GIS format. It is available in text format containing tags such as Placemark, SimpleField, SimpleData and ExtendedData etc. It contains whole information in tag. But when you need to see the geometry you may require Shapefile. This conversion can be done using Ogr2ogr utility from GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) and other GIS software such as QGIS, ArcGIS etc.

Convert kml to shp – Look Details For KML (Keyhole Markup Language) structure with Line feature-

<Schema name="India_roads" id="India_roads">
 <SimpleField name="MED_DESCRI" type="string"></SimpleField>
 <SimpleField name="RTT_DESCRI" type="string"></SimpleField>
 <SimpleField name="F_CODE_DES" type="string"></SimpleField>
 <SimpleField name="ISO" type="string"></SimpleField>
 <SimpleField name="ISOCOUNTRY" type="string"></SimpleField>
 <SimpleField name="Length_km" type="float"></SimpleField>
 <SimpleField name="Latitude" type="string"></SimpleField>
 <ExtendedData><SchemaData schemaUrl="#India_raods">
 <SimpleData name="MED_DESCRI">Without Median</SimpleData>
 <SimpleData name="RTT_DESCRI">Secondary Route</SimpleData>
 <SimpleData name="F_CODE_DES">Road</SimpleData>
 <SimpleData name="ISO">IND</SimpleData>
 <SimpleData name="ISOCOUNTRY">INDIA</SimpleData>
 <SimpleData name="Length_km">0.3</SimpleData>
 <LineString><coordinates>77.8277403975188,35.5012774951028 77.8257523065223,35.4995003281062</coordinates></LineString>

In the above given example, attribute fields are given with their data type. In style tag geometry style shown with color. Extended Data encloses attribute field name with values. In the last coordinates are given for particular line string. In similar way other lines, point and polygon are given in KML.

You may also look over converting Shapefile to kml using QGIS or shp to kml using ogr2ogr tool.

KML to SHP Shapefile – Convert

    • Go to MapOG Tool  and login with email id or if you are new user then register with a valid email id.
    • After login next step is to  Tap on Switch To and select Converter.
    • Next screen will be opened. Upload your data from system or drag & drop.
    • After uploading your data select the output data. For KML to Shapefile select SHP.
    • If you want your output in different coordinate reference system then click on change CRS.
    • Your converted file is directly published on the map. Download your converted file by clicking download icon.

For step by step approach check the video given below:

Convert from Keyhole Markup Language KML to SHP Shapefile using ogr2ogr utility-

For using this utility you need to install it in your system. To install this utility you can follow given commands,

KML to SHP Shapefile - Convert
KML to SHP Shapefile – Convert

If you already have install this utility or you want to check availability of this utility you can type ogr2ogr in terminal.

KML to SHP Shapefile - Convert

For conversion the given command need to be executed on terminal-

--- ogr2ogr -f 'ESRI Shapefile' Output_sahpefile.shp Input_KML.kml

Here -f defines the output file format and ‘ESRI shapefile’ is driver available.

PHP code for converting KML to SHP shapefile-

If you want the conversion using programing or don’t want to use terminal then this can also be done using PHP. You can create a function that defined this command as string and can give this string in shell_exec() method to execute. Shell_exec() actually execute the command and returns output as string.

public function KML_to_shp($KMLfilepath,$output){
 $query="ogr2ogr -f 'ESRI Shapefile'  $output.gml  $KMLfilepath";

Generated output in QGIS software-

KML to SHP Shapefile - Convert
KML to SHP Shapefile – Convert

Change Coordinate System of shapefile generated from kml-

Changing coordinate system of output file can be done with this same ogr2ogr utility. It has various option for SRS (Spatial reference system), given below

-a_srs srs_def:

Assign an output SRS

-t_srs srs_def:

Reproject/transform to this SRS on output

-s_srs srs_def:

Override source SRS

These option can be used in command as-

— ogr2ogr -f ‘ESRI Shapefile’ -t_srs EPSG:32643 (new EPSG) -s_srs EPSG:4326 (old EPSG) shpchange.shp output1.kml

Generated shapefile from kml after changing coordinate system in QGIS software-

Convert- KML to Shapefile - Keyhole Markup Language

Hence, we get our shapefile. Furthermore, try our tool MAPOG Tool if you want to conversion in single click.

You also can visit Shapefile to GeoJSON, Shapefile to TopoJSON, Shapfile to geopackage, KML to shapefile conversion using QGIS etc.

If you face any problem during implementing this tutorial, please let us know. Feel free to comment in given comment box.

Even more try your hands on our Conversion Tool

Shp to SQL – Convert Shapefile to postgersql file

Shapefile shp can be converted in pgsql file using shp2pgsql command line tool. Sometimes you have a shapefile and want to upload the same in postgresql database, you can directly use shp2pgsql command and upload shapefile to postgis. While there might be possibilites that you would not be having access to your production server to install shp2pgsql command line tool, so you can convert shapefile into a sql file and then upload the same to Database. Lets check how to convert shp to sql file.

Conversion using shp2pgsql – shp to sql

Try Our Tool MapOG Converter for SHP to SQL conversion

For executing this command you need to have shp2pgsql utility in your system. You can check the presence of utility by typing shp2pgsql in terminal. If this utility is present then you will see the following result.

Convert- Shapefile Shp to SQL postgersql file
Convert- Shapefile Shp to SQL postgersql file

Shp2pgsql has some option, some for them are used here. Option -I creates a spatial index on the geocolumn. Option -s specifies the SRS (Spatial Reference system) in EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group) number.

–> shp2pgsql -I -s 4326 shpfilepath.shp output_table_name > output.sql

After executing this command, you can run the sql file in postgres to insert data in table.

Code – Convert- Shapefile Shp to SQL postgersql filE

If you know to read binary files by knowing its format, you can easily read and convert shapefile to sql, as shapefile has an open standard file format. For instance, you can look over tutorial I had created in how to read shapefile bounding box using c++ or reading shapefile header.

In codeigniter framework of php, we can use shell_exec() by providing command as input. In command we need to export PGPASSWORD, where password is supplied.
While writing command in PHP, we need to take SRS (Spatial Reference system) of shape file, input shapefile and output file name from the user. The passwrThen query is written in string format and supplied to shell_exec() method. This method returns output as string and generates file in folder.

PGPASSWORD behaves the same as the password connection parameter. Use of this environment variable is not recommended for security reasons, as some operating systems allow non-root users to see process environment variables via ps; instead consider using the ~/.pgpass file. For more detail you can visit link.

public function shptosql($shpfilepath,$output){
$query=”export PGPASSWORD=’download1′; shp2pgsql -I -s $srs $shpfilepath $output > $output.sql”;

You can check for SQL file in the same folder where shapefile is kept. The generated result will look like-

Convert- Shapefile Shp to SQL postgersql file
Convert- Shapefile Shp to SQL postgersql file

Change coordinate system – shp to sql

While converting shapefile into sql, you can not change the coordinate system. But you can execute this process in two steps as-

  1. Change the coordinate system of shapefile

–> ogr2ogr -f ‘ESRI shapefile’ -s_srs EPSG:4326 (old EPSG number) -t_srs EPSG:32643 (new EPSG number) new_shapefile.shp India_raods.shp

2. Then convert shapefile into sql

–> shp2pgsql -I -s 32643 new_shapefile.shp output_table_name > output.sql

ogr2ogr utility has some options as-

-a_srs srs_def:

Assign an output SRS

-t_srs srs_def:

Reproject/transform to this SRS on output

-s_srs srs_def:

Override source SRS

You may also Check Shapefile to GeoJSON, Shapefile to KML, Shapefile toconverting TopoJSON, etc conversion.

Hope you enjoyed the conversion and executed it successfully. Let us know you face any difficulty during execution of this tutorial via commenting in provided box.

Shp to MIF – Convert Shapefile to MapInfo Interchange Format

Many people uses MapServer as their Server, so they might need to store shape file as MIF (Map Info File) file on server. The OGR Simple Features Library allows MapServer users to display several types of vector data files in their native formats. For example, MapInfo Mid/Mif and TAB data can be seen on MapServer when using OGR support with it. So lets see how to convert Shapefile shp to mif or map info file.

Here is the online tool To convert Shapefile to MapInfo MIF 

Lets look what is MIF ( MapInfo Interchange Format) Before converting shp to Mif

MIF (Map Info File) File format used by MapInfo mapping and geographic analysis software. This stores a map visualization in a format that can be recognized by third party applications. Also used as an exchange format between GIS applications. This sometimes accompanied by a .MID (MapInfo data) file that contains additional spatial data. MID files are GIS data files created by MapInfo, a spatial data analysis and visualization software, saves spatial data for a corresponding .MIF (MapInfo Interchange Format) file. Also used for storing larger data sets not expressed in the MIF file.  What is Shapefile – collection of geometry with other supported files as shx, dbf, prj ect.

MIF file show some general property when open with QGIS software, as like :

i.) Storage type of this layer
–> MapInfo File
ii.) Description of this provider
–> OGR data provider (compiled against GDAL/OGR library version 2.2.2, running against GDAL/OGR library version 2.2.2)
iii.) Source for this layer
–> /var/www/html/PHP_pgrouting/public/shpfolder222/newwhello.mif
iv.) Geometry type of the features in this layer
–> Line
v.) The number of features in this layer
–> 19148
vi.) Capabilities of this layer
–> Fast Access to Features at ID, Presimplify Geometries, Presimplify Geometries with Validity Check
vii.) In layer spatial reference system units
–> xMin,yMin 68.4982,7.92528 : xMax,yMax 97.3348,35.5013
viii.) Layer Spatial Reference System
–> +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs

Convert Shapefile SHP TO MIF format using ogr2ogr utility-

ogr2ogr supports some file format MIF is one of them. You can write a simple command to convert your shapefile. Before this you must check for ogr2ogr utility. That can be done by typing ogr2pgr in your terminal.

Convert- Shapefile Shp to MIF - Map Info File
Convert- Shapefile Shp to MIF – Map Info File

If this utitlity is not available, you should run the given commands-

Convert- Shapefile Shp to MIF - Map Info File

After this please check ogr2ogr utility is available now.

Now you can move for conversion. For conversion please use the given command

–> ogr2ogr -f “MapInfo File” output_file.mif Input_SHP.shp


You must have shp along with .shx and .dbf file for proper conversion.
If you only have shp file you will got an error something like.

Convert- Shapefile Shp to MIF - Map Info File
Convert- Shapefile Shp to MIF – Map Info File

And if you don’t have .dbf file, then you following error will appear

Convert- Shapefile Shp to MIF - Map Info File

Code to Convert Shp to MIF

If you are aware of reading binary file by knowing the file format, you can easily read and parse shapefile and convert the same to any other format. You can check out one such tutorial which I had created to read header of shapefile using c++ or bounding box of shapefile using c++.

This same work can be done in PHP using shelll_exec() method, which execute the command and gives output as string. The following function describes the $query variable, which takes command as string and given to shell_exec(0 method.

public function shptomif($shpfilepath,$output) {
$query=”ogr2ogr -f ‘MapInfo file’ $output.mif $shpfilepath.shp”;

Output of mif file from shp file-

The Output will contain .mif and .mid files. You can open MIF file in QGIS software.

If you are using Windows operating software than you can open .mif (Map Info File) with microsoft word. The following result will appear

Version 300
Charset “Neutral”
Delimiter “,”
CoordSys Earth Projection 1, 104
Columns 7
MED_DESCRI Char(254)
RTT_DESCRI Char(254)
F_CODE_DES Char(10)
ISO Char(7)
Length_km Decimal(11,2)
Latitude Decimal(11,2)
Data line(…..)

Change Coordinate System of MIF from shp format

Converting shapefile into MapInfo File with desired coordinate system can be done by using ogr2ogr utility. It has some options related to SRS (Spatial reference system), given below-

-t_srs srs_def:

Reproject/transform to this SRS on output

-s_srs srs_def:

Override source SRS

So the query can be written as-

–> ogr2ogr -f ‘MapInfo File’ -s_srs EPSG:4326 (old EPSG) -t_srs EPSG:32643 (new EPSG) output_mifFile.mif Input_file.shp 

Hope this tutorial helped you to convert your shapefile to MIF (Map Info File) format. There are also various conversion available as- Shape to CSV, GeoJson to topoJson, Shapefile to Topojson , shapefile to kml, shp to ods, shp to gml etc.

Please let us know, if any find any difficulty in performing this conversion via commenting in provided box.

SHP to XLSX – Convert Shapefile to Excel

Sometimes we just need to see attribute details not geometry. So instead of carrying heavy shape files we can convert them in XLSX format. XLSX file contains on attribute detail or can say non spatial data. XLSX files are light in weight. Along with shp to xlsx convert you may also check for shp to ods, shp to csv conversion which also more focuses on attribute details.

Convert SHP to XLSX using MapOG Tool for hassle free conversion


An XLSX file is an Excel spreadsheet created by Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet program. It stores data in worksheets, which contain cells arranged in a grid of rows and columns, and may also contain charts, mathematical functions, styles, and formatting. XLSX files create simple or complex mathematical models.

What is shapefile? Each object within a SHP file contains an individual geographic feature and its attributes.

Conversion from shapefile to XLSX using ogr2ogr utility-

–> ogr2ogr -f XLSX output_xlsx_filename.xlsx India_raods.shp

In command -f is file format and XLSX is driver. Then you can specify the output file name with .xlsx extension and input shapefile. This command can be executed on terminal or using PHP code. Here you must look for the ogr2ogr utility in your system. If not available you can install it using given line of code.


Then you can check the presence of utility by typing ogr2ogr in terminal. The output will look like-


Note that while converting shapefile to XLSX, you must check for .shx file. If shx file is not available you may get following error.


Shapefile has some supporting file like .dbf, .shx, .prj etc. So you must take all file whenever you perform conversion.


If you are aware of Shapefile Open description format, then you can easily access shapefile data through coding. As i have created one such shapefile minimum bounding box parser in c++. Below in the php code to execute ogr2ogr tool.

Here you can perform the conversion using shell_exec() method, which actually executes the command and returns string as output.

public function shptoxlsx($shpfilepath,$output) {
$query=”ogr2ogr -f XLSX $output.xlsx $shpfilepath.shp”;

After execution of command you can check the specified folder to see generated xlsx file. The content of file will be something like-


You may also look forward to convert shapefile to GeoJSON, Shapefile to Kml, Shapefile to topojson and etc conversions.

Hope you enjoyed the article and successfully converted shape file into XLSX file. If you have any problem regarding conversion please feel free to write in comment box.