Accurate and up-to-date town, villages and city data is important for projects like urban planning, infrastructure development, and demographic studies. In this article, we’ll show you how to download Cities and Towns data in multiple GIS formats using the MAPOG GISDATA platform—a powerful tool that makes finding and converting data super easy.
Download Cities, Towns & Villages Dataset
We offer a wide range of data formats to ensure compatibility for various projects. These formats include KML, SHP, CSV, GeoJSON, Tab, SQL, Tiff, GML, KMZ, GPKZ, SQLITE, Dxf, MIF, TOPOJSON, XLSX, GPX, ODS, MID, and GPS.
Steps to Download Cities, Towns & Villages Data
Step 1: Open MAPOG GISDATA and Search for the Country
Start by opening the MAPOG GISDATA platform. In the search bar, type the name of the country you need town and city data for, like the United States, France, or Japan. This will help you find the relevant urban data quickly.

Open MAPOG GISDATA and Search for the Country
Step 2: Use the AI Search Tool to Find USA Counties or States
MAPOG’s AI search tool is a great way to narrow your search. For example, if you’re looking for specific data within the USA, you can type something like “California counties” or “New York state.” The AI tool will find the relevant data for those areas, saving you time.

Step 3: Search for ‘Town and City Data’ and Filter the Layers
In the search bar, type “Town” or “City” to pull up urban data such as city boundaries or town limits. You can refine your search by using the “View Filtered Layer Data” option to zoom in on specific features. Click “Zoom to Action” to view the data in detail and ensure it fits your needs

Step 4: Add the Data to the Map for Visual Analysis
Once you’ve selected the town or city data, click “Add to Map.” This will allow you to visualize the data directly on the map. You can zoom in and explore specific towns or cities in more detail.

Step 5: Download the Data
After reviewing the data, simply click “Download.” You can choose your preferred format—Shapefile, KML, GeoJSON, or any of the other available formats—and download the data for your project.

The MAPOG GISDATA platform makes accessing and downloading town and city data quick and easy. Whether you’re working on urban planning, infrastructure projects, or research, these simple steps will help you get the data you need in the format that works best for you. If you need assistance, feel free to contact us at
With MAPOG’s powerful tools, you can also upload vector and raster files, add WMS layers, import Excel or CSV data, and even convert different data formats to suit your needs.
Disclaimer: The GIS data provided for download in this article was originally sourced from OpenStreetMap (OSM) and modified to improve usability. The original data is licensed under the Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap contributors. Any use, redistribution, or modification of this data must comply with the ODbL license terms. For more information, please visit OpenStreetMap’s License Page.
Download Shapefile for the following:
- World Countries Shapefile
- Australia
- Argentina
- Austria
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Canada
- Denmark
- Fiji
- Finland
- Germany
- Greece
- India
- Indonesia
- Ireland
- Italy
- Japan
- Kenya
- Lebanon
- Madagascar
- Malaysia
- Mexico
- Mongolia
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Nigeria
- Papua New Guinea
- Philippines
- Poland
- Russia
- Singapore
- South Africa
- South Korea
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Tunisia
- United Kingdom Shapefile
- United States of America
- Vietnam
- Croatia
- Chile
- Norway
- Maldives
- Bhutan
- Colombia
- Libya
- Comoros
- Hungary
- Laos
- Estonia
- Iraq
- Portugal
- Azerbaijan
- Macedonia
- Romania
- Peru
- Marshall Islands
- Slovenia
- Nauru
- Guatemala
- El Salvador
- Afghanistan
- Cyprus
- Syria
- Slovakia
- Luxembourg
- Jordan
- Armenia
- Haiti And Dominican Republic
- Malta
- Djibouti
- East Timor
- Micronesia
- Morocco
- Liberia
- Kosovo
- Isle Of Man
- Paraguay
- Tokelau
- Palau
- Ile De Clipperton
- Mauritius
- Equatorial Guinea
- Tonga
- Myanmar
- Thailand
- New Caledonia
- Niger
- Nicaragua
- Pakistan
- Nepal
- Seychelles
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- China
- Kenya
- Kyrgyzstan
- Bosnia Herzegovina
- Burkina Faso
- Canary Island
- Togo
- Israel And Palestine
- Algeria
- Suriname
- Angola
- Cape Verde
- Liechtenstein
- Taiwan
- Turkmenistan
- Tuvalu
- Ivory Coast
- Moldova
- Somalia
- Belize
- Swaziland
- Solomon Islands
- North Korea
- Sao Tome And Principe
- Guyana
- Serbia
- Senegal And Gambia
- Faroe Islands
- Guernsey Jersey
- Monaco
- Tajikistan
- Pitcairn
Disclaimer : If you find any shapefile data of country provided is incorrect do contact us or comment below, so that we will correct the same in our system as well we will try to correct the same in openstreetmap.