Convert GIS Data Online : KML to CSV

Easily transform your KML data into CSV format using MAPOG, simplifying your geographic data processing for improved spatial analysis.

Converting KML data to CSV offers a straightforward approach to analyze, share, and integrate geographical information across various platforms. Whether you’re new to the process or experienced, this guide will walk you through the steps seamlessly.

Converting KML to CSV with MAPOG
Converting KML to CSV with MAPOG

Converting KML to CSV with MAPOG

Key Concept of File Conversion MAPOG’s Converter Tool facilitates effortless transformation between different data formats. By inputting data in one format, the tool converts it into the required format for analysis, enhancing flexibility and adaptability across applications.

Steps to Convert KML to CSV with MAPOG

Step 1: Upload the Data

Access the Converter Tool: Navigate to the “Process Data” menu and select “Converter Tool.”

Upload the Data
Upload the Data

Upload KML File: Begin by uploading the KML file you wish to convert.

Upload KML File
Upload KML File

Step 2: Select the Output Format

Choose the Output File Format: Opt for CSV as the output format.

Select the Output Format-Converting KML to CSV with MAPOG
Select the Output Format

Set the CRS (Coordinate Reference System): Optionally, set the CRS to align data accurately with spatial analysis requirements.

Set the CRS (Coordinate Reference System)
Set the CRS (Coordinate Reference System)

Step 3: Run the Conversion

Initiate the Conversion Process: Click on ‘Convert‘ to start the conversion process.

 Run the Conversion-Converting KML to CSV with MAPOG
Run the Conversion

Step 4: Review and Download

Review the Converted Data: Verify the converted CSV data for accuracy.

Review and Download
Review and Download

Download the Converted File: Upon satisfaction, download the converted CSV file.


By utilizing MAPOG’s Converter Tool, you’ve efficiently converted your KML files to CSV, streamlining your workflow and enhancing data interoperability. For further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at

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