PostGIS is an open source software program that adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database. PostGIS follows the Simple Features for SQL specification from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
Technically PostGIS was implemented as a PostgreSQL’s extension. And There are a large number of software products that can use PostGIS as a database backend.
The PostGIS implementation is based on “light-weight” geometries and indexes optimized to reduce disk and memory footprint. Using light-weight geometries helps servers increase the amount of data migrated up from physical disk storage into RAM, improving query performance substantially.
PostGIS is registered as “implements the specified standard” for “Simple Features for SQL” by the OGC. PostGIS has not been certified as compliant by the OGC.
Budget: What will be your budget for the PostGIS Installation setup?
Requirement: We would be enquiring about your specific requirement i.e. you want to install the PostGIS only or you want it to shift to the new server.
Firewall requirement: We would be asking questions as Do you just require the PostGIS, or you also have the requirement of firewall protection for your system.
One Ubuntu 14.04 server
A non-root user with sudo privileges.
A PostgreSQL database.
For installing PostGIS and shifting it to new server, we would be needing the credentials and the access to the new remote server.
Installing PostGIS.
Enabling Special feature with PostGIS.
Optimizing PostgreSQL for GIS database objects.
Loading Spatial data.
Setting up PostGIS and Querying spatial data.
We deliver you the login and other credentials.
Providing information about how to use and change them.
We provide a video tutorial of how to use PostGIS that we have setted up for you.
We are providing total PostGIS solution and consultancy service to customer/client and if you want to setup your own server, visit blog on website @ Install PostGIS.
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