Map the locations of slums and embed the map on your website

On one fine day, people from a well reputed Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) contacted us about how we can locate slum areas. This NGO works for social welfare activities such as food, clothes, water supply, drainage, etc. for the people who live in slums. They basically wanted a web map for slum locations where they can provide the above social services and keep track of various details to those locations through visualization and spatial analysis.

The use of GIS technology is advancing in the field of data science and information technology as demand for maps and geospatial analysis became important in both public and private sectors. There is limited GIS software that provides services in both creating maps and hosting them on websites. IGISMap gives powerful tool sets to create interactive maps of locations and geospatial features associated with applications based on social services, business analysis, scientific research etc. Using the tools of IGISMap, we can manage, analyze, and visualize slum areas where monitoring and management is required. IGISMap is a web platform providing multiple GIS applications that are most important in the field of geospatial analytics. GIS tools of IGISMap application allows users to Add Data, Create Data, Map Data, Style Data, Process Data, Analyze Data and also help users to Share Data privately or publicly.

IGISMap application has Create Point Data tool which can be used to plot locations and point objects as point vector data model. By using the Create Point Data tool let’s discuss how we can map the slum locations like the following.

Slum Locations
Final Map of Slum Locations

Click to open Create Point Data tool

Start plotting points for the slum locations

In Create Point Data tool, first step is to Add Points, where we can start plotting the slum locations as points, in the form of pins. IGISMap provides you with three features for plotting points: Drop Points, Search Address, and Lat Lon Values.

plot slum locations on the map
Create Point Data tool
  • Drop points let us drop a pin at the desired location on the map. Zoom to the location of the slum and click to add the pin.
Drop Points
Drop Points
  • Search Address option opens a search address box, where you can enter an address and choose the right option from the dropdown list, then click the Plot button to plot a point on that location.
Seach Address and Plot Points
Seach Address and Plot Points
  • Lat Lon Values will open two boxes to enter latitude and longitude values of the location you want to plot, Plot Location button in this option will plot a pin at the location you have entered.
Enter Coordinates and Plot Points
Enter Coordinates and Plot Points

Add Attributes popup will appear every time you plot a point. Using this popup, you can add the attribute fields and values. Click the Submit button to Submit the save the attribute entries. You can choose to delete the point you plotted by clicking the Delete Point button. You can disable this popup anytime using the following toggle button.

But we can open this popup anytime while plotting, by simply clicking on an existing pin.

After plotting every desired location for our data, click the Save and Publish button to publish your data in the map.

Review and edit the datatable

After the slum locations are published as point GIS layer, Show/Edit Datatable section will be open. Here you can edit the attribute values entered for each point location after clicking the button in the data table along each row in the data table. You can also choose to delete a point by clickingbutton.

Show/Edit Datatable
Show/Edit Datatable

Options to edit or delete the attribute fields are also available in this step along with the option to add new attribute fields to this data. If you thought of adding more points to the data of ATM Locations, select the Back button to go to the Add Points section, where you can add more points and make changes to the already published data.

Option to update the data table as bulk is available in this section. Where the whole data table can be downloaded in Excel format using Download Datatable button. And to make the changes outside IGISMap, then upload the edited/updated spreadsheet file using Upload Datatable button and integrate with the same point data of ATM locations. 

After making all the changes in the datatable, let’s move to the styling section by clicking the Next button to finish plotting.

Plotting of Slum Locations Completed
Plotting of Slum Locations Completed

Styling the slum location points

A map will become more meaningful if appropriate icons and colors are used to visualize the spatial features of the map. In IGISMap styling options, Bubble Style and Icon Style are provided for point GIS data.

In Icon Styling, IGISMap provides two more options – Basic and Category styling. For now, let’s make it simple by providing an appropriate pin icon for styling the Slum location points.

After opening Icon Style tool from the Done section or from the Map Tools, select the data from the dropdown and click Next

Icon Styling
Styling with Proper Icons

Basic Icon will be selected as default. Select appropriate icon from the list and click Save Style to apply icon for the points.

Select Icon for Slum Locations Map
Select Icon

Another styling option using Icon Style tool is the Categorial Icon, where users can select the category on the basis of which styling is added to the point data.

Check this article to understand How to style point GIS data categorically using Icon Style tool.

Bubble style is used to visualize the data quantitatively based on the numerical fields in the datatable. We can assign the size and color of the bubble for each class of values.

Check this article understand How to create Bubble Map for point GIS data.

Click on Save Style option to save the Styling options of added points.

Data Added

It’s done! Now if the user wants to add more points, click on Create more points on the layer option, which will then direct you back to the Add Points section.

Add Points
Add Points

If the user wants to create a new layer, select Create New Layer option.

Embed your slum locations map in a website

As the data is created completely and styles appropriately, let’s embed the map of Slums in a website. For this, click the button at the top right, where you will reach the UI to control the sharing of this map.

Share Map
Share Map

After the share map components are enabled and disabled as desired, click Next button to proceed to the step for copying the iframe link to embed in a website.

Embed Map
Embed Map
Iframe link
Iframe link

Copy this link from the popup and attach it to your website. Thus the map will be available as interactive as below.

Check the article Share your Map to understand more about Share Map feature of IGISMap.

Check other articles:
Check the following IGISMap tools:

Map habitat locations of endangered animals & keep track of their living

Wilderness without wildlife is just scenery
-Lois Crisler

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) states that endangered species are the species of plant or animal that are seriously at the risk of extinction. In this time of data revolution, data analytics plays a huge role in the field of environmental science and atmospheric studies. Keeping the record of the habitat locations of endangered species and observing the variations in their environmental factors will help the authorities to study the causes that threaten the life of these species. These observations can be further useful to prevent global extinction by rehabilitating their populations and restoring habitats. In the article we create point vector data in GIS tool.

GIS technology is an effective tool for managing, analyzing, and visualizing wildlife data to target areas where monitoring and managing is required. GIS technology helps in tracking the migration patterns, mapping biodiversity, and habitat suitability models which provide analysis for animals to locate their habitat locations in suitable environmental conditions. 

Consider that a wildlife conservationist wants to map the habitat locations of endangered animals in India and keep track of the factors such as total strength, temperature, precipitation, food, water, etc. There are a lot of GIS applications available, but only IGISMap meets the requirements creating a map and hosting the map. Create Point Data tool of IGISMap can be used to plot locations and point objects as a point vector data model.

Map habitat locations of endangered species

Users can rely on the Create Point Data tool of IGISMap application to plot the habitat locations of endangered animals as given below.

Final Map of Habitat Locations - Create Point Vector Data
Final Map of Habitat Locations

GIS data created in IGISMap can be shared via links or embed in websites. More information based on these locations can be added as attributes in the datatable. Attribute information in the datatable can be queried using the Proximity Analysis tool of IGISMap. Let’s look into the steps on how the habitat location map can be created and further used for the protection of endangered animals.

To navigate to the IGISMap Create Point Data tool, click the below link

Adding the points of habitat locations of endangered animals

First step is to Add Points, where we can start plotting the habitat locations as points, in the form of pins. IGISMap provides you with three features for plotting points: Drop Points, Search Address, and Lat Lon Values.

plot endangered animals locations on the map
Create Point Data tool
  • Let’s select the Drop Points option and zoom to the location with the desired location to plot a pin in that specific location on the map
Drop Points
Drop Points

Everytime when a point gets plotted, a popup will open to enter the attribute values in each attribute field of the habitat locations. Click the Submit button to Submit and save the attribute entries. You can choose to delete the point you plotted by clicking the Delete Point button. Else you can click Skip to close the popup. You can disable the default opening of this popup using the toggle button.

  • Search Address option opens a search address box, where you can enter an address and choose the right option from the dropdown list, then click the Plot button to plot a point on that location.
  • Lat Lon Values will open two boxes to enter latitude and longitude values of the location you want to plot, Plot Location button in this option will plot a pin at the location you have entered.

A plotted point can be moved to a different location by click and drag to the desired location

Note: If the Drop Points option is active for dropping pins, it should be unselected for selecting the plotted pins to open the attribute popup.

After making all the changes, click on the Save and Publish button to publish the GIS data of habitat locations.

Review and Edit the Datatable of the Data

Save and Publish button will publish the point location of endangered animals as point GIS data layer. The default name of the published layer will be point1 that can be edited any time. Show/Edit Datatable section will also open, where attribute fields and attribute values of each location can be edited, updated or deleted.

Option to update the data table as bulk is available in this section. Here the whole datatable can be downloaded in Excel format using Download Datatable button. And to make the changes outside IGISMap, then upload the edited/updated spreadsheet file using Upload Datatable button. Further, integrate with the same point data of habitat locations.

Show/Edit Datatable
Show/Edit Datatable

Here the Back button is present for going back to the Add Points section to add more points or click Next option to proceed further.

Styling The Habitat Location Points Of Endangered Species

A map will become more meaningful if appropriate icons and colors are used to visualize the features of the map. IGISMap provides – Bubble Style and Icon Style for point GIS data. Icon Styling has two more options – Basic Icon and Category Icon styling.

In basic styling, users can use different styling options for the pin. In Basic Icon styling, user can select any of the icons to represent the point locations.

Basic Icon Styling
Basic Icon Styling

Check this article to understand How to style point GIS data categorically using Icon Style tool

Here we are going to style our data using Bubble Style. Bubble style is used to visualize the data quantitatively based on the numerical fields in the datatable. We can assign the size and color of the bubble for each class of values.

Bubble Styling
Bubble Styling

Check this article understand How to create Bubble Map for point GIS data

IGISMap provides direct access to Icon Style and Bubble Style tools from an existing map, where you can style point GIS data published in that map

It’s done! Now if the user wants to add more points, click on Create more points on the layer option. If the user wants to create a new layer, select Create New Layer option.

Add Points feature is available in the More section of the layer which will allow to add more points and attribute informations to the data you created.

More options
More options

Embedding Map In Your Website

Now lets embed the map of habitat location in a website. For this, click the button at the top right, where you will reach the UI to control the sharing of this map.

Share Map
Share Map

Enable and provide the necessary components of the Share Map and click Next button. Now select the Embed Map option and click Embed Map button.

Embed Map
Embed Map

A popup appears with html iframe code

HTML Iframe Link
HTML Iframe Link

Copy this link from the popup and attach it to your website. Check the article Share your Map to understand more about Share Map feature of IGISMap.

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Check the following IGISMap tools:

Plot ATM locations on a map and embed on your website

Consider that you are an engineer working for the technical support team in a bank. And you were asked to host a web map of the ATM locations under your branch. This same map should be later available to dynamically visualize the transactions associated with each ATM in a quantitative representation. In this article, you will learn how to plot atm/shop locations on map and embed it on your website.

There are limited GIS software and online tools where you can do this job. Most of them are limited to any single service, ie., either creating a map and hosting the map on a website, but IGISMap allows you to do both. IGISMap is a GIS based web platform providing multiple GIS applications that are most important in the field of geospatial analytics. The peculiarity of IGISMAP in the GIS Industry is its UI/UX which helps the user to perform effortless geospatial operations. GIS tools of IGISMAP allow you to Add Your Data, Create Your Data, Map Your Data, Style Your Data, Process Your Data, and Analyze Your Data, and additionally, it helps you to share your Data privately or publicly.

How to Plot ATM/shop locations on map

Create Point Data tool of IGISMap is a powerful GIS tool to plot point vector data to represent locations and point objects with single latitude and longitude values. Using Create Point Data tool, we can create an interactive map of ATM locations like the following.

Map of ATM Locations
Map of ATM Locations

Lets walk through each step of the Create Point Data tool to create a map like this and share with your team.

  • First, you need to log in to IGISMap from If you haven’t signed up for IGISMap, click the Sign Up button to create an IGISMap account.
  • After Logging In, you will be directed to the dashboard of your IGISMap account.
  • From the dashboard, click on the Create Point Data tab to open the tool as shown below.
plot atm/shop locations on the map
Create Point Data tool

Start Plotting Points for the ATM Locations

First step is Add Points, where we can start plotting the ATM locations as points, in the form of pins. IGISMap provides you with three features for plotting points: Drop Points, Search Address, and Lat Lon Values.

  • Let’s select the Drop Points option and zoom to the location with the desired ATM Machine to plot a pin in that specific location on the map
Create Point Data - Add Points - Drop Points - plot the atm/shop location on map
Add Points – Drop Points
  • Search Address option opens a search address box, where you can enter an address and choose the right option from the dropdown list, then click the Plot button to plot a point on that location.
  • Lat Lon Values will open two boxes to enter latitude and longitude values of the location you want to plot, Plot Location button in this option will plot a pin at the location you have entered.

Also, a popup will open for entering attribute values in each attribute field for that atm location when a point is plotting. Click the Submit button to Submit the save the attribute entries. You can choose to delete the point you plotted by clicking the Delete Point button. You can disable the default opening of this popup using the toggle button.

Create Point Data - Add Points - Enable/Disable Popup

But we can open this popup anytime while plotting, by simply clicking on an existing pin.

Note: If the Drop Points option is active for dropping pins, it should be unselected for selecting the plotted pins to open the attribute popup.

After plotting every desired ATM location for our data, click the Save and Publish button to publish your data in the map.

Review and Edit the Datatable

After the atm location is published, Show/Edit Datatable section will be open. Here you can edit the attribute values entered for each point location after clicking the button in the data table along each row in the data table. You can also choose to delete a point by clickingbutton.

Create Point Data - Show/Edit Datatable - plot the atm/shop location on map

Options to edit or delete the attribute fields are also available in this step along with the option to add new attribute fields to this data. If you thought of adding more points to the data of ATM Locations, select the Back button to go to the Add Points section, where you can add more points and make changes to the already published data.

Option to update the data table as bulk is available in this section. Where the whole data table can be downloaded in Excel format using Download Datatable button. And to make the changes outside IGISMap, then upload the edited/updated spreadsheet file using Upload Datatable button and integrate with the same point data of ATM locations. 

After making all the changes in the datatable, let’s move to the styling section by clicking the Next button to finish plotting.

Style Your ATM Location Points

A map will become more meaningful if appropriate icons and colors are used to visualize the features of the map. In IGISMap styling options, Bubble Style and Icon Style are provided for point GIS data.

Check this article understand How to create Bubble Map for point GIS data.

Here we are going to style our data using Icon Style. In Icon Styling, IGISMap provides two more options – Basic and Category styling. For now, let’s make it simple by providing an appropriate pin icon for styling the ATM location points. And apply it on the ATM Locations data as follows.

Check this article to understand How to style point GIS data categorically using Icon Style tool.

Create Point Data - Edit Style - plot the atm/shop location on map
Edit Style

IGISMap provides direct access to Icon Style and Bubble Style tools from an existing map, where you can style point GIS data published in that map

Embed Your ATM Locations Map in a Website

As the data is created completely and styled appropriately, let’s embed the map of ATM Locations in a website. For this, click the button at the top right, where you will reach the UI to control the sharing of this map.

Share Map - plot the atm/shop location on map
Share Map

Once the components are enabled and disabled as desired. After that click the Next button to proceed to the step of copying the iframe link to embed in a website.

Share Map - Embed Map
Share Map – Embed Map
Link to Embed Map - plot the atm/shop location on map
Link to Embed Map

Copy the HTML code link and embed it on your website. Thus the map will be available as interactive as below.

Afterward merge the data table of the ATM Locations with the transaction data of each ATMs. Furthermore, for quantitative visualization, we can use Bubble Style. The style will apply automatically to your website. So with the following steps, you can plot atm/shop locations on a map and embed them on your website.

Article Share your Map will help you understand more about Share Map feature of IGISMap.

Other articles:
Check the following IGISMap tools:

Download Denmark Administrative Boundary Shapefiles – Regions, Municipalities, Postal Areas and More

Hello GIS enthusiasts, IGISMAP has now published the latest GIS vector data of Denmark administrative levels. Links for downloading the shapefiles of the important administrative divisions of Denmark are provided in the following. You can also download these data in KML, GeoJSON or CSV formats. 


  • All data available are in GCS datum EPSG:4326 WGS84 CRS (Coordinate Reference System).
  • You need to login for downloading the shapefile.

Download Free Shapefile Data of Denmark

Denmark is a Nordic country in Northern Europe. It is the most populous and politically central constituent of the Kingdom of Denmark, a constitutionally unitary state that includes the autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands and Greenland in the North Atlantic Ocean. European Denmark is the southernmost of the Scandinavian countries, lying southwest of Sweden, south of Norway, and north of Germany. Spanning a total area of 42,943 km2 (16,580 sq mi), it consists of the peninsula of Jutland and an archipelago of 443 named islands, of which the largest are Zealand, Funen and the North Jutlandic Island. Denmark’s geography is characterized by flat, arable land, sandy coasts, low elevation, and a temperate climate. As of 2022, it had a population of 5.88 million (1 March 2022), of which 800,000 live in the capital and largest city, Copenhagen.

Denmark National Boundary
Denmark National Boundary

Download Denmark National Outline Boundary Shapefile

Download Denmark Regions Shapefile Data

Denmark is divided into 5 regions. The governing bodies of the regions are the regional councils, each with forty-one councillors elected for four-year terms.

Following are the list of regions:

  1. Hovedstaden – Capital Region of Denmark
  2. Midtjylland – Central Denmark Region
  3. Nordjylland – North Denmark Region
  4. Sjælland – Region Zealand
  5. Syddanmark – Region of Southern Denmark
Denmark Region Boundaries
Denmark Region Boundaries

Download Denmark Region Boundaries Shapefile

Download Denmark Municipalities Shapefile Data

Denmark Municipality Boundaries
Denmark Municipality Boundaries

Download Denmark Municipality Boundaries Shapefile

Download Denmark Postal Areas Shapefile Data

Denmark Postal Area Boundaries
Denmark Postal Area Boundaries

Download Denmark Postal Area Boundaries Shapefile

Other Administrative Boundary Data:

Other GIS Data:

Please note that the Papua New Guinea data provided here is license under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Please review the same before using it. If you want data under different license you can also look over to the post : Download Free Shapefile Maps – Country Boundary Polygon, Rail-Road, Water polyline etc

Download Free Shapefile for the following:

  1. World Countries Shapefile
  2. Australia
  3. Argentina
  4. Austria
  5. Belgium
  6. Brazil
  7. Canada
  8. Denmark
  9. Fiji
  10. Finland
  11. Germany
  12. Greece
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Ireland
  16. Italy
  17. Japan
  18. Kenya
  19. Lebanon
  20. Madagascar
  21. Malaysia
  22. Mexico
  23. Mongolia
  24. Netherlands
  25. New Zealand
  26. Nigeria
  27. Papua New Guinea
  28. Philippines
  29. Poland
  30. Russia
  31. Singapore
  32. South Africa
  33. South Korea
  34. Spain
  35. Switzerland
  36. Tunisia
  37. United Kingdom Shapefile
  38. United States of America
  39. Vietnam
  40. Croatia
  41. Chile
  42. Norway

Disclaimer : If you find any shapefile data of country provided is in correct do contact us or comment below, so that we will correct the same in our system as well we will try to correct the same in openstreetmap.

Query GIS Data – IGIS Map Tool – Now known as MAPOG

To Query GIS Data easily with IGIS map tool, we can use the Query tool.  A GIS query tool, or selection tool as it is often know, allows us to filter a dataset based on criteria that we define.

Querying in IGIS Map Tool allows user to explore your data with rule based queries. User can discover their features of interest contained within the map by querying. IGIS Map tool allow users to build their own queries that we may not have envisaged when we first created the map. It also query GIS data according to their choice.

Query GIS Data – MapOG Tool

Query tools allow maps users to do more than what the map maker envisioned when they styled the layers. Here are the few steps to be followed for querying the map.

Query GIS data

  • Upload dataset and create a new map project Or Open your existing map project.
  • Or Download GIS data for analysis

Query GIS Data

  • Select the “Query tool” option on the Analysis Section.

  • Select the Layer to query GIS data.

Query GIS Data

All the layers in your map are available in this section, you just need to select the layer in which you want to query in.

  • Confirm a shape i.e. circle , rectangle or polygon to draw a query.

User just need to select the shape and start drawing the shape on the map to query the data. similarly as above image shows the queried data as highlighted which is queried by a rectangle.

  • Click on the Get result button after drawing the shape. You can view the result in as tables and also download them as CSV Format.

Query GIS Data

This is how you can Query GIS Data with the IGIS Map Tool in a minute. Query tools allow maps users to do more than what the map maker envisioned when they styled the layers.

IGIS Map Query Tool can be used in various sectors like Insurance, Banking, Risk Management etc. There are also other query tools available in the market.  mapOG tool however, is a much better choice to Query GIS Data if you want to share your maps with a larger, more distributed audience.

This may help you to Query GIS Data with IGIS Map Tool. If you find any problem in creating one such example do let us know by commenting below.

Introduction of QGIS 3.4.4 for beginners

Quantum Geographical Information System is a open source platform for viewing, editing, managing and analysis of spatial data with various features which makes your analysis better. As we need word processor to deal with words similar to this for spatial information we require GIS application. In this blog I am providing Introduction of QGIS 3.4.4 for beginners. QGIS 3.2.1 ‘Bonn’ is released on 20 July 2018. QGIS 3.6.2 is the current version but its functionality is same as QGIS 3.4.4.  With the help of QGIS you can also create Interactive Web Map. 

Want to convert Shapefile into KML in QGIS 

QGIS supports both flavours of GIS datasets i.e Vector data formats and Raster data formats.

Download QGIS

You can also create map without using QGIS Click

QGIS 3.4.4 Interface or GUI

With the current version QGIS 3.2.1 many new features are added. Here we approach its feature one by one. You can also check How to open and view vector data in QGIS 3.4.4

QGIS desktop screen

Introduction of QGIS 3.2.1 for beginners
Introduction of QGIS 3.2.1 for beginners

Components of GUI

Main area of QGIS is called as canvas. Likewise other GIS applications toolbars, panels, status bar and menu bar is also. Lets start its study in brief.

Introduction of QGIS 3.2.1 for beginners

1. Menu Bar –

In the above image 1 number is showing main menu bar. You can access almost everything of QGIS from main menu. You can use various features and functions of the QGIS menu style. The Main Menu cannot be moved unlike the toolbars and panels.

2. Toolbar –

Toolbars have buttons that provide a one click access (i.e. shortcuts) to many of the features and functions found in the Main Menu. Toolbars are movable and free floating.

3. Canvas or Map Display Panel –

It shows geographic display of GIS layer or panel layers. It covers maximum area off course because of its function. Create a Basic Map on canvas

4. Browser Panel –

It provides a list of files on your computer. You can drag and drop GIS files into the Layers Panels to view them. This panel is movable and can be hidden/shown on the GUI. We can display it by right click at tool bar and choose the panels you want to use.

5. Layer Panel –

This panel shows map layers that are in your current project. Layers can be turned on/off, clubbed , change drawing order, etc. Extract or Select features in Layer.

6. Status Bar –

It display all the relevant information about the current project. It  shows the current scale of the map display, coordinates of the current mouse cursor position,and the coordinate reference system (CRS) of the project.

Now, you get familiar with QGIS interface, how it works, what is the need. Hope this post is beneficial for amateur GIS professional. If you face any problem in downloading QGIS and in using QGIS 3.2.1 desktop drop you comments. Any suggestions are welcome.

Furthermore,  you can also check QGIS Server – Configuration and Deploying QGIS Project , QGIS Servr – Installation in Ubuntu

QGIS Tutorial: