
GIS for Travels And Tourism

We all love to travel, some travel for peace, some travel for business, some travel for a break from regular schedule and then some travel for experience. As they say ‘Don’t tell me how much educated you are, tell me how much you have traveled’. Traveling gives enormous experience, it fills up  your soul, gives you a change, provides you with the peace of mind. Do you think to travel is an easy task ? Of course, travelling is very tempting, but to plan a trip is surely not a tempting thing, for it takes a lot of efforts and proper knowledge of the routes and the place. So, for keep the planning thing easy we have GIS maps. GIS maps offers some major benefits to Travels and tourism sector.

Benefits of GIS for Travels and Tourism

  1. Visualization of tourist Spot
  2. tourist location
  3. Route Planning
  4. Accommodation
  5. Cultural events and special attractions.
GIS for Travels And Tourism
GIS for Travels And Tourism

Lets see how these benefits are offered by GIS to travels and tourism sector .

Visualization Of Tourist Spot

Travels and Tourism is one of the wide and important industry, which is spread over all corner of the world. When you are travelling to a new place it is the responsibility of the travels and tourism business holder, to welcome their guests by making them visit every tourist spot. But for that we need to know the tourist spot of that place. So, in such cases GIS maps are very Useful. GIS maps helps in marking and finding out the tourist place, and through GIS ,customers can visualize those spots they are planning to visit.

Tourist Location

GIS helps in finding the tourist location to the travels and tourism business holders and their customers. With the help of GIS they can easily visualize the location while sitting at home and can also plan a tour to it, with the proper planning of your tour.

Route Planning

So, if you are planning a tour to a new state, then how would you be travelling there? how are you going to reach there ? So, for that we need not only navigation but a proper and efficient route. In such cases GIS maps are very useful, as they can help you in making the proper route for your tour. With the help of GIS you can plan your route by making the best efficient routes and can choose one of them that is more feasible to you.


Travelling to a new place, that is so exciting, but you get stuck when it comes to the food and stay, that means about your accommodation. GIS maps can help you out with this major problem. As we know, now we can look for the hotels and restaurants of any area very easily over Maps. Hence, You do not need to worry about the accommodation facility. All you need to do is just use GIS maps and get the best accommodation facility to stay according to your preferences, which is nearby to the tourist spots you are going to visit.

Cultural Events and Special attraction

We travel to explore new places and the culture and special attraction of that place. So, for finalizing your tour you can use GIS maps. GIS maps is mostly used by the travelers and tourist to finalize their place to visit on the basis of the special attraction of that place and its culture. With GIS one can easily look for the cultural events and special attraction, moreover the business holders can also update such locations in the map.

These are the Some major benefits which GIS provides to Tour and travels industry. If you know any other such benefits of the GIS for tours and travels industry, do let us know by commenting below in the comment box of GIS for travels and Tourism industry.

5 Helpful GIS Mobile Applications – Free GIS App

GIS Stands for Geographic Information System. GIS is helping everyone in every field.  Be it Telecom industry, Medical industry, Agriculture Sector, and there are many more industries which are using GIS on a regular basis.

So, to provide an ease of GIS, so many mobile applications are now available. So, here we are to introduce you with the best GIS applications for Android And IOS. In case if you have not visited our Previous article use of GIS – 16 different industries covered. Here is the link.

5 Helpful GIS Mobile Applications
5 Helpful GIS Mobile Applications

5 Helpful GIS Mobile Applications – Free GIS App

  1. MapIt
  2. SW Maps 
  3. Map With Us 
  4. MapPt 
  5. Locus GIS

These are the best 5 GIS applications for android and IOS. Lets Check what are the specialty of each of these GIS applications for Android and IOS.

1. MapIt – GIS Mobile application

5 Best GIS Applications for Android and IOS

MapIt is the another GIS application for android users. Mapit is widely used and one of the popular mobile application which is used for several purpose like environmental surveys,woodland surveys, road constructions, land surveying ,tree surveys, site surveys and soil samples gathering.

These are the sectors using MapIt GIS application, for Performing following functions –

  • Direct export to Dropbox or FTP location.
  • It has possibility to record multiple points ,lines and polygons on one layer.
  • Import/export attributes from file and much more to discover.
  • Address and location search .
  • You can also create new polygon or line features measurement details like area or length are also available.
  • possibility to group data into several layers.
  • it also allows you to local export or remote export.
  • It has Clusters for point map markers, efficient way of having large number of points on the map without performance issues.
  • support for WMS and ArcGIS .
  • it has possibility to create and maintain sets of attributes .
  • It provides base Map : Google Map, Bing Maps, Open street Maps, Mapbox.

Download MapIt from Here 

2. SW Maps – GIS Mobile application

5 Best GIS Applications for Android and IOS

SW maps is a free GIS application which helps you in collecting, sharing and representing Geographic information. No matter whether you are conducting full scale GNSS survey with high precision instruments,need to collect large amount of  location based data using nothng but your phone,or just need to view a few shapefiles with labels over a background map on the go, SW Maps has it all covered.

SW Maps is one of the useful GIS application having following features :

  • Conduct high accuracy GPS surveys using external RTK capable receivers over blue tooth.
  • Draw features on the map by adding markers and measure distance and area.
  • online base maps are also available : Google Maps or open street view.
  • Support for mbtiles and KML over lays
  • it provides shape files layers, with categorized styling.
  • It also allows you to connect with external GPS.
  • draw point,line and polygons.
  • You can also label features based on attribute values.
  • you can also share and export the data in KMZ files

These are all about the SW Maps GIS application. you can download the SW Maps from here 

3. Map with Us – GIS Mobile application

5 Best GIS Applications for Android and IOS

Map With us is one of the GIS application which is freely available on the google play store.Which provides following benefits to you :

  • Geolocate and upload photos,videos and audio
  • you can collect and edit the data in the field using custom data collection templates
  • Useful for business professionals
  • You will be able to easily export the collected data to KML files or shape files.
  • You can also import your KML or shape files to MapWithUs system.

These are the functions you can perform with Map with us GIS application. You can also download Map with us from here .

You can also check its iOS application here.

4. MapPt – GIS Mobile application

5 Best GIS Applications for Android and IOS

MapPt is one of the useful application which is available in 130 countries and in industries spanning from education and agriculture. This app is widely used by the people from below sectors :

  • Field mapping
  • Land surveying
  • Vegetation  Management
  • Forestry Planning
  • Environmental management
  • incident reporting
  • Farm Mapping
  • Mine management
  • Government Planning

People are using Map with us because of the below functions that they can perform with it :

  • It allows you to create,edit,store and share all types of geospatial information.
  • You can geotagged photos and gridding.
  • Create points,polygons.polylines.
  • Import and export popular GIS formats such as shapefiles, JP2,  and kml/kmz.
  • You can drop down forms for faster data collection.
  • Geofencing capabilities make sure you never breach a  boundary.
  • you can also share the data between popular cloud storage like Google drive.

Download MapPt Application from here

5.Locus GIS – Mobile Application

Locus GIS is a newly built app for the GIS professionals and enthusiasts. It is one of the GIS application for android and IOS users. This GIS application allows you to do following functions :

  • you can create your projects
  • you can also export the collected data to SHP file is fully compatible with ArcGIS Software
  • Select premium online and offline maps
  • It also provides advanced map tools like – map overlays,offsets,WMS sources support.
  • It also forecast the worldwide weather 24*7.

“Locus GIS application in beta version, which is valid till the end of 2017.”

5 Best GIS Applications for Android and IOS

  • Download Locus GIS from here 

These are all the 5 Helpful GIS Mobile Applications – Free GIS Apps available free of cost. If you know about any other such app do let us know by commenting below in the comment section of the 5 GIS applications for mobile which are helpful.

GIS In Insurance Industry

Humans are so clever that they easily secure their insecurity. We are afraid of loss. Be it our favorite bike, our expensive phone, our newly bought car, or our life. But we also want to secure our these insecurities and the solution for all of them is Insurance. Here we are going to discuss about the use of GIS in Insurance Industry. The insurance involves the insured or people  assuming a guaranteed and known relatively small loss in the form of payment to their  insurer or insurance company in exchange for the insurer’s promise to compensate the insured people in the event of a covered loss. In this modern society, you can get insurance of almost anything you want, it can be a phone or an island.Using GIS in Insurance
Industry is one of the highly profitable industries initiative in today’s time.

GIS In Insurance Industry

GIS can provides Insurance companies every location-based insight they need and It can also be used as Risk Manager as It uses smart maps, data analysis and all of the features for controlling risks and managing business strategies of Insurance companies.

Insurance companies also uses tools like Insurance Management GIS Web/App Development – Cost, Time – Map Tool. Visit the link for more information about the tool. lets get back to ask what is the major pillar of the Insurance company business and i think the answer is Location Information.

Location Information, like knowing about where your assets are located
and their closeness to hazards, is essential when developing risk
profiles for the Insurance Industries. GIS dispense tools that allow users to combine location-based data, such as road entry, and traffic
flow patterns, to make more informed decisions. This kinds of
information helps insurers to fulfill the requirements of their customers.

Benefits of GIS in Insurance Industry

GIS in Insurance Industry has the range of functions which allows the use of policyholders data and spatial analysis to effectively serve customers and monitor fraudulent activities by embracing location-based intelligence. Over the years, Insurance companies are getting really good at calculating risk because they hold a lot of risk.

GIS helps Insurance companies offer such low premiums for the high value insurances because with the help of GIS one Insurance company can divide a state into thousands of territory, which also divides the premium amount one has to pay.

GIS provides Geo-fencing, which is a virtual barrier in the real world. Geo-fencing is used in ca-rental or car-share to understand the limits of speed or drinking .

Uses of GIS in Insurance Industry

  • Insurance Risk Assessment : GIS understands the disaster proximity to improve the Insurance risk assessment. GIS helps location analytics provides an easy way for insurance companies to discover unknown problems, model situations, and implement the best solutions to minimize  risk. Insurance risk assessment uses GIS to predict the risk. the level of risk decides the premium value. Higher risk extends higher premiums and  lower premiums are for areas with less risk.

Risk assessment - GIS Insurance Industry

  • Claims Management : Insurance companies get the understanding about the Risk location and customers location from GIS. which helps in processing claims with respect to compensation, restoration, and repayment in response to the damage of the customers. This is the proactive approach to responding to customers with their claims rapidly and in an organized-way.

Claims - GIS Insurance Industry

  • Territory Management: GIS helps Insurance companies in their territory management and the analysis shows how geography interacts with hazards and assets to help companies limit risk. GIS helps in implanting and deploying the networks necessary to operate efficiently in your territory.

territory - GIS Insurance Industry

  • Comparing Business Measures : You can easily map business measures and compare them with the help of GIS In Insurance Industry. It can validate various locations and  visualize loss patterns on an interactive and beautiful maps.

The insurance industry expects to see more growth in Geo-spatial information in insurance as major players are getting involved in the technology. And this is why they have major needs of Insurance management tools. Do let us know how this Article is helpful for you, by commenting below in the comment box.

GIS in Logistics

Logistics is the only one business which is the basic requirement of all the other businesses. Today every business has a need of transportation. Every business needs their products to come in the reach of general public. As it is known that the transportation basically relies on the routes. So in that case GIS and logistics are the counterparts of one coin. GIS would be the most optimum tool for the efficient logistics services.  So, lets check how can we use GIS in Logistics.

What is logistics ?

Logistics is a service providing industry, which provides services to the other business and to the individuals as well. The main service provided by the Logistics is Transportation. We need transportation every now and then. But these logistics services are highly used by the product based industries.

Lets see how helpful is GIS in logistics :

GIS is one of the major player of the logistics industry. GIS helps the Logistics for following aspects :

  • Pre-Planning
    1.  Allocating the resources
    2. Transportation routing
  • Navigation
  • Fleet Management
    1. GPS tracking
    2. Vehicle Finance
  • Cost Reduction.

The help provided by GIS in Logistics is performing all these tasks efficiently. Lets move further with the briefing of these tasks and the help that GIS provides.

GIS in Logistics

GIS for Pre Planning:

Pre planning refers to the making plans prior to the time of  providing services. For pre planning we have two major constraints they are :

  • Allocating the resources
  • Transportation Routing

lets discuss these two in a brief that how We use GIS for these two tasks of pre planning.

Allocation of the Resources : The First and the Foremost function of the Pre planning is to allocate the resources efficiently. But how? So, whenever we receive a new order we can look for our resources which are close to the location and can reach there to load the stuffs with the optimum efficiency. So, you can do this by using any GIS application like Google maps or any other Customized apps created for the Logistics service provider.

Transportation Routing : Providing a service and providing effective and efficient service both are far different having a slim line difference. That is the service is on time , without making any defects to the products. So we can route the resources with the help of GIS applications like maps. So maps will show you the best route, the shortest routes from loading  Location to the Delivery  Location.

Transportation Routing - GIS in Logistics

Navigation :

Navigation is again the way to get the routes which we have planned before leaving for the delivery of the products to the respective location. So GIS would be helping the Driver on route to get the navigation according to the planned route.

Navigation - GIS in Logistics

Fleet Management :

Fleet Management refers to the Management of the vehicle. In logistics Fleet management refers to the Management of the commercial vehicles. Such as – Trucks, Cars, Van, aircraft.  So management of these Vehicles includes vast functions like financing, investing , insurance, maintenance. Driver management, speed management, health and safety management and last but not the least is fuel Management.

Under Fleet management we have following constraints :

  • GPS tracking
  • Vehicle Finance

GPS Tracking : GPS Tracking is a useful tool for the admin and the customers. Gone are the days when the admin used to call the driver for getting their locations updates, but now there is no need of calling to the driver and getting the updates. As GIS would do that for Admin and customers, they can easily get the location of the Vehicle in real time with the help of GPS devices wich are inbuilt in the vehicle. So this decreases the chances of be fooling the admin or customers.

Vehicle finance : Vehicle finance refers to the monetary aspect of the logistics. This includes the amount of investment in a vehicle in the form of its maintenance, insurance, fuel etc.  All these factors make a budget for the individual trips of the vehicle. As according to the budget they cost their customers. So Budget has to be very specific and accurate. For making the accurate budget GIS can help you. As you can locate your resources and can send them according to the locations, such that you can calculate the cost  by calculating the distance and the estimated time of all the options Available and can send the vehicle according to your preference, that is the one which costs least.

Cost Reduction/Efficiency :

GIS leads to the cost efficiency of the company as they can decide the routes according to their choice of either having or not having the tolls in the route, by choosing the shortest route for the transportation. Shortest route will save time, so the another trip can be arranged in the remaining time, fuel would be less consumed for the shortest routes.


Now that we have discussed every feature in which we can use GIS in Logistics. So, we would  like you to share your views and experience with us by commenting below in the comment box. Suggestions are welcome.


GIS in Disaster Management

GIS stands for geographical information system. It helps in navigating the directions,locating the places,measuring the distance. In respect of the Locations,Directions one can make every possible use of GIS. GIS is useful for various sectors like Government, Travels and tourism, and many more. Disaster management system also uses the GIS as to make us aware about any kind of natural disaster like flood, earthquake, cyclone etc. So let us check the usage of GIS in Disaster Management.

GIS in Disaster Management:

Before knowing The importance of GIS in Disaster management, lets  understand what disaster management is and how it is useful for the society.

What is Disaster management ?

Disaster Management is a sector which serves the society by making them aware of the possibilities  of  any natural calamities . They make a proper plan of rescue and evacuation.

How GIS is useful in disaster management :

Now That we had a brief of disaster management, lets discuss how would they make use of GIS in their working. GIS is helping every sector and so does it with the Disaster management. So lets first see the primary work of the Disaster management sector. Then later on we will  discuss how GIS helps them to fulfill their primary duties.

Primary Responsibilities of Disaster management :

following are the primary responsibilities of disaster management :

  • Know about the disaster prone area.
  • Planning safety measures.
  • Planning rescue and evacuation.
  • Rehabilitation And post disaster management

These are the main functions of the Disaster management. Now lets learn more about them in a brief .

Disaster Prone Area :

The first and the foremost task of Disaster management is to identify the disaster prone areas of a country.

With the help of GIS, Managers can Identify the areas which are likely to be affected by any disaster, this can be based on the previous data .

Disaster Prone Area - GIS in Disaster management

Planning safety measures :

The another responsibility of the Disaster management is to take the safety measures and making people aware of these measures. Disaster management department plans the safety measures with the help of maps or any GIS tool in the following way :

  • Creation of the maps for different disasters : As we know we can create the personalized maps, so you can use any GIS tool to create different maps for the different regions according to the nature of the disaster.
  • Planning the pre disaster things : Pre disaster thing like identifying number of construction site and the safety measures are identified on the basis of the past data by locating on the maps, and by researching the areas where adversity is highly likely to happen.
  • Identifying the medicals and hospitals for treatment nearby : One can identify the nearby hospitals for the treatment of the victims.

planning - GIS in Disaster management

Planning rescue and evacuation :

Disaster management plans the rescue and evacuation of the people, who get stuck in the calamity. GIS helps in planning the evacuation and rescue route, whether it should be by road, by water or by air whichever will be the safest.

GIS will help to Find out the alternate ways to shelters,camps  one can easily look for the nearby places where shelters and camps can be organized with the help of map.

rescue - GIS in Disaster management

Rehabilitation and post disaster management :

Disaster  management sector make plans for the rehabilitation of the place and people post the occurrence of the disaster.

GIS will help Identifying the safe location for rehabilitation that are locations as well as zones for the rehabilitation of the victims nearby the affected place. for getting the mapping of the whole affected area we will be using GIS in Disaster Management.

How GIS helps in performing the primary functions :-

GIS is a geographical information system which gives the geographical information to the consumers. so now that we have been through the primary functions of the disaster management sector, and how they use GIS in Disaster Management for performing their function.

So GIS helps them to identify the areas which are disaster prone, How they can plan the rescue and evacuation of the affected people in any area. How to rehabilitate the area and region and managing the post disaster conditions. Thereafter, they also take the safety measures in order to prevent the highly effected  area and people. As we know that ‘Precaution is always better than cure’.

So, This is how Disaster Management is using GIS for performing their tasks more efficiently. Using GIS in Disaster Management is one of the best method to have some control over the calamities.  Do let us know how this Article is helpful for you, by commenting below in the comment box.


Business Continuity Planning – GIS Solutions

In this post we are going to discuss about Business Continuity Planning and GIS solutions in it. GIS stands for geographic information system. GIS is more than just providing locations and navigation. Though these are the basic functions of the GIS, but these basic functions has more user than just an individual. There are many entities which now are using the GIS for their business purpose. One of them is Business Continuity Planning (BCP). BCP is one of the planning part performed by the industries. BCP is the abbreviation for the  term business continuity plan. So lets discuss what is BCP? and how it is useful for the industries? and how do they plan it with the help of GIS?

What Business Continuity Planning is  ?

Basically, the main function of Business Continuity Planning is to make sure that the business is functioning in every adverse condition. As the name implies BCP is a plan made for the continuation of the business workings even when it is not possible to continue with the working. Sometimes it so happens that the conditions are not favorable because of any natural calamity has had happened like flood,earthquake, cyclone or maybe some terrorist activities has been noticed, so in these situation no industry can do the efficient working or least to continue the workings. So in these cases BCP plays a major for the industries.

How Business Continuity Planning Works?

Now that we know the functions of the Business Continuity Planning, lets check how it works. So Basically, The main parts of the BCP are :

  • Planning the alternative site for office.
  • Plan the resources for working there.
  • Making a plan with feasibility.

So BCP is not only about the alternative site, but there is more to it. For Business Continuity Planning we need to analyze the kind of calamities or any such adverse situations which may occur in the region where main office is located. so to find out those regions GIS will help industries.

How GIS can help ?

GIS helps industries to evaluate the factors determining the Business Continuity Planning location. These factors are :

  1. Disaster prone areas
  2. Transportation
  3. Telecommunication
  4. Resources
  5.  Basic necessities

Disaster Prone Area :

With the help of GIS Industry can know the disaster prone area by using maps for the following purpose –

  • To know the flood prone area : Through GIS one can know the flood prone area as on map we can easily identify the blue region area. So we can know that what else calamities are likely to happen here in these regions.
  • To forecast the calamities on the basis of past data : one can forecast the calamities which are probable to occur on the basis of the past data of that region.
  • Know the landscape area : One can easily  know the areas where landscapes are likely to occur like hilly areas.

Disaster - Business Continuity Planning -GIS solutions



Transportation :

Every Business needs a Good transportation service. Specially when it is a logistics business or the product based business. So while looking for the BCP location of your business, you should take care of the transportation factor also. As far as Transportation is concerned GIS can help you in finding the best routes and can help you in navigating through the route. By using GIS tool or maps you can easily evaluate this factor.

Transport - Business Continuity Planning -GIS solutions


Telecommunication :

Without communication no business can sustain in the market. A business needs to communicate in the market with its vendors. So, While planning the Business Continuity Planning the company needs to check the Network availability and the ways in which communications can be done. So, using the GIS they can find locate the areas where there are chances of having the good networks even if any adversity has occur.

Telecom - Business Continuity Planning -GIS solutions



Availability of the resources should be an ease. So while looking for the BCP location of your business you need to research the places where you can have the easy access to the resources and then you can locate that in a map.

Basic Necessities :

Basic necessities may include hospitals, shopping marts, etc all should be in access such that it would motivate employees to work on the Business Continuity Planning locations. GIS or Maps would be a great help in this.



Necessities - Business Continuity Planning -GIS solutions

Instead of all these ways, one can also take the past data which shows when and where such situations had occurred and can locate them easily on the map, which will help them to plan their BCP accordingly.

So, this is how GIS helps in Business Continuity Planning of the company. Do plan BCP for your company and do let us know how this article helped you in making the BCP of your company, by commenting below in the comment box.

GIS Uses and Application – 16 Different Industries Covered

GIS (Geographic information system) is a tool to get Geo spatial information related to any sector. GIS is helping people out here every now and then. People are using GIS to get through the route problems, for finding the locations, and also for making important decision. Curious to know how GIS helps in making the Important decisions? Well!! You are looking for a new place to move in ? okay in that case GIS can help you out by showing the location nearby places and what not. GIS is being used in many Sectors and fields. 16 GIS Uses for different purpose is described below:

Areas of GIS uses :

Okay so you are from agriculture  or a government official or a business man ?? No matter who you are GIS will help you, be it –

  • Telecom sector
  • medical sector
  • Agriculture sector
  • Banking Sector
  • Insurance Sector
  • Logistics
  • Travels & tourism
  • Disaster Management
  • Traffic
  • BCP (Business continuation plan)
  • Crime Mapping
  • Education
  • Economic Development
  • Infrastructure Development
  • Advertisement.

GIS Uses and Application – 16 Different Industries Covered

Now that we have already sorted the sectors where we can use GIS ,lets check how GIS can be useful for these sectors.

1.Telecom Sector:  GIS uses

Telecom sector is one of the vast sector which requires to get the details of all the regions to provide services to the people in each corner of the country. Telecom sector faces many problems which can be easily solved with the help of GIS.

The problems which are faced by Telecom sectors are :

  • Capacity Planning:  The main problem for the telecom sector is the planning of capacity. Capacity here refers to the capacity of network providing , which are the areas where we need to establish more network services. So for establishing network services in those areas they need some resources

So all these things can be easily found out with the help of GIS maps.

  • Market Segmentation: Market segmentation states that its a concept to understand the customers and the use of the product by these customers, and specially to understand the market that needs to be target.
  • Real – time knowledge of Network Structure : Telecom service providers can easily access to the points from where they provide the network service and how strong or weak the signal is in which area. GIS helps  them to analyze the Network structure and status as well.
  • optimum Use of Resources:  GIS system helps the companies to utilize their resources efficiently and effectively, as GIS gives the information about where what is required ,which helps these companies to invest where it is required. This leads to the efficient use of resources.
  • Demand Forecasting : Once the company knows about the target market or target customers , it makes so easy for them to forecast the demand.
Telecom - GIS uses and application
Telecom – GIS uses and application

2.Hospital Industry: GIS uses and application

Hospital industry is the need of today’s era, this is the only industry which is helping us to come out of any severe disease or it helps us whenever we need, they do not see time to serve us. We reach to them in midnight and they will be ready to serve you. So GIS is helping Hospital industry to serve us better in the following ways :

  • Identifying health Trends :  GIS helps this industry to identify and analyze the health trends , like which are the areas that can get affected with any particular disease,which are the areas where cancer patients are more and so on.
  • Tracking the disease spread: GIS helps this industry to look over the spread a disease can cause. How much harmful a disease spread would be.
Hospital - GIS uses and application
Hospital – GIS uses and application
  • Improved Services : GIS helps this industry to grow by providing best services. The services of this industry can be improved on a regular basis with the help of GIS. As GIS would let them know about which are the disease prone area, where what kind of disease can occur.

3.Agriculture: GIS application

Agriculture is the main source of income in many families ,with Agriculture we get our two meals for a day, and it is very essential sector for any economy. We use agricultural products regularly,but have you ever seen a question crossing your mind that how does the agricultural products are produced ? So, there are few factors which can effect the Agriculture tremendously if not considered correct way . They are :

  • Know Land Type:  GIS helps you in looking for the type of land whether it is fertile or non fertile. Fertile land is used for agriculture purpose while non fertile is not usable or agriculture purpose.
  • Weather Prone Area:  GIS helps to locate the weather prone areas which can help the people to plan their agriculture process accordingly.
  • Drought :  GIS helps people to identify the area facing drought such that they can provide the crops to these areas.
  • Water supply:  water plays a major role in planning for agriculture as to we need water for irrigating the crops and that water should be poured to it in the right amount and it should be absorbed by the soil instead of leaking out of farms.

4.Traffic : GIS uses and application

Traffic is such an irresistible thing which has power to irritate us ,to frustrate us and what not?? How great would that be to know the live traffic while leaving from home or office such that you can avoid that congestion?

Know live Congestion or future traffic on Google map
Know live Congestion or future traffic on Google map

You may also check how Google Map can be used for knowing real time traffic and predicting in future.

GIS can help you out with this problem as it can provide you the traffic updates using Real – Time data . Moreover, you can also predict the future traffic situations with the help of GIS. What else do you want?. So avoid the traffic and reach anywhere on time.

5. Economic Development : GIS uses and application

Economic development can be done  using GIS. Basically, Economic development refers to the growth of economies of a country, which can be majorly effected by the business. So, Economic development is looking for the people to plan a business and invest money in it. But the question arises is how GIS can help in economic development?

The answer to this question is that GIS helps in identifying the locations and areas with all the attributes which can make a business grow with a fast or steady pace, GIS will find the best location for you, where you can plan a business and it will help you out with the business growth opportunities as well.

6.Insurance Sector: GIS uses

Insurance Sector is one of the prime sector which is indulged in the all sort of the sectors and individual as well. We all buy insurance policies for our own,for our vehicles,for our mobile phones or for any of our asset. We find insurance a very attractive thing which cover our losses. But have you ever thought that why the claim policies differs from one region to another.

Insurance - GIS uses and application
Insurance – GIS uses and application

The reason for such differences occurs because of many factors out of which geographic conditions plays a major role. So, Insurance sector is highly driven by GIS .GIS helps this sector for following purpose :

  • Disaster Prone Regions: With the help of GIS ,Insurance providers assess the areas which are more disaster prone and what are the things which can be followed as to serve their clients.
  • Risk assessment: Risk assessment is a major part of the insurance policies. People who provides insurance firstly assess the risk.They assess how much risk is included in any region and they make policies according to their assessment of risk.
  • Claim management:  Claim management is followed by the  risk assessment and Risk management done with the help of GIS.
  • Decision making tool:  GIS works as a Decision making tool for the Insurance sector. They People use GIS for making decisions as to where to provide insurance and where to not. If providing it to any one then what should be the claim amount and so on.

7.Banking Sector: GIS application and Use

Banking sector helps in the proper flow of the money. Basically banking sector provides services for depositing money , providing loans, withdrawing money and what not. So  basically the thing is to maintain the cash outflow and inflow in  the bank and outer economy also.

Now days Banks are also into other activities and providing other services as well to generate the profits and making the customers look for more opportunities. So,all these activities becomes much easier with the help of the GIS.

GIS help Banks to maintain a good database of the customers. With the help of GIS,Banks can easily do the following process:

  • Customer Database : GIS helps banks  to maintain and visualize the  data of customers as they will know from where we have the more customer,how many customers are from which region and belongs to which age group
  • Market Analysis:  Banks do analysis of the market trends and allow the people from different area and regions to bank with them.
  • Focused Marketing: Focused marketing can be done very easily as banks can do the market analysis with the help of GIS. This Analysis can make Banks do marketing for the focused areas,regions,people.
  • Better Services: GIS make Banks to serve best to their customer as to they can know the area where customer needs to be focused.

8.Logistics: GIS uses

Logistics, in a layman language we can call it as transportation. We all use transportation for moving our luggage,our vehicles and for many things. So, lets check how GIS can be useful for the Logistic service providers:

Tracking - GIS uses and application
Tracking – GIS uses and application
  • Navigation : GIS can help the Logistic service providers in navigating from one place to another,showing them routes and the shortest and the best route to reach their destination.
  • Cost Reduction: GIS helps in navigating and reducing cost also, GIS will make the route and will show the routes out of which you can choose any one whichever you find most suitable.
  • Tracking : Logistics service providers and the customers can also track their orders with the help of GIS.

9.Disaster Management: GIS application and Uses

In every country there is a separate department for Disaster Management. This department is specially organized for looking over the Disaster and how to manage those disaster if any occurs.

Disaster Management - GIS uses and application
Disaster Management – GIS uses and application

This department take very good care of all the disaster related things with the help of GIS , in the following way:

  • Disaster Prone Area: The main and primary function of the Disaster management department is to identify the areas where disaster is more likely to occur. Disaster can be earthquake or flood or any miss happening .
  • Planning of Rescue and evacuation:  They identify the disaster prone areas with the help of GIS, that helps them to look for the rescue and evacuation. They plan how to rescue and evacuate the people from that disaster prone areas, what would be the procedure.
  • No construction Site :  This department makes sure that no construction site is established in these disaster prone areas.
  • Rehabiliation and post disaster Management:  Another main role performed by this department is the rehabiliation of the place and the people which has been effected because of the disaster. They make sure the situation comes back to normal as soon as possible.

10.Education Sector: GIS uses

Education is the basic necessity of the  people now days,Education allow us to grow,explore, and it helps us to make a difference in the society. GIS is also giving something to education sector also.

  • Degree : GIS  is now allowing students to earn a degree in GIS . We know the course as Geo Spatial. Many universities are providing Geo spatial courses to its students.
  • Difference in education system: Students are now looking for the different sectors to make their career in. Students are not looking for the same regular courses rather they are looking for something which would be different than the trending courses as well as should have good opportunities to grow and explore more. GIS is fulfilling this requirement with utmost efficiency which is definitely making a difference in our education system.

11.Travels and tourism : GIS uses and application

Travels and tourism is one of the growing business in today’s era. Travels and tourism sector is highly using GIS to show visualized places to their customers. We all approach to travels and tourism companies to provide us a package tour whenever we go to spend our vacations to a new place. Lets have a look on how Travels and Tourism business holders uses GIS :

Travel - GIS uses and application
Travel – GIS uses and application
  • Visualization of tourist spot:  GIS helps the customers and business as well to visualize all the tourist spot which helps business to attract customers by actually giving them visualized view of the spots, which they would be visiting.
  • Tourist location: GIS helps them to visualize location where they can visit.
  • Route planning : GIS helps in the route planning also.
  • Accommodation : GIS will help you to get the best accommodation facility.
  • Cultural Events and Special attraction :  For looking up to Cultural events and special attraction of any particular area GIS will be very Helpful.

12. BCP (Business continuation plan) : GIS application and uses

BCP or business continuation plan is one of the plan which businesses are implementing in their business. Business continuation plan is one of the way to keep our business working unaffected in adverse conditions. Adverse conditions could be any natural disaster or a human made like terrorist attack. This plan helps in continuation of business working . So to plan BCP business take help of GIS for :

  • Damage Assessment and Repair during Emergencies: GIS is helping to plan BCP by the assessment of the damage that can happen and how to cover up those damages in emergencies.
  • Evacuation:  Evacuation for any damage has to be a planned in prior . With the help of GIS we can make the route for evacuating people out of the affected area.
  • Office Relocation :  At the time of adversities , there might be chances that we need to relocate our office, until everything gets back to normal. With the help of GIS we can get the appropriate location for relocating the office.
  • SCM : SCM or supply chain management is one of the key factor for any business , specially for product providers. They need to supply their products further to its end users. GIS is required to Plan SCM in adversities.
  • Threat Assessment : GIS helps business to assess the threat level before establishing any business in any area, and also for the BCP they assess the level of threat.
  • Weather Mapping:  GIS helps in mapping the weather for any location. GIS  can help you the best to know weather conditions,for your office location.

13. Infrastructure Development : GIS application

GIS is continuously contributing in the development of the society. So now GIS is also contributing in the Development of Infrastructure. Lets see How GIS is helping in the development of the Infrastructure:

Real Estate - GIS uses and application
Real Estate – GIS uses and application
  • Transportation: GIS is helping in the development of transportation facilities as we all know that our success is highly depends on infrastructure development. So, in lieu to it every sector has to be developed.
  • Communication : Communication is the way of conveying our thoughts to other person. So GIS is providing ,the Communication service providers to visualize the network availability in the area.
  • Facilities and amenities : GIS helps to develop infrastructure of the country or society by providing the data of facilities and amenities available in which area , which are the areas lacking behind in terms of facilities and amenities, and also to get the data of the facilities and amenities which are provided.
  • Real Estate:

14. Crime Mapping : GIS uses and application

Today Crime is increasing day by day , people are being unsympathetic to others. Crime has taken a big toll irrespective of the place, be it a small village or a metro city . People are committing crime to satisfy their ego, to get their work done with  a fear and so on. It gets very much difficult to investigate about the crime, people involved , place where it has been done and what not. So we have a solution for all these problems as the Investigating team use GIS for solving any case. Lets see how this team can use GIS for their professional needs:

  • Helps in Law Enforcement : GIS can help in enforcing law to the regions according to the  crime committed in the area.
  • Display Spatial Patterns of events :  GIS helps in visualizing the type or pattern of crime committed in different areas.
  • Investigating Serial Offense :  GIS helps in investigating serial offense as we can reach to the culprit by tracking his location.

15. Advertising Industry : GIS application

In 21st century , marketing and advertising plays a major role in making a business famous and approachable to the people. But we need to understand the areas where we have to advertise or in other words we have to prioritize the users. We should know who are the people going to use your product. GIS can help in this task very easily. Advertising companies use GIS for following :

Advertising - GIS uses and application
Advertising – GIS uses and application
  • Market Segmentation :  Market segmentation is  a process of identifying and dividing the market according to the usage of the product. We can divide the market by age,gender, regions as to identify the people for whom the product is useful and to know the usefulness of the product on map.
  • Target Market : Once the market segmentation is done, we need to target the market. GIS can help us to Visualize the customers from the segmented market.

16. 3D Campus Mapping : GISUses and application

3D campus mapping is the another use of GIS. GIS helps in making the 3D map for campus. These maps are easier to use and way more convenient than other Maps. 3D maps are useful as they provide better understanding of the campus and the building. It makes so easy to find out the locations with the most efficiency. For all these we need GIS to make the 3D map for a campus.

3D campus Map- GIS uses and application
3D campus Map- GIS uses and application

we have gone through all the sectors where GIS can be used or implemented.So use GIS to advertise your product , to attract customers for your tours and travel business and for what not. If any other sector is here , where we can use GIS, do let us know by commenting below in the comment box.

GIS – Best tool to search House Land

Today is the era where we want everything to be visualized. No matter what we are looking for , be it the route to our new office, nearby market places or maybe when you are looking to buy a home or want one on rent. These all are the problems usually faced by people. While these  problems are faced by many people but there is something which can solve all these problems. So the solution to all the problems is GIS- which helps you to search House Land

Best tool to search House Land – GIS

GIS is putting its foot in Housing solutions too!!! Isn’t it good that you can also get the Housing details with the help of GIS .  GIS stands for Geographic information system . GIS is one of the important tool for the people across the globe. GIS is highly used by the housing associations now days, as it helps them in the quick decision making for selecting any location for their house .

GIS - Best tool to search House Land
GIS – Best tool to search House Land

Have you ever thought of getting all the necessary details while sitting at home; regarding the location and nearby amenities,or to look over the shops to meet your daily need???

How great would that be to analyze and evaluate your considered choices while being at your comfort zone completely?? Yeah it would be so comforting to know about the place where you are planning to move.

So, Basically GIS is that main tool which helps you to take a tour to your future residence. GIS helps you in analyzing and evaluating your decisions in the following way:\

  • Know the Shops : You can now the what all shops are there , how far they are ?
  • Know the shops timings: you can also check the time at which these shops get opened.
  • Nearest Stations: Know the nearest stations and how to reach there,which trains to board.

Say for an instance ,Google Maps ; Google Maps is one of the most used GIS application. It shows us the Nearby place to our location. Google Maps is the best fit example to understand GIS concepts.

Now , that you are quite familiar with the GIS helps for housing solutions.

But the main thing is to know how can we find out the details . So, for knowing that we have to input the Spatial data, such as address,postcodes, locations and the people can produce the visual maps on the go.

Benefits of using GIS – Best tool to search House Land

This information helps us to make quick decision , getting all the money related information  for purchasing or renting, how likely your employment would be affected. If we do not use GIS for these Spatial things then we would not be able to fast and precisely see this pattern, as ultimately our main aim is to assess the monetary impact of using GIS on both the Business and customers.

Hence we can say that GIS is actually doing  good and offering service to its users in every best way possible. Plan your home with the GIS and share your experience with us by commenting below in the comment box.

35+ Google Maps Tricks – Explore New Google Map Cool features

Google Maps is widely used by the people around the world. People has a reason to use this widely as it provides the ample of features.

We are using these features efficiently because they are very easy to use. Moreover with the feature, Google maps is consists of  Tips and Tricks as well.

So, here  we have come up with the 35+ Google Maps Tips  and Tricks. 

Let us start with our Google Maps Tips and tricks.  We have divided them in few segments and categorized them.

35+ Google Maps Cool Tricks

List  – New Google Maps’ Tips And Tricks

A. Navigation – Different ways for Navigation

Navigation is the process of getting location to reach from one place to another, which can be used by anyone . so the first in the list is Master Navigation.

1.Master Navigation:  Master Navigation is the another  way of navigation. Master Navigation show the navigation according to your transit.

Moreover ,Master navigation also shows the distance and time taken by each transit.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

So,whether you are travelling via  car or bike or any local transport or by walking it will show you the distance and time :

  •  it will take for car,
  • and for bike depending upon your transit.

2.Use Your Voice – Google Map feature: 

Have you ever thought of getting navigated by using your voice. Well, now you can think of it.

You can use your voice for navigation when your hands are busy in moving the steering wheel.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

Now, whenever you want to use the voice  navigation just tap the microphone symbol located near the search bar. Then say your location .

Afterwards it will show you the navigation with audio, you can mute and unmute the audio .

you can ask the things like where do I turn next? How far is the destination.

3.Avoid Tolls – New Google Map feature: 

How great would that be if you can save few bucks because of Google Maps. Google Maps can help you save those bucks by giving you route options accordingly like avoid tolls ferries.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

You can make your own route avoiding the tolls and ferries by selecting the route options.

You can select the route options once you set your destination by tapping direction icon.

Later on, once you are done with filling up the location and destination tap the three vertical dots. At the end you will find the route options.

Then Tap those three vertical dots and it will show you the route options to avoid tolls,highways,ferries.

4.Add Multiple Stop – Google Map: 

Just imagine you are travelling back to your home from your site and you have to go to your office. One of your friend’s home on your way, but they are poll apart .

Now,what will you do ??

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

Simply open your Google Maps and tap the directions icon,fill up your current and destination location.

Before starting your Navigation tap on the three vertical dots at top right of the screen and there you can see “add stop” option .

Add as much stop as you want and google maps will make a route for you.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

5.Indoor Navigation :  Indoor navigation helps you in navigating inside the building or premises.

Google Maps will now give you the directions of the floor or to any shop or office to which you are looking for in the premises.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

For using Indoor Maps all you  have to do is

  • open the Google maps in your phone.
  • Search for any location which you want to visit. For ex ; any mall
  • look up for the floor or the shop which you want to visit. For ex: Madame.
  • so just tap the location and zoom in at the Mall and it will show you the inside direction to the places.

B.Offline Area – Google Map New Feature:

 Suppose you are entering into roaming. If you use Google Maps there it will charge you extra for roaming.

Now you do not want to spend your extra data pack and money in roaming.  so you can also take the maps offline.

wondering how??

Lets check out below.

1. WIFI only : 

Wifi only is a feature that helps you limit your data usage , as it will work only if you are connected to wifi.

For using WIFI only feature of google Maps you need to enable it from settings.

Tap the top left Hamburger button. Scroll down to select settings, when you open the settings you will be able to  enable the  wifi only option by tapping on the switch beside it.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

2.Plan Ahead : So, you are planning for some hill stations to visit in the upcoming vacations, and what if you do not find any networks at the heights ?

So, Simply plan your vacation and route without being panic and you can plan and save the locations and maps for future use.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

3.Download the area: Well now you can download the area which you have saved offline. you can download the area only when you have enabled WIFI only feature of the Google Maps.

Once you download the area you can access to it anytime whenever you need it.

C. Convince – Google Map New features:  

New to a place and looking for routes and finding way to reach there, you can take the help of Google Maps.

1. Order a Cab : Google maps now let you order a cab through Google Maps application,You can book any cab whichever is available in your country.

Cabs options may vary from country to country.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

To order a Cab from google maps ,Tap on the directions icon and fill up the current and destination locations ,and select the transit and it will show you the cab options available.

2.Search For Flight:  whenever you want to travel for a long route you can look up for the prices offered by the airlines companies .

You can plan your air trip with google maps very easily.

D.Types of Maps – Google Map tips and Tricks: 

we have so many things that are provided by Google Maps but there are various maps too which are provided by Google Maps which are as follows:

1. Terrain Maps : Terrain Maps are the maps which can be seen in a road view and satellite view.

Terrain Maps are the maps which shows the terrain or hilly area around you or the location for which you have  searched.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

For Looking over the hilly areas in a map ,tap on the hamburger button and scroll it down and select the Terrain option there and it will show you the terrain area.

2.Road Map :  Road maps are the general maps which we visualize regularly.

Road maps are very easy to understand and mostly used for navigation, it is one of the reliable map of Google Maps.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

3. Satellite Maps : Satellite maps are the maps which shows us the imagery of the area in the way that we can easily identify the  locations. It shows us the look of an area that how it looks from the sky or galaxy.

It provides us the satellite imagery of the area which can be easily identified.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

Satellite Maps shows the upper view of the area with the real imagery.

E.Know Congestion – List of Google Map tips:

 Think that you are travelling back to home  from work which is very far from your work place and there are so many signals in between and you are in hurry,because you have to attend the birthday party of your family member and there is a lot of traffic.

You must have  thought if you were aware about the traffic in the route you would have opted for the  different route???

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

KNOW TRAFFIC: Now you can get the traffic updates near your area with the help of google maps ,to enjoy the traffic updates near your area just tap on the traffic options .

Tap on the Hamburger button and scroll it down and select the Traffic from there and now Google Maps will show you the traffic conditions Nearby you by Google maps Traffic updates.

F. Know Time machine – Google Map Cool features

Time Machine : Time machine is the tool of Google maps which helps you in looking over the past of any area,country location that how it used to be before few years it will show you the images of that area and how far it has been developed .

HISTORY LOCATION : Google maps not only shows the history of any area or country , it also shows the places you had been to in the past.

Find out your history location from Google Map
Find out your history location from Google Map

Yes Google maps will show you the locations you were at in your timeline, You can add a location with date for your past locations,you can edit the locations, and even you can delete the history location of yourself.

G. Route – Google Map feature:

 Routes are the ways which makes us reach our destination and Google Maps plays a very important role in it. There are few ways to make your routes. These ways are as follows:

1. Transit Information: You can make your route through Transit information, If you are travelling via car you can get the different routes for reaching your destination.

if you are travelling via local transport google maps will also give you the Local transit information.

Moreover it will tell you the route of local transport and  will help you to reach your destination without wasting your time.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

2.Search Along the route: If you are travelling from one city to another and in between you feel hungry and you do not have any Idea of any restaurants in the route.

Then in that case do not get panic and simply open your Google maps and search for restaurants and it will show you the restaurant which will be nearby you and also in your route. Looking for gas station in between route, Google Map have this feature also.

So this way you can feed your tummy with something along with travelling.!!!!!!

H. Ways to Access  Google Maps – New Google Map features

Accessibility :  Its not that You can only use the map in its general form there are other accessibility of Google Maps as follows :

1.Switch to Compass Mode :  you can now access to the Google Maps not only with the Navigation key but also you can switch to compass mode.

Google Maps now show you the Navigation with compass as well .

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

While You switch to the Compass mode, It will show you the 2D and 3D view of the area.

Now switch to the Compass mode from the normal navigation and enjoy with Google Maps.

2.Lite Mode : 

You  can also use  lite mode  of google maps on the web platforms which will allow you to make the better use of Google Maps and later on you can also switch to the full Maps.

Switch to Google Map Lite Mode
Switch to Google Map Lite Mode

3.Send Directions to phone :  If you are looking for some area in your office’s system and you are looking for the directions then obviously you can not take the system with you, so here you have an option to send the direction to your phone.

S30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

4.Google Now : Google Maps are accessible from Google Now also.

If you have Google now in your phone then you can directly search the location over there and google Now will directly direct you to Google Maps .

You can use all the functions of Google Maps with Google Now.

I.Your Location – Know Google Map cool tips: 

who would know about your location more than you , so Google maps is giving you an opportunity to be a local guide and explore the Favorite places of your location.

1.Local Guide: Now you can be a  Local Guide for Google maps and in return Google maps will appreciate your contribution by providing extra drive storage and many other stuffs in the form of rewards.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

Being a Local Guide you can edit the places ,map and rate and review the places in the Google Maps.

2.Local Favorites : Google Maps will help you in looking out for the best favorites in the area nearby you , this will help you most when you are at a new place you can look for the restaurants , ATM nearby  you on the basis of rating and reviews given to them.

You can also give reviews to the places you had been to and also can rate them.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

J.Customize – Google Map New features:  

Customization is the biggest factor for any business to grow, and so does apply to

Google Maps , Google maps  has set the standards high for customization. Let us look how Google Maps provide us the Customization.

1.My Maps:  With My Maps feature of Google Maps you can create your Customized map. Label and share them with people. moreover you can also see the  maps which you own and which you do not own.

You can also look over the maps which has been shared with you.

Customized Maps with My Maps Feature of Google Maps

2.Explore :  Map explore is one of the feature of Google maps which we can use to explore the maps which has been created and shared by the people from different regions.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

3.Upcoming Events : Google Maps will find you your upcoming events.

With the help of your Gmail Calendar and Google Calendar Google Maps will fetch the information and will let you know about the upcoming future events in the line.

4.Save : 

You can  save the Locations  which ever you like for further future reference. By searching for the locations and opening the card of that location,you will see the save option on that card. It will be saved when you tap on the save icon.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

5.Label :

 Now search for the location,Afterwards open the card of that location. Tap on the three vertical dots in the top right. Select the Add Label button and you can Give it a name of your wish .

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

K.Find – Know Google Map tips and Tricks:

 Google maps also works as a google for its users as we can find the things which are Maps related. Such as

1.Postal Address: 

One can easily search the postal address of any location by searching for the postal codes . It will also show the area belonging to it,or you can search for postal code in search bar .

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

2.Distance:  One can easily find the Distance between the two points by simply stretching the two points. It will show you the distance between these two locations. Also the time it will take to travel to it via different transits.

30+ google Maps' Tips and Tricks

You can easily measure Straight line distance between two points or location with Google Map.

3.Areas Google Maps Knows about:

Google maps also provides you with the areas about which google maps knows. It will also show you the ratings, reviews from the Local guides and from the people who have visited there.

4.Nation Specific Information: Google maps can help you find the nation specific information.

You can search for any country and then it will show you the nation specific information like the language. Also the domains would ends with the nation specific code.

L. More Tricks – New Google Map tips:

Few More For you : 

There are  more features of the Google Maps ,which are easy to use and are very useful for the users . These Features are :

1.Gestures :

Gestures are a very important thing in every aspect of life. While you are in an interview,the interviewer will look at your gestures that how you carry yourself, how presentable are you.

So does apply here and google Maps also has some gestures like :

  • Zoom In and Zoom Out by double tapping.
  • Map toolbar such as direction key,hamburger button.

  • Scrolling the Map
  • Compass icon for Navigation
  • My location button.

2.Keyboard’s Shortcuts :

 Google maps not only shows the shortcuts for the locations and routes. But it can also be controlled with Google Map key board shortcuts while you are using it in Web platforms.

You can use your Keyboard’s keys to navigate from one place to another. It can also scroll the map in all the directions and for performing the other functions of the Google maps.

So,you can use :

  • Page Up key or ‘W’ button – move camera upwards i.e towards sky.

  • Left arrow key or ‘A’ button –  Rotate left camera to 45 degrees
  • Page Down key or ‘S’  button – move camera downwards i.e towards ground.

  • Right arrow key or ‘D’ button – Rotate Right camera  to 45 degrees.
  • Double Left click : Zoom out the Google map.
  • (+) Plus and (-) key : Zoom in and out the map respectively.

  • Scroll wheel : Use mouse scroll to Zoom in and Zoom out in Google Map.
  • Double Right click : Moreover you can Zoom In the map.

3. Footnotes section of Google Map :

While there are few things for you in the footnote of Maps when you operate it in the web platforms. You can see the terms and conditions of Google Maps. Adding to it You can also send the feedback for the Maps.

You  can use these features in the Mobile application as well. For using these features in Mobile application , tap the hamburger and scroll it down. Right there you will find these options.

So, these all are the Google Maps’ Tips  and Tricks. If You know any other which I missed here then do let us know by commenting below.

Google Indoor Maps – Navigate Inside the building

We all are using the Google maps on a very high frequency that we find it very easy to reach any new place without a fear of getting distract route , we are all so comfortable using the Google Maps because of the way they offers the dynamic features. Google maps has ample of features that allows  its users to enjoy their travel without any fear. So,now that we have already been using this location search tool -Google maps, but now you can use it for Indoor  navigation as well. Yes, the Google Indoor Maps are introduced by Google Maps.

Google Indoor maps  is the tool to navigate inside the building or any mall or airport or any big infrastructure. Indoor maps helps you to find the location of your favorite Brand in the mall, or may be you are looking for some office in a building then also you can use Indoor maps feature of the  Google maps.

Well, the question arises now is how can we use the Google Indoor Maps Feature of  Google Maps , so let me show you the way to use it:

Google Indoor Maps

  • open the google maps in your phone or Web platforms.

Google Indoor Maps- navigate inside the building

  • Search for any location .for example : a Mall

Google Indoor Maps- navigate inside the building

  • Tap on the location searched and zoom in the location.

Google Indoor Maps - navigate inside the building

  • Once you zoom in the searched location it will show you the inside area  of the mall and the  shops which are there.
  • They also provide a static map, which can be created by Owner or Manager of Organization.

So, this is how Google Maps’ Indoor maps are helping Google Maps’ users finding any shop in the mall, or an office in a building or anything which is present in the building. Use Indoor Maps which helps you in exploring the new building ,new things in the mall and what not. Do let us know how much useful Indoor Maps are for you.