
Embed Google map with 2 or more Markers for Web pages

Embed Google map with 2 or more Markers in html or for Web pages. Embedding a Google map in html is direct method, where you can directly find the link from Google Maps. Embedding map iframe links are useful in business websites, or locate branches location which can be directly featured and accessed through ones websites.

Embedding Google Map doesn’t means a whole HTML file or long scripts or using Google Map API. Instead it is just <iframe> tag. This means that it is not a image on a web page or application, but instead an interactive map which can be zoomed in or out and drag accordingly. On your website, you can embed a map, Street View image, driving directions, or search into your website or blog. On your computer, phone, or tablet you can share a location or map with others over email, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, or text.

Steps to Embed Google map with 2 or more Markers for Web pages

Step 1: Navigate yourself to link.

Step 2: sign in with Google account.

Embed Google map with 2 or more Markers for Web pages
Embed Google map with 2 or more Markers for Web pages

Step 3: Click option menu and Navigate to Your places-> maps-> create a map in bottom. A new window will open in new tab.

Step 4: Now Click on Untitled Map, Write a title and description then hit to save button.

Step 5: You have two ways to add markers on map:

A.) You can directly choose marker option and place them on map, wherever you need.

B.) You can specify the location by providing location address.

After adding markers on map you must save the locations.

Step 6: Repeat step 5 to add multiple markers.

Step 7: Now click to share option and set the privacy setting to “public on web” or you can choose people who can view and access the map.

Then save the details and click to done.

Step 8: Then Click to option menu on title window and hit to embed on my site.

This will provide you a link containing <iframe> tag. By using this code you can easily Embed Google map with 2 or more Markers for Web pages.

Election Map Benefits List – Types of GIS Election Map Create

As map is a one of great tool for analysis purpose, and so is useful for analysing the information of election by creating map. Election, is one of the most important activity that took place in country or state or at sub state level. In this post we will check Election Map Benefits List and Types of people who will get benefits by election map. With Election Maps, many types of people can take benefits in doing their research and analysis in few minutes i.e

  • Politician – Can analyse the map and prepare their speech, use for further targeting the people, look over the possibility of their winning etc.
  • Public or People – Can visualize the election map and find out where are the development made by which parties or politician, where are the poll booths located etcs.
  • Election commission
  • News or Media people – For creating different kind of news and providing the info to public

In addition to supporting elections on the front end, GIS or Map can support many business processes of elections management including address validation, polling place siting and optimisation, routing of elections volunteers and personnel, mapping of voter turnout for planning and decision support, development of precinct maps, redistricting, and generation of real-time election results.

Following are some analysis report which can be generated by Election Map:

  • We can have the previous year information about party, winning candidate, runner up candidate, vote counts and how much amount they spent on election process etc.
  • We also can have their other details of candidate such as qualification, criminal records or caste etc.

Election Map Benefits List

  1. By analyzing the previous record we actually can predict the result for upcoming elections.
  2. The most exciting feature we get while using the map is that we can track the winning and runner up candidate in each state or city at same time.
  3. We can check real time vote count every signal minute.
  4. Comparison is easy with other parties and with other state.
  5. Easy way to find out polling places with proper direction and also the nearest one.
  6. Map can be used to display the numbers of men and women who serve on appropriations parties.
  7. As if we have map with detailed data then we can even apply various filters such as distinguish area for winning or runner up candidate in men or women, caste wise, party wise or state wise etc.
  8. Using GIS, we can even target the person, who are registered voters but don’t vote regularly.

Other Benefits of Election Map

  • Improved transparency
  • Easy access to information
  • List of registered voter and coordinators and managing it
  • Checking voting irregularity
  • Easy access to polling location

Providing all the facility we must take care that data should not be misuse. This data can be used by political parties, consultants, researchers, media professions and other organization.

Types of Election Map created:

Here we have researched and found out few election map generated recently in following websites like :

From NDTV:

Election Map Benefits List

From Times:

Election Map Benefits List
Election Map Benefits List

From DNA

Election Map Benefits List

What you think about Election Map? How more useful the election map can be? And what kind of data you want to analyse and generate from Election Map. Hope you find this article helpful. Do comment below to discuss more about the type of Election Map and benefits. If you are looking to create one such Map, do contact us, we are one of the best agency to create one such interactive map.

Adding Multiple Map Layers – Hide Show layer using Leaflet js

This article is about how you can make visible and invisible your layer with the help of checkbox on any base map. The base layer used here is OSM (Open street map), which is open source freely available map. With layers at the same time you can open up multiple data at once and make analysis in view by looking over the overlay layers. Here we will check in Adding Multiple Map Layers – Hide Show layer using leaflet js. You may look over Getting started with leaflet js if you are very new to Leaflet and mapping library.

Adding Multiple Map Layers – Hide Show layer using Leaflet js

Showing multiple layers and making it interactive with hide and show functionality we need checkbox. So, To show two checkboxes on any HTML page the following lines are given. Here checkboxes are taken inside a division, which is denoted by tag <div> and checkboxes take input from user so they define in tag <input>. Every element of HTML can have an id, here we assign for div it is division and for checkboxes it is subunits and places. Outside the tag of checkbox we write name of the checkbox here subunits and places have used.

Some styling is required when it comes to visualisation. In this article the division containing check boxes is shown in the topmost right location. For styling the html element we need to use CSS (cascade sheet style). Using CSS we can define position, background colour font size etc. The z-index property specifies the stack order of an element as two divisions are being used in this article. An element with greater stack order is always in front of an element with a lower stack order. The division of map has lower z index then division of checkboxes.

<div id=”division” style=”position: absolute; background-color: white; width: 10%; height:10%; float: right; margin: 0.5cm 0cm 0cm 36cm; z-index:999;”>
<input type=”checkbox” id=”subunits” style=”font-size: larger”>Subunits<br>
<input type=”checkbox” id=”places” style=”font-size: larger” > Places

Using HTML and CSS we only define how the elements are going to look on the browser. How they will work it is define by the JavaScript or jQuery. Here JQuery has used for checkboxes to work.

Basic syntax is: $(selector).action()

  • A $ sign to define/access jQuery
  • A (selector) to query HTML elements
  • A jQuery action() to be performed on the element.

Here how the code looks like for Adding Multiple Map Layers – Hide Show layer using leaflet js

Before going through code in adding and hide – show multiple layer using leaflet, you should be having a good knowledge of adding point, line and polygon layer using leaflet js along with parsing geojson or topojson layer using leaflet js if you want to add topojson data layers.

The jQuery #id selector uses the id attribute of an HTML tag to find the specific element. Here user needs to click on the checkbox to add and hide the layer from OSM. So selector is id of checkbox and action is click() method. In the method we define the function to add or hide the layer. 

$(“#subunits”).click(function() {
if (this.checked) {
} else {
newMap.removeLayer(geo); }; });
In similar way places are added on the map with following lines of code.
$(“#places”).click(function() {
if (this.checked) {
var places = topojson.feature(uk,uk.objects.places);
} else {

Here is how the output will look like for Adding Multiple Map Layers – Hide Show layer using Leaflet js:

Adding Multiple Map Layers - Hide Show layer using Leaflet js
Adding Multiple Map Layers – Hide Show layer using Leaflet js

If else statement shows that if checkbox is clicked and returns checked status then layer is added to map and checked can be seen on console. Else checkbox will return unchecked status then unchecked will be written on console and added layer will be removed from map.

Here addTo() and removeLayer() methods are from leaflet javascript library, which adds and removes layer from map. To see the console on browser right click on browser and click to inspect option.

Hope this article might help you in Adding Multiple Map Layer using Leaflet js library. If you are facing any problem in implementing, then do comment below with the problem text you are facing. So that we can discuss over it.

Create beautiful dynamic Legend map – Leafletjs TopoJson

In this article we are going to add legends to choropleth map with topojson Data using leaflet. Legends are the element of map that provides information about map with the help of symbols. Here symbol can be colour, shapes, figures etc. The choropleth map gives information using colours. Lets play around with : Create beautiful Legend map – leafletjs topojson. If you are very new to Leafletjs then before going through this article you should look over to Getting started with Leafletjs article and how to render topojson with leaflet js.

Dynamic Legend map – Leafletjs TopoJson

Lets get started with code. For this first we need to create a method getColor(d). The method takes “d” as parameter, which takes a specific value from topojson data, and then returns the colour value (in form of colour) after comparison. For instance, if d is greater than 5000 then return red color i.e ‘#FF0000’ otherwise return blue colour i.e ‘#0000ff’. Here colour codes are given in hexadecimal value you can give RGB value or colour name.  We will create this function as:

function getColor(d) {
return d > 5000000 ? ‘#7a0177’ :
d > 200000? ‘#BD0026’ :
d > 80000? ‘#E31A1C’ :
d > 10000? ‘#FC4E2A’ :
d > 5000 ? ‘#FD8D3C’ :
d > 500 ? ‘#FEB24C’ :
d > 0 ? ‘#FED976’ :

Now to show the legend section on map, we need to create a division with the help of DomUtil and add that to the map. Here a variable name legend is created which is positioned to bottom right. The style “position: ‘bottomright’ “ is done using CSS.  L.control is a base class for implementing map controls from leaflet javascript library. This handles positioning. All other controls extend from this class.

var legend = L.control({position: ‘bottomright’});

The above function i.e getColor() will be called once we add Legends on Map. for that we need to create an event of adding legends on map.  onAdd() method, which is from leaflet’s control class returns the container DOM element for the control and add listeners on relevant map events. Here it takes value as function that returns HTML element (div) as like: 

legend.onAdd = function (map) { } 

Then DomUtil class has used.  But what is DOM (data object model), connects web pages to scripts. It is object oriented representation of web pages, which can be modified with scripting language like javaScript. DomUtil works with Dom tree. Here create() method has used which is from leaflet’s DomUtil class. This method returns a HTML element and takes parameter as tag name and class name. Tag name to create that element on document and class name style that element. Here HTML element is division and two classes are given as info and legend. An array name grades is created with value given by getColor(d) method.

var div = L.DomUtil.create(‘div’, ‘info legend’),
grades = [0,500,5000,10000,80000,200000,5000000];

To add field and colour in legend on map, a for loop has written. This shows variable i has initial value as zero and condition is as, “if variable i is less than length of array grades then loop will run and after one cycle increment will take place”.

HTML element div has styled inside loop having background colour values from getColor() method and &ndash is HTML entities used for typography.

for (var i = 0; i < grades.length; i++) {
div.innerHTML += ‘<i style=”background:’ + getColor(grades[i] + 1) + ‘”></i> ‘ + grades[i] + (grades[i + 1] ? ‘&ndash;’ + grades[i + 1] + ‘<br>’ : ‘+’);
return div;

The following statement adds the legends on map i.e:


As in create() method we have used info and legend class and that classes are designed inside style HTML tag i.e as :

.info {
padding: 6px 8px;
font: 14px/16px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
background: white;
background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8);
box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
border-radius: 5px;
.legend {
background-color: “black”;
line-height: 25px;
color: #555;
width: auto;
.legend i {
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
float: left;
margin-right: 8px;
opacity: 0.7;

Here is how the output will look like. I had taken UK topojson file. If you have shapefile to geojson or kml file, you may look over to an article to convert shapefile to TopoJson or Geojson to Topojson Conversion. If you have Kml file then you can convert the kml file to Shapefile and then to TopoJson file.

dynamic Legend map - Leafletjs TopoJson
dynamic Legend map – Leafletjs TopoJson

This will finally make you to create dynamic legends with leafletjs library in Mapping system. I hope article helped you. If you find any problem in creating dynamic legends, do comment below in the box provided, we will discuss and solve the issue.

Create Heat map showing average household income – leaflet js GIS

First of all we must know what heat map is? A Heat Map is a way of representing the density or intensity value of point data by assigning a colour gradient to a raster where the cell colour is based on clustering of points or an intensity value. In this article i.e to Create Heat map showing average household income. If you are not familiar with Leaflet then you may also look over Getting started with Leaflet js and all other leaflet js tutorial article page.

Create Heat map showing average household income – leaflet js GIS

Firstly we will initialise the container and add Open street map. As data is in JSON array format, to extract each value a for loop is applied. Here UsIncome is the data containing name, latitude, longitude and income value of each county of US.

for (var i = 0; i < UsIncome.length; i++) {
var a = UsIncome[i];
var name=a[0];
var income=a[3];

As average household income has used as intensity value. A function getMax() gets the maximum value of  property from array.

var maximum;
function getMax(arr, prop) {
for (var i=0 ; i<UsIncome.length ; i++) {
if (!maximum || parseInt(UsIncome[i][prop]) > parseInt(maximum[prop]))
maximum = UsIncome[i];
return maximum;

Now to use heatLayer or create heat map you need to add plugin either by downloading from or adding script in your document. The map() method creates a new array with the results of calling a function for every array element addressPoints is an array of latitude and longitude.

L.heatLayer(latlngs, options)

Constructs a heatmap layer given an array of points and an object with the following options:

minOpacity – the minimum opacity the heat will start at
maxZoom – zoom level where the points reach maximum intensity (as intensity scales with zoom), equals maxZoom of the map by default
max – maximum point intensity, 1.0 by default
radius – radius of each “point” of the heatmap, 25 by default
blur – amount of blur, 15 by default
gradient – color gradient config, e.g. {0.4: ‘blue’, 0.65: ‘lime’, 1: ‘red’}

addressPoints = (p) { return [p[1], p[2]]; });
var a=L.heatLayer(addressPoints,{max: getMax(UsIncome,’Median Annual Household Income’), minOpacity: 0.05,
maxZoom: 18,
radius: 25,
blur: 15,
gradient: {
0.2: ‘green’,
0.60: ‘yellow’,
1.0: ‘red’},maxZoom:14}).addTo(map);

In the last markers are added with opacity 0.01 to make it invisible. BindTooltip has similar use as hover, shows popup when mouse is on marker.

var marker =, { opacity: 0.01 }).bindTooltip(income+”,”+name , {className: ‘myCSSClass’}).addTo(map);

Here’s how the heat map created with leaflet js would look like :

Create Heat map showing average household income
Create Heat map showing average household income

You may also check the working example here: : climate US Heat Map

Heat map considered as best when it comes to visualization of information on map. Large amount of data can easily be visualized on map. It has various uses

  • Pollution level in any country
  • Crime rate
  • Population in any area
  • Hottest and coolest city
  • Traffic information
  • Different water level

I hope this may help you in developing and creating a heat map in leaflet js. If you find any problem in creating one such example do let us know by commenting below.

Read Parse Render TopoJSON file – Leaflet js

This article shows how to render topojson file data on OSM map with the help of d3 and Leaflet javascript library in the browser. Leaflet js is an open source small library to create interactive map. You may look over Getting Started with Leaflet js. TopoJSON is one of the GIS data structure which stores geographic data in JSON format. You can easily convert Shapefile to TopoJSON or convert GeoJSON to TopoJSON file. Rather than representing geometries discretely, geometries in TopoJSON files are stitched together from shared line segments called arcs. TopoJSON eliminates redundancy, allowing related geometries to be stored efficiently in the same file. A single TopoJSON file can contain multiple feature collections without duplication. Or, a TopoJSON file can efficiently represent both polygons (for fill) and boundaries (for stroke) as two feature collections that share the same arc mesh. You might be thinking why Topojson. Because TopoJSON files are almost 80% smaller than their GeoJSON equivalents.

Read Parse Render TopoJSON file – Leaflet js

Your html code will start with the DOCTYPE as :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=”utf-8″>
<div id=”map” style=”width: 1000px; height: 1000px;”></div>

The <!DOCTYPE> declaration is not an HTML tag; it is an instruction to the web browser about what version of HTML the page is written in. The charset attribute specifies the character encoding for the HTML document. Div tag denotes division or a selection in document. Here it is a container for map with id as map, width and height as 1000px.

To use any library in document you first need to add that library into your document. The script tag contains the scripts which is leaflet and d3 javascrpit library. This library can be downloaded from or you can add the given links as follows:

<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″>
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” />
<script src=””></script>
<script src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>
<script src=””></script>

Now to add OSM (Open street map) in division we create a variable named as newMap. Here represents object of map class takes Html element as parameter. Setview is a method that set the center and zoom level according to given parameters.

var newMap =‘map’).setView([38.9188702,-77.0708398],6);

The tileLayer represents object of tileLayer class that takes URL of data. Here we have given OSM tiles in parameter. In attribution key you need to define the contribution of data source. You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt OSM data, as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. For this you need to add into your document. Method addto() adds the layer to the given map.

L.tileLayer(‘http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png’, {
attribution: ‘&copy; <a href=””>OpenStreetMap</a> contributors’

Here d3 (data driven document) is a javascript library for manipulating document that visualizes data with HTML, CSS and SVG. Json() is a function that gets Topojson file. Here uk.json is a topojson data. The topojson.feature() function converts the geojson data into topojson data format. L.geoJson creates a GeoJSON layer, accepts an object in GeoJSON format to display on the map.

d3.json(“uk.json”, function(error, uk) {
var places = topojson.feature(uk,uk.objects.places);
var geo=L.geoJSON(places).addTo(newMap);

As data is now added to the map by using addTo() method. Now to get the area covered by topojson file on the map or directly pan to the area where this data has rendered you can use the methods getBounds() and fitBounds(). The getBounds() method returns the geographical bounds visible in the current map view. Here this method is used with geoJSON layer to get its bounds or diagonal corner coordinates. The fitBounds() sets a map view that contains the given geographical bounds with the maximum zoom level possible.

“var places = topojson.feature(uk,uk.objects.places);” command has used which shows the places (geometry primitive as points) on the map.

Read Parse Render TopoJSON file
Read Parse Render TopoJSON file

If var subunits = topojson.feature(uk, uk.objects.subunits); command you use then it will show the subunits (geometry primitive as polygon) on the map.

Read Parse Render TopoJSON file
Read Parse Render TopoJSON file

That is all about read, parse, render Topojson file with Leaflet js. You may also look in to rendering point, polyline and polygon geojson file with leaflet js. If you find any problem in Rendering TopoJSON file then do comment below, I would love to help you in providing solution.

Add different base map layers using leaflet js

Leaflet is  small open source Javascript library to create a customised mapping solution. Leaflet plugin supports many types of map layer. In this article we have map layers as Google map, Open street map, Stamen map, Here map and Bing map layer. What is plugin? Plugin is software that is installed onto a program, enabling it to perform additional features. Similarly here we can download library or access API or can add its link in our document. Lets find how to add different base map layer using leafletjs. If you are new to Leaflet you may look over a simple article explaining details about leaflet along with getting started and describing method to add GeoJSON layer in leaflet as point, polyline or polygon.

Different base map layers using leaflet js:

Google Map Base Layer using LeafletJs:

To add Google map with leaflet in your document you need to add the links:

<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” />
<script src=””></script>
<script src=””></script>
<script src=””></script>

The first two links are for leaflet JavaScript library and last two for Google map. Leaflet plugin that enables the use of Google Map tiles. To download Google API you can visit . Then add the <div> HTML tag as a container for map and set the centre and zoom level. After this you are allowed to use Google() function by which you can add map to your document.

      var googleLayer = new L.Google(‘ROADMAP’);

Stamen Map Layer using leafletjs:

To show this map on browser you need to use the leaflet and stamen API. The leaflet JavaScript library you can download from or can add the two links as shown above. To use stamen API add the given link in head tag of your html document.

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”″></script>

or you can download the zip file from

To show map on browser a container is required which is given by <div> HTML tag and its styling can be done in CSS.

html  : <div id=”map”></div>

css : #map { position: absolute; top:0; bottom:0; right:0; left:0; }

Now to add division with leaflet and set its latitude longitude of centre, map() and setView() methods have used.

javascript : var map =‘map’).setView([39, -97.5], 4);

As we have used stamen API in document so now we can use its method StamenTileLayer() to use stamen map.

javascript :

var stamenLayer = new L.StamenTileLayer(“watercolor”);

There are other types of map also available like terrain, toner and watercolor world widely. Some maps like Burning map or mars map etc. can be used with webGL.

Add different base map layers using leaflet js
stamen design map using leaflet js

Add Here Map Layer using leaflet:

To add Here Map in your document you don’t need to download API or add any link. But you need API id and code which is available you can register and get the API id and code to start coding. As we are using this with leaflet, its library has to be link with our document then a container should be present to attach map. After getting API id and code you can run this statement

var layer = L.tileLayer(“{z}/{x}/{y}/256/png8?app_id=OO3n6HayrdDH6DhkxRgG&app_code=MZQ6Zn6zc1s5Psz92GMMxw”).addTo(map);

The line shows that you need to add the Map tile then API id and code.

Add different base map layers using leaflet js -here map using leaflet js
here map using leaflet js

Add Bing Map base Layer :

For adding Bing map we have downloaded Leaflet-Bing-Layer.js file and place it with downloaded leaflet library. To download Leaflet-Bing-Layer.js file you can visit here. Now we can add the Leaflet-Bing-Layer by using this <script src=”leaflet-bing-layer.js”></script>

To any Bing map you need to have a key which is available

Bing map depends on Promises which needs a polyfill for older browsers by adding this script to your html <head>:

<script src=””></script>

After having that key, take it into a variable and add a map container in your code with centre and zoom level. Now you can use the bing() method present inside the tileLayer class then add key as parameter.

var map =‘map’).setView([51.505, -0.09], 13)
var bingLayer =

Finally use addTo() to add map to the container.

ESRI ArcGis Map Layer:

To use ESRI ArcGIS map you can download plugin from or can add this link into your document

<script src=”</script>. 

After adding and styling container you can use L.esri.basemapLayer(‘Streets’) this command. Here street is parameter, there are some other parameter too that you can use in place of street. The parameters are “Streets”, “Topographic”, “Oceans”, “OceansLabels”, “NationalGeographic”, “Gray”, “GrayLabels”, “DarkGray”, “DarkGrayLabels”, “Imagery”, “ImageryLabels”, “ImageryTransportation”, “ShadedRelief”, “ShadedReliefLabels”, “Terrain”, “TerrainLabels” or “USATopo”. After that addTo() method is used to add map to the container.


Add different base map layers using leaflet js - esri map using leaflet js
esri map using leaflet js

There are many mapping service company which provide base layer either for free or for some cost. Leaflet provide a convenient method to add different base map layers. I hope this article helped you in rendering base map layer. If you find any difficulty in implementing the same, do let us know by commenting below.

Convert Shapefile to TopoJSON

ESRI shapefile are the binary vector data storage format for storing the location, shape, and attributes of geographic features. It is stored as a set of related files and contains one feature class. Whereas TopoJSON (topological geospatial data) is an extension of GeoJSON that encodes topology. The necessity of conversion is to reduce the size of data. While using Shapefile, you have to take care of all its mandatory files such as .shp, .shx, .dbf, .prj etc. Whereas GeoJSON and TopoJSON formats are single file formats.

There are many online and desktop application based solutions to do this conversion. But the method everyone looking forward is an easy way to convert a file to a preferred format. In this article we will see how easy is IGISMAP for the conversion process. Following are the methods to convert Shapefile to TopoJSON using IGISMAP Converter tool.

Use Online Converter Tool – Shapefile to TopoJSON MapOG

IGISMAP (Now MAPOG) to Convert Shapefile to TopoJSON

Go to MAPOG Converter Tool, after logging in with your registered email and password. If you are a new user, click the Sign Up button in the Login popup and register to IGISMAP by filling the details.

There are three main steps for using GIS Converter:

  • Upload the data
  • Choose the format to which it should be converted
  • Download the converted file.

Step one is to upload your Shapefile which you want to convert. You can upload the file from your system or select from the Recent Files.

Converter Tool - Upload Shapefile
Upload Shapefile

Here we using the Shapefile of India state level boundaries with demographic information. You can find this data in IGISMAP GIS Data Collection –

Step two is to select choose the output format of the converted file, in this case its TopoJSON. You can also set the Coordinate Reference System of your preference. As a default CRS will set to WGS 84 (World) [EPSG:4326]. Click on the Convert File button.

Converter Tool - TopoJSON as Output Format
Select TopoJSON as Output Format

Your Shapefile will then get converted to TopoJSON file after a few seconds and will be published in the map canvas. You can download the TopoJSON file of New York state boundary by clicking the Download Converted File button.

Download and Publish TopoJSON File
Download and Publish TopoJSON File

You can also choose to style the layer or continue with further conversion process by clicking the Convert Another File button.

Converted Files section from the dashboard contains the list of the details of all the conversion done in your account, providing both input and output data available for download their corresponding formats.

IGIS Map Converter Tool provides many benefits other then just conversion of data. This tool provides us to generate this published map in PDF or as image format.

Info GIS Map supports most of the commonly used GIS or AutoCAD files like Shapefile SHP, KML, KMZ, CSV, TopoJSON, GeoJSON, GML, DXF, GeoTIFF, NetCDF, GRIB, HDF5, OSM, PBF, and many more raster and vector files, along with that it support more than 4000 Coordinate Reference System.

Here are other two ways to convert shapefile to topojson

Use Online Converter Tool – Shapefile to TopoJSON MapOG

Offline Method : Convert Shapefile to topojson through GDAL and then through geo2topo tool npm:

To convert shape file to topojson format offline you need to download GDAL and Node.js.  First step is to convert shapefile to geojson data format, which is done by using ogr2ogr command available in GDAL package. After successful installation check ogr2ogr availability by typing ogr2ogr in command prompt or by typing dir that will show all available directories.

convert shapefile to topojson

Now you can convert shapefile to geojson data format by using given command

  • Ogr2ogr –f Geojson file_name.json input.shp

Here –f option is used to shows the file format, which shows output file format is geojson. GDAL takes name of output file prior to input file.

Convert geojson to topojson:

Now to convert geojson data to topojson data format you have to download node.js which is available here. After successful installation you need to check npm availability using command

  • npm –check.
convert shapefile to topojson

If not available use

  • npm install -g npm-check

After this you need to install topojson-server for conversion of data that can be done by using

  • npm install topojson-server command

Now all setup is ready

Use geo2topo command to convert geojson data to topojson data

  • geo2topo –o geo.json topo.json

Here –o option is used to give the output. If command doesn’t run and gives error as no such file or directory. Then specify full path for file for both input and output. The older versions were having topojson as a command to convert geojson data format to topojson data format. Topojson is named as geo2topo command in new version.

Convert Shapefile to TopoJSON – Online Method

Mapshaper is an online tool that converts shape file to topojson data format directly. You only need to drag the shape file to site. Then use export option to convert this data into topojson format. In Mapshaper there are many option are available to simplify the geometry, which you can explore.

convert shapefile to topojson
convert shapefile to topojson

You may also look over converting kml to shapefile and shapefile to kml conversion.

I hope this article helped you in converting the file from Shapefile to TopoJSON. If you find any problem in performing operation do let me know by commenting below.

Convert GeoJSON to TopoJSON – GIS

Convert GeoJSON to TopoJSON. GeoJSON is an open standard format designed for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attributes, based on JavaScript Object Notation. The need of conversion is to reduce the size of data, so that rendering of data on browser can be made faster. TopoJSON (topological geospatial data) is an extension of GeoJSON that encodes topology. Here we have explored two methods for conversion of GeoJSON to TopoJSON (i.e. online and offline).

Use Online Converter Tool – Geojson to TopoJSON MapOG

Offline Method to Convert GeoJSON to TopoJSON:

You can directly convert GeoJSON to TopoJSON with the help of topojoson-server node package manager. For using this package you need to first install node js in your system (can be installed in windows, linux based operating system or Mac).

If you have Shapefile or KML file, then you can refere this articles i.e convert kml to shapefile, convert shapefile to GeoJSON and converting shapefile to kml, so that you can generate new GeoJSON file out of other GIS format files.

Convert GeoJSON to TopoJSON – NPM method

NPM (Node Package Manager) is a command-line utility that aids in package installation, version management, and dependency management or can be considered npm as a tool that helps to install another tools like topojson-server.

For this method you need to download node.js which is available here. After successful installation you need to check npm availability using command

  • npm –check.

If not available use

  • npm install -g npm-check

convert geojson to topojson
convert geojson to topojson

After this you need to install topojson-server for conversion of data that can be done by using

  • npm install -g topojson-server

Now all setup is ready

Use geo2topo command to convert geojson data to topojson data

  • geo2topo –o geo.json topo.json

Where geo.json is the geojson file i.e input file and topo.json is the file we are creating with the name topo as topo.json file i.e output file.

Here –o is output. If command doesn’t run and gives error as no such file or directory. Then specify full path for file for both input and output. It is recommended that you run this command from the same directory where geo.json file is stored.

If you don’t have any input files ready or any geojson or shapefile then you can download free GIS data fromat for testing this article.

Online method: Convert GeoJson to TopoJson

This is the simple and fast method. For the conversion you just need to drag the geojson file in site. Then use export option to convert this data into topojson format. Map shaper website render and convert the file in the browser itself, but it you might face problem while converting a big geojson file. 

I hope that this methods listed above to convert geojson to topojson would have helped you in achieving result. If you find any problem or know any other method to perform this operation and want to share with us, then do let us know by commenting below, in the box provided.

Geographic Information System (GIS) for Telecom Sector Industry

Earlier the basic necessities were limited to food, clothes and Shelter. As we all know , that, everything changes with the time, so has had happened with the basic necessities of an individual. Basic necessities of an Individual has also changed over a period of time. Telecom is an add on to the basic necessities of an Individual. Unlike, the earlier basic necessities, telecom has so much to do with technology. Of those technologies, GIS is the one playing major role for telecom Industry. Lets see, how GIS for Telecom is useful, reasons to use GIS for telecom.

Use IGIS Map Tool in Telecommunication

What is Telecom Industry ?

Telecom Industry is one of the Vast and the Vital industry, serving its customers with varied number of players. Telecom Industry has enormous number of companies making it an Industry. It is a service providing industry, Consisting of telecom companies like IDEA, Airtel, Vodafone and many more are there.

GIS - Telecom Industry
GIS – Telecom Industry

Telecom industry makes us communicate over networks. It helps us to connect with our friends, family, relatives. Now here the question popping in our mind is how do they provide these services in every corner of the country, what might be the problems faced by them , how do they solve these problems?

Problems Faced by Telecom Industry :

Every Success is the result of Hardships and hardships can be done only by facing challenges. So, telecom industry too faces so many problems for satisfying its customers. The major Problems faced by telecom Industry are :

  • Capacity planning
  • Personnel management
  • market Segmentation
  • Real-Time knowledge of  Network structure.
  • Demand Forecasting

Now, lets discuss what these problems stand for.

  • Capacity Planning :  Capacity planning is related to the planning of providing the network to the each and every area of the country. Capacity planning is required to know the areas or locations where we need to focus for providing the services.
  • Personnel Management : The success of the company lies in its management. Management is responsible for managing the resources of the company. While, the management of personnel is a very crucial task. One needs to be very clear while allocating resources to the location according to the requirement.
  • Market Segmentation: Market Segmentation is the need of every business. No business can succeed without proper market segmentation. Segmentation of the market refers to the division of customers or consumers in different groups. One needs to be very careful while segmenting the market. As segmentation is one of the vital and major attribute of the Business.
  • Real-Time knowledge of network structure : Every Telecom company has to have the proper know how of network structure for any particular region at the given point or period of time .
  • Demand Forecasting : Demand forecasting again depends on the various attributes one of them is market segmentation and the previous data also helps in forecasting the demand.

These are all the problems faced by telecom industry, but the question is how do they deal with it. As it is not possible to evaluate everything regarding the area and the region on the basis of previous data or the printed maps. So now lets see what is the solution of these problems.

Check out Video – How to use IGIS Map in Telecom Sector Industry

Geographic Information System (GIS) for Telecom Sector Industry

The solution to all the above mentioned problems is GIS.

How GIS is the solution ?

GIS stands for geographic information system. It helps Telecom companies in solving their problems in the  following ways :

GIS  for Capacity management : As we know that capacity management is about the planning of providing the services to whom they have not reached yet. So GIS can help in locating the regions and areas on their Map, where they have not reached yet, or where they need to improve.

GIS for Personnel Management : GIS is very useful for allocating resources according to the requirements. GIS helps telecom company in identifying the areas where there is the requirement of the personnel. It also helps in identifying the number of personnel required, for which post they are required. All these can be done on the Maps with the help of GIS.

GIS for Market Segmentation : Market Segmentation can be done more efficiently on the maps with the help of GIS. One can easily divide the customers according to their groups, and then it becomes easy for them to allocate the towers for their network , where do they need to implant more towers, according to the complaints and grievances of the customer from different region.

GIS for Real Time Knowledge of Network Structure : Telecom industries can easily access their network points and signals, where are the signals reachable and where not, whether the signal is weak or good. It helps them in analysing the network status and structure as well for a particular region at particular point of time.

GIS for Demand Forecasting : Telecom Companies can use GIS for forecasting the demand of their products along with the help of the previous data and the market segmentation. With market segmentation company can  know what is their target Market. It makes easy on the company’s perspective if they know well about their target Market.

These are the problems faced by telecom industry, and the ways in which GIS helps in solving these problems.

Do pen Down your experience with GIS in telecom, in the comment section provided below.