
Leaflet Print Map – Legends, Title, Layer, Color

This article i.e Leaflet Print Map – Legends, Title, Layer, Color is for how can we take a beautiful map on paper from web by making it printable, with all map elements as map title and legends etc. Here we will use leaflet-image plugin from leaflet JavaScript library. This plugin uses the map and canvas HTML tag.

Leaflet Print Map – Legends, Title, Layer, Color

This plugin can be downloaded from link. To implement this plugin on your system, you first need to create map, which can be done by following this article.

First of all add the leaflet library in your document by adding these scripts.

 <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
 <script  scr="" ></ script>

Thereafter, create a division using

Leaflet Print Map - Legends, Title, Layer, Color

After adding the leaflet-image plugin in document you can call the leafletimage() method, which takes map as input and calls to callback function.

This function create a canvas html tag sets its width and heigth. Which draws layer in same order as drawn on map i.e. tile, path and markers. Before calling this function you must create function to get legend and map title with leaflet.

Here we have create getMapHeading() function which takes context and canvas as input. So what is Content?

var context = canvas.getContext(contextType);

getContext()– method returns a drawing context on the canvas.

contextType-Is a DOMString containing the context identifier defining the drawing context associated to the canvas.  “2d”, leading to the creation of a CanvasRenderingContext2D object representing a two-dimensional rendering context.

canvas– element is used to draw graphics on a web page.

Map Title in Leaflet Map

Take the map title in a variable and measure its width. if its width is less than one forth of canvas width then set its width according to canvas width. else the tile is larger then split it.

function getMapHeading(context,canvas){
 var mapheading = $("#mapTitle").html();
 var pix = context.measureText(mapheading).width;
 var xval = (canvas.width-pix*4)/2;
 context.font = "bold 35px proximanova-semibold-webfont";
 mapheading = mapheading.split(" ");
 //mapheading = mapheading.toString();
 pix = canvas.width/4;
 var line = "",nextline = "";
 for(var i=0; i<mapheading.length; i++)
 line += mapheading[i] + " ";
 nextline += mapheading[i] + " ";
 context.font = "bold 35px proximanova-semibold-webfont";

Map Legends in Leaflet Map Printable

Similarly function is created for legend as getLegeds(). In this function we have taken legend title, icon, range and containing div in variables. Check everything and recreate the context as you want it to be appeared on print.

Leaflet Print Map - Legends, Title, Layer, Color

function getLegends(context,canvas){
 var legendheading = $("#legendTitle").html();
 var paralegend = $('.paralegend');
 var legendclr = $('.paralegend i');
 var divlegend = $('.leaflet-control.leaflet-bottom.leaflet-left');
 var width = divlegend.width(),height = divlegend.height();
 var x =10,dx=20,dy=20;
 var y = canvas.height-height+15;
 var legendtext = [],legendcolor = [],rects = [];
 for(var i=0; i<paralegend.length;i++)
 for(var j=0; j<legendclr.length; j++)
 for(var l=0;l<legendcolor.length;l++)
 rects.push(new shape(x,y,dx,dy,legendcolor[l],legendtext[l]));
 context.font = "bold 15px proximanova-semibold-webfont";
 for(var k=0;k<rects.length;k++)
 var sqr = rects[k];
 context.fillStyle = sqr.fill;
 context.fillStyle = 'black';
 context.font = "15px proximanova-semibold-webfont";

Leaflet-image plugin for printing map – Leaflet Print Map – Legends, Title, Layer, Color

Now Call the leafletImage() function and provide the create map and call the callback function. In this callback you can call the getMapHeading() and getLegends() functions. For this function we have taken the image data in data variable by using getImageData() method. And The getImageData() method returns an ImageData object that copies the pixel data for the specified rectangle on a canvas.

So the rectangle is given as whole canvas. Then set the globalCompositionOperation as destination-over. The globalCompositeOperation property sets or returns how a source (new) image are drawn onto a destination (existing) image. The putImageData() puts the image data back onto the canvas. The drawImage method draws an image onto the canvas.

leafletImage(map, function(err, canvas) {
 var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
 var data = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

//store the current globalCompositeOperation
 var compositeOperation = context.globalCompositeOperation;

//set to draw behind current content
 context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-over";

//set background color
 //context.fillStyle = "grey";
 context.fillStyle = "#ddd";
 //draw background / rect on entire canvas
 context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
 context.clearRect (0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height);

//restore it with original / cached ImageData
 context.putImageData(data, 0,0);

//reset the globalCompositeOperation to what it was
 context.globalCompositeOperation = compositeOperation;

 print.href = dataURL; = "map.png";

finally On printing the map will look like
Leaflet Print Map - Legends, Title, Layer, Color
Leaflet Print Map – Legends, Title, Layer, Color

Hope you enjoyed this article and are now able to create Leaflet Print Map – Legends, Title, Layer, Color. If you find any problem in implementing a printable map, do comment below. Thanks.

Geoserver Importer Extension API – Upload and Publish Data

In our previous articles we went through how vector and raster data can be publish on Geoserver using stores. Here, in this article we would be discussing what is importer and how this extension can be used to upload and publish the data i.e with Geoserver Importer Extension API.  If you haven’t looked over how to install geoserver, here is the article to install geoserver in linux or install geoserver in windows.

Geoserver Importer Extension API – Upload and Publish Data

Install Importer Extension in GeoServer

As this an official extension, it can be downloaded from its website that is   link.

Follow the steps to install extension-

  1. Download the extension from given website according to your geoserver version.
  2. Extract the archive in WEB-INF/lib directory.
  3. After this, restart the Geoserver.
  4. To check the availability of extension, open the geoserver in browser and check the Data section and find import data.

Geoserver Importer Extension API

Supported Data format by Importer Extension GeoServer

For spatial data it supports
  1.  Shapefile and
  2.  GeoTiff
For DataBases it supports
  1. PostGIS
  2. Oracle
  3. Microsoft SQL Server

Geoserver Importer Extension API

Upload and Publish Data – Geoserver Importer Extension API

There are two simple steps to upload and publish data. To upload data you can click on browse and find the file to upload, select workspace and store then click to next . If data is successfully uploaded an import id is generated  with status pending. The status shows that data has been added but it is not published.

Geoserver Importer Extension

To publish data you can click on import id. New page will open. Here you can click on layer name to change any setting or style.  Geoserver Importer Extension

To publish click on check box and hit import button. Now published data is available to you to view in layer preview and google earth. Select the desired option and click to go.

Geoserver Importer Extension

Publish Data using REST API-  Geoserver Importer Extension

To upload and import data we can also use REST API (Representational state transfer Application programming interface). For this you need to follow the code.

private function create_a_task($workspace)
 $headers = ['Content-Type: application/json', 'accept: application/json'];
 $data['import']=array('targetWorkspace'=> array('workspace'=> array('name'=>$workspace)));
 $settings = [
 CURLOPT_USERPWD => $this->passwordString,
 CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS=> json_encode($data),

$endpoint = "rest/imports";
 $response = $this->call($endpoint, $settings);
 return $response;
 return FALSE;

Whether task has created or not, you can check by browsing http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/imports link. you will get the following output.


After creating a task you can publish the task by executing the given function.

private function upload_task_data($fileName,$id,$workspace)
 $headers = ['Content-Type: multipart/form-data', 'accept: application/json'];
 $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
 $finfo = finfo_file($finfo, $fileName);
 $cFile = new CURLFile($fileName, $finfo, basename($fileName));
 $data = array( "filedata" => $cFile, "filename" => $cFile->postname);
 $settings = [
 CURLOPT_USERPWD => $this->passwordString,
 CURLOPT_INFILESIZE => filesize($fileName),

$endpoint = "rest/imports/".$id."/tasks";
 $response = $this->call($endpoint, $settings);
 return $response;
 return FALSE;

To check the output of code follow the link and get the output.


private function ready_imports($import_id,$workspace)
 $headers = ['Content-Type: application/json', 'accept: application/json'];
 $settings = [
 CURLOPT_USERPWD => $this->passwordString,

$endpoint = "rest/imports/".$import_id;
 $response = $this->call($endpoint, $settings);
 return $response;
 return FALSE;

Output will be


After publishing your data, you can also look for how to sytle your raster layer in geoserver and how to style vector layer in geoserver. Simultaneously you can check the data on geoserver. In this way you can upload and publish the data on geoserver with importer api. For any help and suggestions you can comment us in given box.

Download Australia Administrative Boundary Shapefiles – States, Local Government Area, Postal Areas and more

Hello GIS enthusiasts, IGISMAP has now published the latest GIS vector data of Australia administrative levels. Links for downloading the shapefiles of the important administrative divisions of Australia are provided in the following. You can also download these data in KML, GeoJSON or CSV formats. 


  • All data available are in GCS datum EPSG:4326 WGS84 CRS (Coordinate Reference System).
  • You need to login for downloading the shapefile.

Download Free Shapefile Data of Australia

Australia is the sixth largest country of the world by total area. It is a continent surrounded by Indian and Pacific oceans. Australia as a continent also exist as country, where Australia Continent does have Australia,  partially Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Australia is one of the world’s most highly urbanized countries. Major cities of Australia are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide. Canberra is its capital city, which can be seen in the shapefile downloadable from below links.

Australia GIS Data - National Boundary
Australia National Boundary

Download Australia National Outline Boundary Shapefile

Download Australia States Shapefile Data

The states and territories are federated administrative divisions in Australia, ruled by regional governments that constitute the second level of governance between the federal government and local governments. The Federation of Australia constitutionally consists of six federated states and ten federal territories, out of which three are internal territories contiguous to the Australian mainland; and the other seven are external territories and other offshore dependent territories.

Australia GIS Data - States Boundaries
Australia State Boundaries

Download Australia State Boundaries Shapefile

Federal States

  • New South Wales
  • Queensland
  • South Australia
  • Tasmania
  • Victoria
  • Western Australia

Internal Territories

  • Australian Capital Territory
  • Jervis Bay Territory
  • Northern Territory

External Territories

  • Ashmore and Cartier Islands
  • Christmas Island
  • Cocos (Keeling) Islands
  • Coral Sea Islands
  • Heard Island and McDonald Islands
  • Norfolk Island
  • Australian Antarctic Territory

Download Australia Local Government Areas Shapefile Data

Local government is the third level of government in Australia, administered with limited autonomy under the states and territories, and in turn beneath the federal government. The Australian local government is generally run by a council, and its territory of public administration is referred to generically by the Australian Bureau of Statistics as the local government area or LGA, each of which encompasses multiple suburbs or localities often of different postcodes; however, stylized terms such as “city”, “borough” and “shire” also have a geographic or historical interpretation. As of August 2016, there were 547 local councils in Australia.

Australia GIS Data - LGA Boundaries
Australia LGA Boundaries

Download Australia LGA Boundaries Shapefile

This shapefile covers following shire or council listed below:

  • Inner West Council
  • Council of the City of Sydney
  • Burwood Council
  • Canterbury-Bankstown Council
  • City of Banyule
  • City of Darebin
  • City of Boroondara
  • City of Yarra
  • City of Melbourne
  • City of Port Phillip
  • City of Stonnington
  • City of Manningham
  • City of Whitehorse
  • City of Hobsons Bay
  • City of Wyndham
  • City of Greater Geelong
  • City of Monash
  • Northern Beaches Council
  • City of Adelaide
  • Borough of Queenscliffe
  • Surf Coast Shire
  • Golden Plains Shire
  • Shire of Colac Otway
  • Shire of Corangamite
  • Shire of Pyrenees
  • City of Ballarat
  • Shire of Moorabool
  • City of Melton
  • City of Brimbank
  • City of Hume
  • Shire of Macedon Ranges
  • City of Moreland
  • City of Whittlesea
  • Shire of Mitchell
  • Shire of Hepburn
  • City of Moonee Valley
  • City of Maribyrnong
  • Shire of Nillumbik
  • City of Glen Eira
  • Shire of Murrindindi
  • City of Bayside
  • City of Kingston
  • City of Greater Dandenong
  • City of Frankston
  • City of Casey
  • Shire of Mornington Peninsula
  • City of Knox
  • City of Maroondah
  • Shire of Yarra Ranges
  • Shire of Cardinia
  • Shire of Baw Baw
  • Shire of South Gippsland
  • Bass Coast Shire
  • Shire of Mount Alexander
  • City of Greater Bendigo
  • Shire of Loddon
  • Rural City of Mildura
  • Shire of West Wimmera
  • Shire of Hindmarsh
  • Shire of Yarriambiack
  • Shire of Buloke
  • Rural City of Swan Hill
  • Shire of Strathbogie
  • Shire of Campaspe
  • Rural City of Ararat
  • Shire of Moyne
  • City of Warrnambool
  • Shire of Northern Grampians
  • Shire of Southern Grampians
  • Shire of Mansfield
  • Shire of Central Goldfields
  • Shire of Wellington
  • Rural City of Wangaratta
  • Rural City of Benalla
  • Latrobe City
  • Shire of Glenelg
  • Rural City of Horsham
  • Shire of East Gippsland
  • Alpine Shire
  • Shire of Towong
  • Shire of Gannawarra
  • City of Greater Shepparton
  • Shire of Moira
  • Shire of Indigo
  • City of Wodonga
  • District Council of Grant
  • City of Mount Gambier
  • Albury City Council
  • Greater Hume Shire Council
  • Wattle Range Council
  • Victoria-Daly Region
  • City of Darwin
  • Bundaberg Region
  • Wentworth Shire Council
  • Central Darling Shire Council
  • Bourke Shire Council
  • Broken Hill City Council
  • Balranald Shire Council
  • Brewarrina Shire Council
  • Walgett Shire Council
  • Cobar Shire Council
  • Bogan Shire Council
  • Moree Plains Shire Council
  • Hay Shire Council
  • Carrathool Shire Council
  • Warren Shire Council
  • Lachlan Shire Council
  • Murray River Council
  • Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
  • Edward River Council
  • Clarence Valley Council
  • Richmond Valley Council
  • Griffith City Council
  • Kyogle Council
  • Tenterfield Shire Council
  • Glen Innes Severn Council
  • Armidale Regional Council
  • Nambucca Shire Council
  • Bellingen Shire Council
  • Coffs Harbour City Council
  • Lismore City Council
  • Ballina Shire Council
  • Tweed Shire Council
  • Byron Shire Council
  • Kempsey Shire Council
  • Walcha Council
  • Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
  • Dungog Shire Council
  • Port Stephens Council
  • Upper Hunter Shire Council
  • Maitland City Council
  • Newcastle City Council
  • Cessnock City Council
  • Lake Macquarie City Council
  • Singleton Council
  • Inverell Shire Council
  • Central Coast Council
  • Randwick City Council
  • Waverley Council
  • Woollahra Municipal Council
  • Georges River Council
  • Sutherland Shire Council
  • Strathfield Municipal Council
  • Cumberland Council
  • Fairfield City Council
  • Liverpool City Council
  • City of Parramatta Council
  • City of Canada Bay Council
  • Blacktown City Council
  • Council of the City of Ryde
  • The Council of the Shire of Hornsby
  • The Hills Shire Council
  • Hawkesbury City Council
  • Ku-ring-gai Council
  • Willoughby City Council
  • Berrigan Shire Council
  • Murrumbidgee Council
  • Federation Council
  • Snowy Monaro Regional Council
  • Snowy Valleys Council
  • Eurobodalla Shire Council
  • Bega Valley Shire Council
  • Wagga Wagga City Council
  • Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
  • Yass Valley Council
  • Mid-Coast Council
  • Junee Shire Council
  • Temora Shire Council
  • Hilltops Council
  • Bland Shire Council
  • Weddin Shire Council
  • Cowra Shire Council
  • Upper Lachlan Shire Council
  • Uralla Shire Council
  • Gwydir Shire Council
  • Gilgandra Shire Council
  • Dubbo Regional Council
  • Warrumbungle Shire Council
  • Mid-Western Regional Council
  • Cabonne Council
  • Parkes Shire Council
  • Narromine Shire Council
  • The Council of the Municipality of Hunters Hill
  • North Sydney Council
  • Lane Cove Municipal Council
  • Mosman Municipal Council
  • Penrith City Council
  • Wollondilly Shire Council
  • Camden Council
  • Campbelltown City Council
  • Lithgow City Council
  • Blue Mountains City Council
  • Wollongong City Council
  • Wingecarribee Shire Council
  • Shellharbour City Council
  • Oberon Council
  • Goulburn Mulwaree Council
  • The Council of the Municipality of Kiama
  • Shoalhaven City Council
  • Coolamon Shire Council
  • Narrandera Shire Council
  • Lockhart Shire Council
  • Bathurst Regional Council
  • Muswellbrook Shire Council
  • Liverpool Plains Shire Council
  • Tamworth Regional Council
  • Narrabri Shire Council
  • Gunnedah Shire Council
  • Leeton Shire Council
  • Forbes Shire Council
  • Blayney Shire Council
  • Orange City Council
  • Kangaroo Island Council
  • Yorke Peninsula Council
  • Renmark Paringa Council
  • District Council of Loxton Waikerie
  • Southern Mallee District Council
  • Tatiara District Council
  • Naracoorte Lucindale Council
  • District Council of Robe
  • Kingston District Council
  • Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Local Government Area
  • Maralinga Tjarutja
  • District Council of Coober Pedy
  • Municipal Council of Roxby Downs
  • Uia Riverland Local Government Area
  • Berri Barmera Council
  • Pastoral Unincorporated Area
  • Port Augusta City Council
  • Flinders Ranges Council
  • District Council of Orroroo Carrieton
  • District Council of Peterborough
  • Mid Murray Council
  • Unincorporated Area
  • Bayside Council
  • Coorong District Council
  • District Council of Karoonda East Murray
  • Rural City of Murray Bridge
  • District Council of Ceduna
  • District Council of Streaky Bay
  • Wudinna District Council
  • District Council of Elliston
  • Coonamble Shire Council
  • Alexandrina Council
  • City of Victor Harbor
  • District Council of Yankalilla
  • City of Onkaparinga
  • Mount Barker District Council
  • City of Swan
  • Bayswater
  • City of Belmont
  • Waverley Council

Download Australia Postal Areas Shapefile Data

There are over 2670 postal area boundaries in the following data

Australia GIS Data - Postal Area Boundaries
Australia Postal Area Boundaries

Download Australia Postal Area Boundaries Shapefile

Other Administrative Boundary Data:

Australia Demographic Data:

Download Free Shapefile for the following:

  1. World Countries Shapefile
  2. Australia
  3. Argentina
  4. Austria
  5. Belgium
  6. Brazil
  7. Canada
  8. Denmark
  9. Fiji
  10. Finland
  11. Germany
  12. Greece
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Ireland
  16. Italy
  17. Japan
  18. Kenya
  19. Lebanon
  20. Madagascar
  21. Malaysia
  22. Mexico
  23. Mongolia
  24. Netherlands
  25. New Zealand
  26. Nigeria
  27. Papua New Guinea
  28. Philippines
  29. Poland
  30. Russia
  31. Singapore
  32. South Africa
  33. South Korea
  34. Spain
  35. Switzerland
  36. Tunisia
  37. United Kingdom Shapefile
  38. United States of America
  39. Vietnam
  40. Croatia
  41. Chile
  42. Norway

Disclaimer : If you find any shapefile data of country provided is in correct do contact us or comment below, so that we will correct the same in our system as well we will try to correct the same in openstreetmap.

Mapzen Alternative – Build your server

In this post we are focusing on Mapzen Alternative. Recently an open source mapping company Mapzen announced it would shut down shortly with Its hosted APIs and support services going down too.

Mapzen Alternative – Build your own server

Mapzen tools help developers build wonderful interactive maps and equip them with search and routing services. This shut down created some serious issues for Mapzen user. Which includes many app developers, civic organisations and some government agencies etc. but here’s how everyone got saved. In Mapzen everything is open source and Mapzen only deals with open data from openstreetmap.

Now for Mapzen client’s, have only two options, i.e to switch to another hosted API that offers the similar functionality, or to Run their own servers with the open source projects powered by Mapzen services. 

Mapzen Server Setup with Open source projects

I recommend you guys to Build your own server as  Mapzen alternative. As Mapzen services are backed by open-source software projects and use open data. Now you can run open-source versions of Mapzen services.  Don’t worry guys if you don’t have any technical knowledge about how to configure the server, we are here to help. We can help you create your own server for your own business with every piece of functionality and service that Mapzen was providing.

If you want to Build your own server with Mapzen open source software as Mapzen alternative services, we are here to help you. We can help you achieve every functionality you want in your own new server.

Mapzen Alternative hosted API Programs:

Mapzen has a total list of Mapzen alternative hosted APIs which can fulfill the clients requirements like

  • Nextzen (A long-term support version of own Tilezen)
  • Mapbox and many.

We prefer using map server of our own or to hire services from GIS Experts, this would make a full control of your own system. Feel free to contact us If you need to build your server as Mapzen Alternative at Enginner Philosophy Web services Pvt. Ltd.

Please feel free to comment in given box for any help.


Insurance Management GIS Web/App Development – Cost, Time – Map Tool

In this blog post we describe a detailed overview of Insurance Management GIS Web/App Development tool’s Requirement, Time, Technology and functionality. Insurance Management GIS map tool provides you every location-based insight you need and It can also be used as Risk Manager as It uses smart maps, data analysis and all of the features for controlling risks and managing business strategies of Insurance companies.

Why one should Build Interactive Insurance Management GIS Map Tool:

  • For Understanding and Improving Key Performance of Insurance Business with GIS Tool:

    1. Risk Assessment : Insurance Management GIS Map Tool exposes the exact location of risk for the Insurance companies with the interactive maps and helps in target the limited capital to higher opportunity or areas of lower risk. Our tool provides you insights that supports data-driven decision-making and more effective business strategy.
    2. Comparing Business Measures : You can easily map business measures and compare them with the help of Insurance Management GIS Map Tool. It can validate various locations and  visualize loss patterns on an interactive and beautiful maps.
    3. Territory Management: Insurance Management GIS Map Tool helps companies in their territory management and our analysis shows how geography interacts with hazards and assets to help companies limit risk. Insurance Management GIS Map Tool helps you implanting and deploying the networks necessary to operate efficiently in your territory.

Insurance Management GIS Web/App Development – Cost, Time - Map Tool

  • For Response Planning and management of Insurance with GIS Tool:

    1. Manage your Policyholders on interactive map :  You can manage your Policyholders on the maps according to their location. you can handle the location details, description, insured values and your client’s network as according to your strategy by using the tool.
      Insurance Management GIS Web/App Development – Cost, Time - Map Tool
    2. Disaster analysis: Our tool reduces your companies progressive risk loss with the interactive maps. As these maps, data analytics ensures that you understand risk and make effective management plans.
      Insurance Management GIS Web/App Development – Cost, Time - Map Tool
    3. Management: An Interactive Insurance Management GIS Map Tool’s maps and spatial data analysis exposes the risk nearness that helps in improving the risk score accuracy. when natural disasters happens and losses occur, Insurers needs to respond to incidents quickly and efficiently for the policyholders and for that this tool lets you quickly visualize events on the map with advanced analytics to prioritize response execution and plan for claims handling prior to catastrophic events.

Scope of Insurance Management GIS Web/App Development:

Insurance sector is facing broad changes driven by a convergence of of business and technology forces fuelled by innovation. Insurance companies have immense desires of data to make better decisions and to utilize the data for risk management, companies use strong geographic component. From managing the addresses of policyholders to the location of risk to the logistics of handling claims, GIS benefits the companies most.

In Insurance Management GIS Map Tool policyholders location decides the insured value and importance of claims and how it will be processed. GIS is used as a valuable tool in Insurance Industry. It’s all about predicting risk in the insurance industry. And insurance companies better manage risk with GIS tools which with real-time data helps improve decision-making at a quicker pace.

Insurance Management GIS Map Tool has the range of functions which allows the use of policyholders data and spatial analysis to effectively serve customers, triage claims, and monitor fraudulent activities by embracing location-based intelligence. This system allows you to integrate a large variety of data into one into one place i.e. Map, where you can analyze the incident reports with an infographic representation of policyholders, their insured values and description. This tool provides interactive maps, data analysis and all of the features for controlling risks and managing business strategies.

We provide simple and versatile Insurance Management GIS Map Tool which is backed up by live support. We upsurge your business with the sharpest technology and outstanding features.

Requirement Gathering for Insurance Management App:

        • What do client require for gis insurance tool with map?

          We have an precise idea of our client’s needs for this tool in their business, so here is a list of some main requirements we think that every client would want in their Insurance Management GIS Map Tool.

          • Proactively managing risk to improve resilience.
          • communicate data quickly and clearly.
          • Maps diversification for affordable coverage.
          • Express complex data simply and enhances understanding and comprehension.
          • Zone rating and pricing.
          • Understanding of patterns and trends over space and time.
          • Improve risk analysis, evaluation, and mitigation.
          • Summarized and interpretive conveying of statistical data
          • Identify high- and low-performing areas for sales optimization.
          • Analyze policy base to agent resources to create more effective sales territories.
          • Performing better market analysis with spatial analysis and powerful decision-making insight.
          • Visualize aggregated policyholder data at the district level and areas of high total insured value, they see locations of potential significant losses.
          • Getting professional work of captivating maps, reports and interactive web portal which distinguish you from competition.
        • Software Requirement for insurance gis map tool app:

          These are some software requirements for the implementation of the Insurance Management GIS Map Tool:

          • Server: We can use any server for this Website tool but we prefer these two servers to be precise that we will be working on:
          1. NGINX Server – Nginx is an open source web server which can handle a website with a huge amount of traffic. It is a high performance web server developed with an intention to handle websites with large number of users. Its speciality is that it can run on a minimal amount of resources and handle a large number of requests.
          2. Digital Ocean Server – Digital ocean server or ‘droplets’ is a cloud server which is designed to store and server massive amount of data while making it easy and cost effective. Digital ocean server use KVM as hyperviser and can be created in various sizes. It helps in build deploy and scale cloud application faster and more efficient

          We personally recommend using Digital Ocean Server, as it is much faster, easy and cost efficient.

          • Leaflet: With leaflet you can compute the features bounding box, create a layer group, remove or add as many marker or different layer as you want on a map. Adding vector layers, raster layers, adding wms or wfs layer (can be used to serve and render geoserver or map server layers), selecting and hovering over lat-long are some of the functionality which can be easily grabbed by leaflet js map library.
          • Database: We will be using this database for storing the Insurance Management GIS Map
            data :
          1. PostGIS/PostGreSQL : PostGIS is an open source software. It adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL database. PostGIS follows the simple features for SQL specification from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
          • Mapping Systems: This is the main software component of the Insurance Management GIS Map Tool. This whole system is dependent on the web mapping of the data. For mapping the data we can use any of these two Mapping systems.
          1. Google Maps: Google Maps is the tool which is used to display geographical information on a map which is in a widely accepted standard format for digital maps.
          2. OSM (Open Street Map): OSM is the software that creates and distributes the open source graphic data of the world. OSM has no restriction of technical or legal type. It allows free access to its map images and underlying map data. All the Insurance Management data locations can be found here with the nearby entities as well.

Features of Insurance Management GIS Web/App:

      • Easy data uploading in gis tool :

        We are providing a direct interface for uploading the spatial data to generate the interactive maps. You can just upload the Policyholders locations or any disaster spatial data into the database which will present the infographic representation of the data i.e. maps. You can upload any type of data and if you have data in spreadsheet you can open our other tool IgisMap Converter and convert your data into the spatial data format and then upload it.

      • Generating Maps and Reports from insurance app :

        New maps can be generated from the maps that were customized or edited in whatever way the you wants them to be. Company can style the map according to their wishes or the client. In styling the color, popup details, markers can be changed or customized and altogether generates a new Map. Specific areas of City/County/colony can be filtered with the help of Polygon and then the Insurance Management data will be presented. You also can generate and download the pdf file or spreadsheet document data of newly generated maps representing all the data of Insurance or Disaster Management. Doing so will ensure that your teams and their clients have the most accurate and timely data in their hands.

      • Proximity Analysis from insurance management app:

        Companies can use proximity analysis to compare and determine the relationship between selected office and the area covered by policyholders near it. Proximity analysis gives the company, the ability to more easily showcase the total no. of policyholders in the area, their premium related descriptions and advantages with risk analysis to its location.  You can visualize aggregated policyholder data at the district level and areas of high total insured value and see locations of potential significant losses. You can visualize aggregated policyholder data at the district level and areas of high total insured value and see locations of potential significant losses. You can shift your strategy to provide new, compelling, and original information to your policyholders which can pay off in many ways. Analytics reports can be generated in any format and you can download it to use it further. Proximity analysis is a crucial tool for business marketing and site selection.


Contact us at our mail or put a comment below to discuss the expected cost.

Interactive Real Estate Web/App Development – Cost, Time – GIS Tool

In this blog post we describe a detailed overview of Real Estate Web App GIS tool’s Requirement, Time, Technology and functionality. All of the required features and requirements of Real Estate web app GIS tools are going to be described in this post in details.

Why one should Build Interactive Real Estate Web App GIS tool:

  • For showing properties and features of your site to client:
    1. 3D Map Designs: In this digital era of the century, the Real Estate Web App GIS tool showcase your real estate properties in rich map visualization and 3D designs to your client with an interactive website to help you stand out from the crowed. Now, with 3D maps of buildings and 2D maps of interior spaces or floor plans, your client can easily access its facility information and get impressed. The 3D designs can be very helpful in enhancing communication across clients and the property which helps you get to profit the business.
    2. Amenities and Nearby places visualization -attracts customers  : Real Estate Web App GIS Tool helps in showing the amenities and nearby places of the real estates property to the clients. The Client can see and get all the information about the nearby schools, hotels, subway locations and the amenities provided at the campus in the maps.  Your best properties with map visualizations and persuasive location-based collateral helps creating the compelling marketing strategy for the clients that helps in closing the deal without even taking to real location.
    3. Digital Marketing: Real Estate Web App GIS Tool has features that provides the direct link to available location that client asked for via text, whatsapp or any social network.
  • For Real Estate Employer and Employees:
    1. Manage your properties on interactive map :  You can manage your properties on the maps according to your wish. you can handle the location details, description, availability and rates of every site/property as according to your strategy by using the tool.
    2. Market analysis: An Interactive Real Estate web app GIS tool’s maps and spatial data analysis exposes the marketing patterns that helps in improving the execution strategy of corporate deals. It lets you find the obscure insights and use that knowledge to delight your customers and maximize return on investment. With market analysis you can turn your understanding of competition, supply and demand into profits. This tool helps you to identify market gaps and its spatial data analysis help identifying investment properties which bring the best return for the client.


Sites, Buildings, Plots etc these are the entities that makes Real Estate but there is only one thing that matters in each one of them i.e. ‘Location’. Location is always one of the determining factors influencing property value in Real Estate Business. They say to get success in Real Estate you should know how to apply both of your financial and geographic expertise.

As of Real Estate, location is the origin of geographic data for GIS users. The accuracy of location decides the value and importance of data and how it will be used. As we see location is the common focus point for both, GIS can be used as a valuable tool in many different conventions of real estate. And here we have the perfect tool which allows you to use insight, creativity and objectivity to work out the best deal for the company and their clients and take marketing and profits to the next level.

Real Estate Web App GIS tool has the range of functions which allows the use of psychographic data and spatial analysis to deliver clients the highest possible return on their site selection strategy. This system allows you to integrate a large variety of data into one into one place i.e. Map, where you can present your clients with an infographic (visual representation of information that use designs to display information content) representation affecting the desirability and value of a property can give a far more accurate picture of a property’s suitability to their needs.

We provide simple and versatile Real Estate Web App GIS tool which is backed up by live support. We upsurge your business with the sharpest technology and outstanding features.

Now you can have more time with your client then sitting in front of a computer.

Requirement Gathering:

        • What do client require?

          We have an absolute idea of our client’s needs for the Website tool in their business, so here is a list of some main requirements we think that every client would want in their Real Estate Web App GIS tool.

          • Communicate assessment information with maps
          • communicate data quickly and clearly
          • express complex data simply and enhances understanding and comprehension
          • self-contained summery of sites that the client needs or value
          • presenting cause and effect insights in impactful ways
          • summarized and interpretive conveying of statistical data
          • Logically grouping of quantitative sales data and presenting them as structured information through charts/reports/maps.
          • Escalating market knowledge with the location based data to help better understands factors that drive growth for the business and uncovering hidden opportunities for a competitive advantage.
          • More accurately estimating the impact of location on property value
          • Performing better market analysis with spatial analysis and powerful decision-making insight.
          • With location-based data transforming the reports into data-driven decisions that expands marketing and site selections.
          • Getting professional work of captivating maps, reports and interactive web portal which distinguish us from competition.
        • Software Requirement:

          These are some software requirements for the implementation of the Real Estate Web App GIS tool:

          • Server: We can use any server for this Website tool but we prefer these two servers to be precise that we will be working on:
          1. NGINX Server – Nginx is an open source web server which can handle a website with a huge amount of traffic. It is a high performance web server developed with an intention to handle websites with large number of users. Its speciality is that it can run on a minimal amount of resources and handle a large number of requests.
          2. Digital Ocean Server – Digital ocean server or ‘droplets’ is a cloud server which is designed to store and server massive amount of data while making it easy and cost effective. Digital ocean server use KVM as hyperviser and can be created in various sizes. It helps in build deploy and scale cloud application faster and more efficient

          We personally recommend using Digital Ocean Server, as it is much faster, easy and cost efficient.

          • Converter: Converter can be used to convert the information data file of one format to another format. There are many converters available online you can use any one of them but we prefer IgisMap Converter which converts any type of raster or vector data file into another format.
          • Leaflet: With leaflet you can compute the features bounding box, create a layer group, remove or add as many marker or different layer as you want on a map. Adding vector layers, raster layers, adding wms or wfs layer (can be used to serve and render geoserver or map server layers), selecting and hovering over lat-long are some of the functionality which can be easily grabbed by leaflet js map library.
          • Database: We will be using this database for storing the Real Estate data :
          1. PostGIS/PostGreSQL : PostGIS is an open source software program that adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database. PostGIS follows the Simple Features for SQL specification from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
          • Mapping Systems: This is the main software component of the Real Estate Web App GIS tool. This whole system is dependent on the web mapping of the data. For mapping the data we can use any of these two Mapping systems.
          1. Google Maps: Google Maps is the tool which is used to display geographical information on a map which is in a widely accepted standard format for digital maps.
          2. OSM (Open Street Map): OSM is the software that creates and distributes the open source graphic data of the world. OSM has no restriction of technical or legal type. It allows free access to its map images and underlying map data. All the Real estate data locations can be found here with the nearby entities as well.


      • Easy data uploading:

        We are providing a direct interface for uploading the spatial data to generate the maps. You can just upload the real estate locations spatial data into the database which will present the infographic representation of the data i.e. maps. You can upload any type of data and if you have data in spreadsheet you can open our other tool IgisMap Converter and convert your data into the spatial data format and then upload it.

      • Web Mapping:

        Real Estate Web App GIS tool represents the real estate location spatial data as infographic data/web maps via leaflet. The company can present data from all over the world with as much properties into the map. Real estate professionals can target properties to match exact specifications and deliver the answers needed to make the most intelligent choices with the web maps. This data facilitates better decision making and tells a compelling story that illustrates the ways in which the proposed development will be an attractive investment for both the developer and the neighborhood residents.

      • Customizing Maps:

        The maps can be customized in whatever way the client wants them to be. Company can style the map according to their wishes or the client. In styling the color, popup details, markers can be changed or customized. Specific areas of City/County/colony can be filtered with the help of Polygon and then the real estate data will be presented. Think about how companies handle their customer relationship management (CRM) data. Managing or customizing your location data map requires a similar approach if you want to leverage its value. Doing so will ensure that your teams and their clients have the most accurate and timely data in their hands.

      • Web 3D Map:

        Map with third dimension on Web gives you a new way to visualize reality. Isn’t that cool if you get to know building level detail, analyze the surface by getting elevation detail and get the actual visualization to some extent even without visiting the area. Adding third dimension to a map is an add-on for geographers, government bodies and to every individual for proper understanding the geographic area. Real Estate can take advantage of Web 3D Map with existing GIS database knowledge. As it can get their clients introduced to a new place or building before taking a tour to an unknown area.

      • Analytic reports:

        Companies or Builders can use analysis to compare the desirability of locations can help ensure fair and equitable valuation of property. Spatial analysis gives the client, and ultimately the seller, the ability to more easily showcase the subject property’s characteristics and advantages with respect to its location. As the ability to see a property overlaid by school districts, aerial photography, shopping access, and utility services gives the Client an immediate sense of place for their possible new home. You can shift your strategy to provide new, compelling, and original information to your clients which can pay off in many ways. Better analytics, efficient data management, and relevant information products result in real return on investment. Analytics reports can be generated in any format and you can download it to use it further.


Contact us at our mail or put a comment below to discuss the expected cost.

Convert HDF5 to Geotiff

In this article we are discussing about converting HDF5 to Geotiff file format. The question may arise in your mind that why would anyone convert HDF5 data into geotiff. The answer is simple, not every server or software support HDF5 data so for that you need to install some plug-ins that may take time in your analysis process.

Online Tool to Convert HDF5 to GeoTiff

Convert HDF5 to Geotiff

HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format) file is Multi-Dimensional data that contains data in hierarchical format. That means in one file we have multiple bands and that bands also contains sub bands. That can defines as a tree type structure. You may look over details in multidimensional HDF5 Data.

Convert-HDF5 to Geotiff

Convert HDF5 to Geotiff using GDAL utility-

Here we have used GDAL Utility that is gdal_translate. For using this utility you need to add GDAL in your system. please follow the given command

Convert-HDF5 to Geotiff

To check the availability you can type ogr2ogr in command prompt and get the following result.Convert-HDF5 to Geotiff

After setting the GDAL utility in system, you can run the conversion command for HDF5 file, which is

–> gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 HDF5:File_name.hdf5:BAND_Name -of ‘Gtiff’ Output_FileName.geotiff

Gdal_translate has some options, which can be seen by typing gdal_translate in your command prompt.

HDF5 to geotiff

Here, in the command we have -a_srs to assign SRS (spatial reference system) , specify the HDF5 file with band. the option -of ‘Gtiff’ shows the output file format.

You may also look for other conversion to GeoTiff i.e from NetCDF to GeoTIFF or from Grib to GeoTIFF file.

Output In QGIS software- Convert HDF5 to Geotiff

Convert-HDF5 to Geotiff

Please let us know, if you face any problem or require any help in conversion by commenting in given comment box.

Convert NetCDF to Geotiff

In this article we are going you discuss conversion process of NetCDF to geoTIFF file. Here this conversion is required because many of servers does not directly support NetCDF. You need to install some plug-ins to publish and view the Netcdf data. So it would be better to convert the Netcdf data in geotiff for particular bands so that you do not have to install plugins.

Online Tool to Convert NetCDF to GeoTiff

Convert NetCDF to Geotiff

NetCDF data is a multi-Dimensional data to store large number of bands in one file. There can be various dimensional such as space (Latitude, Longitude and Altitude) and time. In bands you can have information about pressure, temperature, wind direction etc. You can look over in detail of multidimensional data of NetCDF file.

Convert- NetCDF to Geotiff

Convert NetCDF into GeoTiff using gdal utility

For using Gdal utility you need to add gdal in your system. For that you can follow the given commands

Convert- NetCDF to Geotiff

To check the availability of ogr2ogr in system, you can type the command ogr2ogr and get following response

Convert- NetCDF to Geotiff

Now you can follow the given command to convert NetCDF in GeoTiff

–> gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326  -of ‘Gtiff’ Output_FileName.geotiff

Here we have used gdal_translate utility of GDAL. It has following options

Convert- NetCDF to Geotiff

Here -a_srs srs_def defines the assignment of SRS (Spatial Reference system) to output file. we have selected EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group)  4326. You can choose your file’s SRS. The next option is NetCDF file name with a band which needed to be convert in geotiff. The option -of is the Output file format. Here ‘Gtiff’  is geotiff driver in gdal. After this specify the output file name with .geotiff or .tiff extension.

Output Geotiff file- Convert NetCDF to Geotiff

The generated output tiff file can be viewd in QGIS software.

Convert- NetCDF to Geotiff

The output shows one of the band converted into geotiff. It has multiple bands. Similarly you can can convert other file in geotiff like HDF5 to GeoTIFF or Grib to GeoTIFF.

For more information or any help you can comment in given box. We are always available for your help.

Convert GRIB to Geotiff

In this tutorial, we will find out how a can we convert GRIB to GeoTIFF file format. First of all the question is what is GRIB file and why anyone would convert the GRIB file in Geotiff format.

Here is the online Tool to Convert GRIB To GeoTiff

Convert GRIB to GeoTIFF

Before taking to conversion of GRIB and GeoTIFF, lets first understand what is GRIB and What is GeoTIFF.

GRIB (General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary) files are multidimensional files. These files are used to store Meteorological data. The data is store in image mosaic format. That measn all the raster bands ate mosaic together to store in one file. You may also look over details of GRIB Multi dimensional data.

Convert-GRIB to Geotiff

Convert GRIB file in Geotiff using GDAL utility-

Here GDAL Utility (gdal_translate) is used . For using this utility you need to add GDAL in your system. please follow the given command

Convert-GRIB to Geotiff

To check the presence of this library, you can type ogr2ogr in command prompt and get the following output.Convert-GRIB to Geotiff

Now follow the command to convert GRIB in geotiff.

–> gdal_translate -b 354 -a_srs EPSG:4326 GRIB_Filename.grb2 -of Gtiff’ Output_tiffname.geotiff

The options available in gdal_translate utility can be viewed by executing command gdal_translate on command prompt.

Convert-GRIB to Geotiff

Here, in the command we have -a_srs to assign SRS (spatial reference system) , specify the GRIB file. The option -of ‘Gtiff’ shows the output file format.

Output in QGIS software

Convert-GRIB to Geotiff

Here we have more conversion as Netcdf to geotiff, HDF5 to geotiff etc., which can follow to convert your data.

Please feel free to comment in given box for any help.

QGIS2Web – Create Web Maps

Web Mapping  is a service through which the consumers will choose what they want to show on the map. It is a great way to publish your Geographical information system data to their web and make it accessible by the other consumers. web mapping is tightly related to programming and it has a learning curve. GIS users are typically aren’t web programmers and it presents a challenge when one needs to create a web map that is of the same quality as a map creating in a GIS. In this post we will learn how can we use QGIS2Web for creating the web map.

We make maps because we want to send out a message. The great advantage here is when you put your spatial data on a web map as opposed to an offline map, your map is to be seen and you get your message sent to much wider audience. You can just spread out the URL of your web map and have people explore your beautiful maps.

QGIS2Web – Create Web Maps

QGIS2Web is a tool that turns QGIS layers into HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files. QGIS2Web can create an interactive web map that pops up information for the user.

Using Qgis2web is no big deal and it is really very is to use. Let’s start it how and what we can do with Qgis2web.

Creating Map in QGIS – QGIS2Web

    • Go to your QGIS application and click add vector layer, Now browse the Layer from your downloaded project.
    • Now lets just create a map in QGIS. here in this map when a user clicks on a state we would want it to popup the information about it. the information is already present in the attribute table of this layer. Right click on the layer and select properties.
    • For the different attributes present in the layer. Switch to the Fields tab. Some of these aren’t relevant to us for web map, so we can choose to hide these. We will keep admin, region, postal, woe_label, name, longitude, latitude and type fields and hide the others fields. Click on Text Edit button under the Edit widget column for adm1_code field.
    • In the Edit Widget Properties dialog, choose Hidden as the type. Click OK. Do the with all the others.
    • We can also use the Alias column to indicate an alternate name for the fields without actually changing the underlying data table. This is useful to give more user-friendly field names to the users of our map. Add aliases as per your choices and click Ok.
    • Now if we want to show only specific data or area in our web map, Switch to General tab.
    • In General tab now we will build a query in Query builder in Provider feature filter for filtering the data we want to show to the map. So click to Query Builder and then select field by which you want to filter that data and insert the filter value. You can also test your query by clicking Test  button there. Then click OK on both windows.
    • Back in the main QGIS window, choose the Identify tool and click on any point. The Identify Results panel will display the nicely formatted attributes with the newly added aliases. You will notice that the hidden fields do not appear in the results.
    • Now let’s style our layer to be more visually appealing and informative. Right-click the layer and select Properties. Switch to the Style tab. Choose Categorized style and our field Name as the Column. Click Classify.
    • We need to label each State. Switch to the Labels tab in the Properties dialog. Select Show labels for this layer and choose name as the value for Label with. We will also set Rendering option so that the labels only appear when the user is sufficiently zoomed in. Check Scale-based visibility under Label options. Enter 1 as the Minimum scale and 10000000 as the maximum scale. This setting will render the labels only after the user has zoomed in more than 1:10000000 scale and will be visible till 1:1 scale.
    • The map is ready now. Time to save our work go to Project > Save. Enter name of the project you want to give.

    QGIS2WEB Web Mapping

    • Now as our Map is completed and saved. We will use Qgis2web which is a plugin of the QGIS software. You should first install the Qgis2web plugin from inside QGIS. To do that, In QGIS and go to Plugins > Manage and Install Plugins… Then search for qgis2web and click Install plugin.
    • Our QGIS map is now ready to be converted into a HTML map with qgis2web. Qgis2web reads QGIS layers and their style and converts them into HTML, Javascript, and CSS files that can be viewed from the browser.
    •  Once the plugin is installed, we will create a web map, go to Web > qgis2web > Create a web map.
    • In the Export web map dialog, select how you want the popups to be labelled in the web map in upper panel.
    • In the Export to web map dialog, Select Expanded or Collapsed in Add layers list in the bottom panel under the Appearance section. Also select the field for Label search whatever you like to see in your web map. Check the Show popups on hover to allow display of info-windows on hover. We can also set a basemap so the users have more context when looking at the layer. Select OSM B&W to use a black-and-white themed basemap create using OpenStreetMap data. You also have an option to choose from either OpenLayers or Leaflet as the web mapping library. We will restrict this tutorial to use the OpenLayers library. Click Update Preview` to see how your exported map will look like. Before we do the actual export, we need to set the Export folder. You can select a folder of your choice and click Export.
    • Once the export is complete, the default browser for your computer will open and show the interactive web map.
    • OpenLayes and Leaflet libraries ha many functions and operations that we can apply in Qgis2web  but Qgis2web also has some limitations. Here In this post we created a template with Qgis2web by which you can customize the web map. Qgis2web plugin saves a lot of valuable time in web mapping.  The output created from this process can be readily changed to suit your requirement.

    Pressing the Export button in QGIS2Web generates an index.html file and three folders with associated Javascript and CSS files. If you want to publish this map online, you would need to get a web hosting account and simply upload the index.html file and the three associated folders to the main public html directory. Visiting the URL of your website would then show the map in the browser.