GIS Tutorial – Basic Spatial Elements – Points, Lines and Polygons

In GIS (Geographical Information System) vector data represents the information in points, lines and polygons. In GIS, you connect data with geography. So in this blog we discuss about GIS Tutorial basic spatial elements – Points, Lines and Polygons. Vector data formats represents geographical space that is intuitive and reminiscent of analog maps.

With the MAPOG Spatial Tool You can Create Point, Line and Polygon Shape Online

Basic Spatial Elements – Points, Lines and Polygons

Vector Point Data –

A point uses a single coordinate pair to define its location. Attributes of point describes its features.  Points are considered to have no dimension even though in real world it have dimensions. Examples of Point data is power poles, telephone poles, a building.

In the below GIF you can see point feature.

GIS Tutorial - Basic Spatial Elements - Points, Lines and Polygons

In the below image you can see different points but all are representing railway station.

GIS Tutorial - Basic Spatial Elements - Points, Lines and Polygons

Vector Line Data –

When these points are connected then point data is converted into vector line data but it should not be enclosed . It uses a ordered set of coordinates. Line feature have multiple lines and points. Attributes may attach in every line, node and vertices. Hence each line may have multiple attributes rows of table. Examples of vector line data is road lines, topographic lines, power line, object outlines.

GIS Tutorial - Basic Spatial Elements - Points, Lines and Polygons

In the above GIF you can see vector line feature. It defines GIS very well by connecting data with location.

Vector Polygon Data –

When lines are connected into enclosed shape then this type of data termed as polygon data. Polygon should be closed. The start and end point should have the same coordinates. Examples of vector polygon feature are school boundary, city or any political line.

GIS Tutorial - Basic Spatial Elements - Points, Lines and Polygons

Above GIF showing the vector polygon feature.

MAPOG Online Tool to Create Line Polygon and Point

This is all about vector point, line and polygon feature. We have learned that vector data is used to represent real world data into point, line and polygon features. And each vector feature has attribute which shows its information. We try our level best, still you have doubt please do comment below.

More  free Tutorial are –

Create Map Layer – Point, Polygon, Multiline

Hey GIS enthusiast using GIS MapOG Tool you can easily create map layer – point, polygon, multiline and multipolygon. After creating Layer you can export layer in any format like Shapfile, KML, KMZ, Geojson and more.

If you want to learn GIS please Contact

For detailed steps watch video –

Create Map Layer – Point, Polygon, Multiline

Go to IGIS Map Tool Now MAPOG, Login or Register on the tool. After Login you will be directed to the next screen i.e Dashboard where, click on Add map.

Create Map Layer - Point, Polygon, Multiline

  • Now fill the tittle and description of map. Click on Save Map.

Create Map Layer - Point, Polygon, Multiline

  • You will be directed to the canvas of IGIS Map Tool.

Create Map Layer - Point, Polygon, Multiline

  •  Now choose the type of geometry of the layer you want to create. For Point select point from left hand side button.

What is Point, Line and Polygon ?

Create Map Layer - Point, Polygon, Multiline

  • Suppose we selected Point button then fill the layer name and enter the attributes. After filling all the fields click on create. In a map you can select multiple layer.

Create Map Layer - Point, Polygon, Multiline

  • Select add point and go to base map where you want to create point layer. Save the points on the map.

Create Map Layer - Point, Polygon, Multiline

  • We can  Add, Delete, Duplicate, View Data table,  and Export layer.

Create Map Layer - Point, Polygon, Multiline

  • We can do styling of layer like change the colour of icon and increase or decrease the size of point or you can custom the icon.

Create Map Layer - Point, Polygon, Multiline

Same as to be done for line and polygon.

This is all about creating map layer. If you face problem in implementing this above steps please do comment below.

More on GIS Tutorial :

React Native Geolocation – GPS – GIS Mobile App

Geolocation in React Native is the identification or estimation of the real-world geographic location of a mobile phone .

In this post, we will  discuss  how to find Geolocation of mobile phone in react native with one example, but before going to detail of this post I  suggest you to read the official documentation.

React Native Geolocation

React Native Geolocation – GPS – GIS Mobile App


iOS : installation for ios


Our App will request  access to location, for this we need to add following line of code in our App’s AndroidManifest.xml which is located at  android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml in our App.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

API Overview

The geolocation api exists on the global navigator object in React Native,  so we would access it via navigator.geolocation.

I will be covering only one method available  on   navigator.geolocation


The getCurrentPosition   method allows us to request a user’s location at any time. This method take three parameter as follow:

geolocation.getCurrentPosition(geo_success, [geo_error], [geo_options]);

parameters of method :

geo_success - a success callback
[geo_error] -an error callback
[geo_options]-a configuration object

The success callback will be passed an object that looks like :

    "timestamp": 1484669056399.49,
     "coords": {
           "accuracy": 5,
           "altitude": 0,
           "altitudeAccuracy": -1,
           "heading": -1,
           "latitude": 37.785834,
          "longitude": -122.406417,
          "speed": -1

The error callback will be passed a standard error message.

The config object has

  • enableHighAccuracy (boolean)— which allows you to get the most accurate location.
  • timeout (milliseconds)— how long does the API have to return the position before throwing an error?
  • maximumAge (milliseconds) — if a location exists in the device cache, how old can it be before it’s no longer valuable to your app?


Here we are discussing one example in which we will try to find out the current position of mobile( latitude,longitude).In our project there are two file:

  1. index.js
  2. App.js
import {AppRegistry} from 'react-native';
import App from './App';
import {name as appName} from './app.json';

AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App);
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { Container, Header, Content, Card, CardItem, Body, Text } from 'native-base';

class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {

this.state = {
latitude: null,
longitude: null,
error: null,

componentDidMount() {
(position) => {
latitude: position.coords.latitude,
longitude: position.coords.longitude,
error: null,
(error) => this.setState({ error: error.message }),
{ enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 20000, maximumAge: 1000 },

render() {
return (
<CardItem style={{backgroundColor:'grey'}}>
<Text>Latitude: {this.state.latitude}</Text>
<Text>Longitude: {this.state.longitude}</Text>
{this.state.error ? <Text>Error: {this.state.error}</Text> : null}

export default App;
Explaination of App.js :

In this code we are importing some component from native base ,so we need to add this dependency in our project as follow:

npm install native-base --save


react-native link

In App class we have constructor and two function namely  componentDidMount() and render()

constructor(props) {

this.state = {
latitude: null,
longitude: null,
error: null,

In this constructor initial value of latitude, longitude and error are define to null.

componentDidMount() method:
componentDidMount() {
(position) => {
latitude: position.coords.latitude,
longitude: position.coords.longitude,
error: null,
(error) => this.setState({ error: error.message }),
{ enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 20000, maximumAge: 1000 },

The componentDidMount() method is  called at the time of  initializing of a component .so when this method is called we find the location of mobile by calling getCurrentPosition() method as shown above in code.


navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() has three argument
(position) => {
latitude: position.coords.latitude,
longitude: position.coords.longitude,
error: null,

This is a  success callback parameter of getCurrentPosition() method ,we are collecting result in position .

and position object look like:

    "timestamp": 1484669056399.49,
     "coords": {
           "accuracy": 5,
           "altitude": 0,
           "altitudeAccuracy": -1,
           "heading": -1,
           "latitude": 37.785834,
          "longitude": -122.406417,
          "speed": -1

from this position object we collect the latitude and longitude as follow:



These values are assign to latitude and longitude of App class by following code

latitude: position.coords.latitude,
longitude: position.coords.longitude,
error: null,
(error) => this.setState({ error: error.message })

This is the second argument of getCurrentPosition() method ,and this is an error callback parameter of method ,in this we are collecting error in error if it occur. and with the help of setState() method ,we are storing the error message into error of App class.

{ enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 20000, maximumAge: 1000 }

This is the third argument of getCurrentPosition() method, a configuration object, in this we are suppling three value   enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 20000, maximumAge: 1000.

render() {
return (
<CardItem style={{backgroundColor:'grey'}}>
<Text>Latitude: {this.state.latitude}</Text>
<Text>Longitude: {this.state.longitude}</Text>
{this.state.error ? <Text>Error: {this.state.error}</Text> : null}

In this render method we are creating a card and on this card we are printing the location of mobile in terms of latitude and longitude if error is null otherwise we print the error on screen of mobile.

So this about all about React Native Geolocation- GPS. If you phase any  problem in implementing please let us know by commenting below.

Want GIS application – Please contact us at

More on GIS –

Download Indonesia Administrative Boundary Shapefiles – Provinces, Districts, Sub Districts and more

Hello GIS enthusiasts, IGISMAP has now published the latest GIS vector data of Indonesia administrative levels. Links for downloading the shapefiles of the important administrative divisions of Indonesia are provided in the following. You can also download these data in KML, GeoJSON or CSV formats. 


  • All data available are in GCS datum EPSG:4326 WGS84 CRS (Coordinate Reference System).
  • You need to login for downloading the shapefile.

Download Free Shapefile Data of Indonesia

Indonesia, officially the Republic of Indonesia, is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania between the Indian and Pacific oceans. It consists of over 17,000 islands, including Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, and parts of Borneo and New Guinea. Indonesia is the world’s largest island country and the 14th-largest country by area, at 1,904,569 square kilometres (735,358 square miles).

Indonesia National Boundary
Indonesia National Boundary

Download Indonesia National Outline Boundary Shapefile

Download Indonesia Province Shapefile Data

Below Polygon of Indonesia shapefile covers 34 provinces –

  1. Aceh
  2. North Sumatra
  3. West Sumatra
  4. Riau
  5. Riau Archipelago/Islands
  6. Jambi
  7. Bengkulu
  8. South Sumatra
  9. Bangka Belitung Islands
  10. Lampung
  11. Banten
  12. Jakarta
  13. West Java
  14. Central Java
  15. Yogyakarta
  16. East Java
  17. Bali
  18. West Nusa Tenggara
  19. East Nusa Tenggara
  20. West Kalimantan
  21. Central Kalimantan
  22. South Kalimantan
  23. East Kalimantan
  24. North Kalimantan
  25. North Sulawesi
  26. Gorontalo
  27. Central Sulawesi
  28. West Sulawesi
  29. South Sulawesi
  30. Southeast Sulawesi
  31. North Maluku
  32. Maluku (The Moluccas)
  33. West Papua
  34. Papua
Indonesia Province Boundaries
Indonesia Province Boundaries

Download Indonesia Province Boundaries Shapefile

Download Indonesia District Shapefile Data

Indonesia District Boundaries
Indonesia District Boundaries

Download Indonesia District Boundaries Shapefile

Download Indonesia Sub District Shapefile Data

Indonesia Sub District Boundaries
Indonesia Sub District Boundaries

Download Indonesia Sub District Boundaries Shapefile

Other GIS Data:

Convert Indonesia Shapefile SHP to KML

For Indonesia SHP to KML conversion go to MAPOG Tool and follow the steps for Indonesia Shapefile SHP to KML file conversion.

Convert Indonesia KML to Indonesia Shapefile

For Indonesia KML conversion login at and follow the steps for KML to Shapefile SHP.

Download Free Shapefile for the following:

  1. World Countries Shapefile
  2. Australia
  3. Argentina
  4. Austria
  5. Belgium
  6. Brazil
  7. Canada
  8. Denmark
  9. Fiji
  10. Finland
  11. Germany
  12. Greece
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Ireland
  16. Italy
  17. Japan
  18. Kenya
  19. Lebanon
  20. Madagascar
  21. Malaysia
  22. Mexico
  23. Mongolia
  24. Netherlands
  25. New Zealand
  26. Nigeria
  27. Papua New Guinea
  28. Philippines
  29. Poland
  30. Russia
  31. Singapore
  32. South Africa
  33. South Korea
  34. Spain
  35. Switzerland
  36. Tunisia
  37. United Kingdom Shapefile
  38. United States of America
  39. Vietnam
  40. Croatia
  41. Chile
  42. Norway

Disclaimer : If you find any shapefile data of country provided is in correct do contact us or comment below, so that we will correct the same in our system.

Download Argentina Administrative Boundary Shapefiles – Provinces, Departmentos, Municipalities and more

Hello GIS enthusiasts, IGISMAP has now published the latest GIS vector data of Argentina administrative levels. Links for downloading the shapefiles of the important administrative divisions of Argentina are provided in the following. You can also download these data in KML, GeoJSON or CSV formats. 


  • All data available are in GCS datum EPSG:4326 WGS84 CRS (Coordinate Reference System).
  • You need to login for downloading the shapefile.

Download Free Shapefile Data of Argentina

Argentina, officially the Argentine Republic, is a country in the southern half of South America. Argentina covers an area of 2,780,400 km2 (1,073,500 sq mi), making it the largest Spanish-speaking nation in the world by area. It is the second-largest country in South America after Brazil, the fourth-largest country in the Americas, and the eighth-largest country in the world. It shares the bulk of the Southern Cone with Chile to the west, and is also bordered by Bolivia and Paraguay to the north, Brazil to the northeast, Uruguay and the South Atlantic Ocean to the east, and the Drake Passage to the south. Argentina is a federal state subdivided into twenty-three provinces, and one autonomous city, which is the federal capital and largest city of the nation, Buenos Aires. The provinces and the capital have their own constitutions, but exist under a federal system. Argentina claims sovereignty over a part of Antarctica, the Falkland Islands and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.

Argentina National Boundary
Argentina National Boundary

Download Argentina National Outline Boundary Shapefile

Download Argentina Province Shapefile Data

Polygon Shapefile of Argentina Covers – Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Mendoza, Tucumán, Salta, Entre Ríos, Misiones, Chaco, Corrientes, Santiago del Estero, San Juan, Jujuy, Río Negro, Neuquén, Formosa, Chubut, San Luis, Catamarca, La Rioja, La Pampa, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego.

Argentina Province Boundaries
Argentina Province Boundaries

Download Argentina Province Boundaries Shapefile

Download Argentina Departmentos Shapefile Data

Argentina Departmento Boundaries
Argentina Departmento Boundaries

Download Argentina Departmento Boundaries Shapefile

Download Argentina Municipality Shapefile Data

Argentina Municipality Boundaries
Argentina Municipality Boundaries

Download Argentina Municipality Boundaries Shapefile

Please note that the Argentina data provided here is license under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Please review the same before using it. If you want data under different license you can also look over to the post : Download Free Shapefile Maps – Country Boundary Polygon, Rail-Road, Water polyline etc.

Download GIS Data for other countries From Here

Other GIS Data:

Download Free Shapefile for the following:

  1. World Countries Shapefile
  2. Australia
  3. Argentina
  4. Austria
  5. Belgium
  6. Brazil
  7. Canada
  8. Denmark
  9. Fiji
  10. Finland
  11. Germany
  12. Greece
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Ireland
  16. Italy
  17. Japan
  18. Kenya
  19. Lebanon
  20. Madagascar
  21. Malaysia
  22. Mexico
  23. Mongolia
  24. Netherlands
  25. New Zealand
  26. Nigeria
  27. Papua New Guinea
  28. Philippines
  29. Poland
  30. Russia
  31. Singapore
  32. South Africa
  33. South Korea
  34. Spain
  35. Switzerland
  36. Tunisia
  37. United Kingdom Shapefile
  38. United States of America
  39. Vietnam
  40. Croatia
  41. Chile
  42. Norway

Disclaimer : If you find any shapefile data of country provided is in correct do contact us or comment below, so that we will correct the same in our system.

Download Tunisia GIS Data – Provinces, Highway Lines, Airport Locations and More

Hello GIS enthusiasts, IGISMAP has now published the latest GIS vector data of Tunisia administrative levels. Links for downloading the shapefiles of the important administrative divisions of Tunisia are provided in the following. You can also download these data in KML, GeoJSON or CSV formats. 


  • All data available are in GCS datum EPSG:4326 WGS84 CRS (Coordinate Reference System).
  • You need to login for downloading the shapefile.

Download Free Shapefile Data of Tunisia

Tunisia, officially the Republic of Tunisia, is the northernmost country in Africa. It is a part of the Maghreb region of North Africa, and is bordered by Algeria to the west and southwest, Libya to the southeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east, covering 163,610 km2 (63,170 sq mi), with a population of 11 million. It contains the eastern end of the Atlas Mountains and the northern reaches of the Sahara desert, with much of its remaining territory being arable land. Its 1,300 km (810 mi) of coastline include the African conjunction of the western and eastern parts of the Mediterranean Basin. Tunisia is home to Africa’s northernmost point, Cape Angela; and its capital and largest city is Tunis, located on its northeastern coast, which lends the country its name.

Tunisia National Boundary
Tunisia National Boundary

Download Tunisia National Outline Boundary Shapefile

Download Tunisia Province Shapefile Data

It Covers Ariana, Beja, Ben Arous, Bizerte, El Kef, Gabes, Gafsa, Jendouba, Kairouan, Kasserine, Kebili, Mahdia, Manouba, Medenine, Monastir, Nabeul, Sfax, Sidi Bouzid, Siliana, Sousse, Tataouine, Tozeur, Tunis and Zaghouan.

Tunisia Province Boundaries
Tunisia Province Boundaries

Download Tunisia Province Boundaries Shapefile

Download Tunisia Highway Lines Shapefile Data

Tunisia Highway Lines
Tunisia Highway Lines

Download Tunisia Highway Line Shapefile

Above shown image is the zoomed in image of the highway line vector data of Tunisia

Download Tunisia Airport Points Shapefile Data

Tunisia Airport Locations
Tunisia Airport Locations

Download Tunisia Airport Locations Shapefile

Please note that the Tunisia data provided here is license under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Please review the same before using it. If you want data under different license you can also look over to the post : Download Free Shapefile Maps – Country Boundary Polygon, Rail-Road, Water polyline etc

Download Free Shapefile for the following:

  1. World Countries Shapefile
  2. Australia
  3. Argentina
  4. Austria
  5. Belgium
  6. Brazil
  7. Canada
  8. Denmark
  9. Fiji
  10. Finland
  11. Germany
  12. Greece
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Ireland
  16. Italy
  17. Japan
  18. Kenya
  19. Lebanon
  20. Madagascar
  21. Malaysia
  22. Mexico
  23. Mongolia
  24. Netherlands
  25. New Zealand
  26. Nigeria
  27. Papua New Guinea
  28. Philippines
  29. Poland
  30. Russia
  31. Singapore
  32. South Africa
  33. South Korea
  34. Spain
  35. Switzerland
  36. Tunisia
  37. United Kingdom Shapefile
  38. United States of America
  39. Vietnam
  40. Croatia
  41. Chile
  42. Norway

Disclaimer : If you find any shapefile data of country provided is in correct do contact us or comment below, so that we will correct the same in our system as well we will try to correct the same in openstreetmap.

Download Lebanon Administrative Boundary Shapefiles – Governorates, Districts, Municipalities and more

Hello GIS enthusiasts, IGISMAP has now published the latest GIS vector data of Lebanon administrative levels. Links for downloading the shapefiles of the important administrative divisions of Lebanon are provided in the following. You can also download these data in KML, GeoJSON or CSV formats. 


  • All data available are in GCS datum EPSG:4326 WGS84 CRS (Coordinate Reference System).
  • You need to login for downloading the shapefile.

Download Free Shapefile Data of Lebanon

Lebanon, officially the Republic of Lebanon or the Lebanese Republic, is a country in Western Asia. It is located between Syria to the north and east and Israel to the south, while Cyprus lies to its west across the Mediterranean Sea; its location at the crossroads of the Mediterranean Basin and the Arabian hinterland has contributed to its rich history and shaped a cultural identity of religious diversity. It is part of the Levant region of the Middle East. Lebanon is home to roughly six million people and covers an area of 10,452 square kilometres (4,036 sq mi), making it one of the smallest countries in the world.

Lebanon National Boundary
Lebanon National Boundary

Download Lebanon National Outline Boundary Shapefile

Download Lebanon Governorates Shapefile Data

Lebanon is divided into 8 Governorates; Akkar, Baalbeck-Hermel, Beirut, Bekaa, Mount Lebanon, North Lebanon, Nabatiyeh, and South Lebanon. The Governorate (Muhafazah) is considered an administrative division of the country.

Lebanon Governorates Boundaries
Lebanon Governorates Boundaries

Download Lebanon Governorates Boundaries Shapefile

Download Lebanon Districts Shapefile Data

Lebanon District Boundaries
Lebanon District Boundaries

Download Lebanon District Boundaries Shapefile

Download Lebanon Sub Districts Shapefile Data

Lebanon Sub Districts

Download Lebanon Sub District Boundaries Shapefile

Please note that the Lebanon data provided here is license under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Please review the same before using it. If you want data under different license you can also look over to the post : Download Free Shapefile Maps – Country Boundary Polygon, Rail-Road, Water polyline etc

Other GIS Data:

Download Free Shapefile for the following:

  1. World Countries Shapefile
  2. Australia
  3. Argentina
  4. Austria
  5. Belgium
  6. Brazil
  7. Canada
  8. Denmark
  9. Fiji
  10. Finland
  11. Germany
  12. Greece
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Ireland
  16. Italy
  17. Japan
  18. Kenya
  19. Lebanon
  20. Madagascar
  21. Malaysia
  22. Mexico
  23. Mongolia
  24. Netherlands
  25. New Zealand
  26. Nigeria
  27. Papua New Guinea
  28. Philippines
  29. Poland
  30. Russia
  31. Singapore
  32. South Africa
  33. South Korea
  34. Spain
  35. Switzerland
  36. Tunisia
  37. United Kingdom Shapefile
  38. United States of America
  39. Vietnam
  40. Croatia
  41. Chile
  42. Norway

Disclaimer : If you find any shapefile data of country provided is in correct do contact us or comment below, so that we will correct the same in our system.

Download Mongolia Administrative Boundary GIS Data for- National, Regions, Provinces, Districts and more

Elevate your mapping pursuits! IGISMAP presents a special offer: download Mongolia’s administrative boundary GIS data, including national, regions, provinces, districts, and more.

Effortlessly explore Mongolia’s geographical data through MAPOG. Discover a wide range of datasets of Mongolia GIS Data including comprehensive information on borders, rivers, roads, and airports. Utilizing tools such as Download GIS Data and Add GIS Data is straightforward. You have the option to select formats like Shapefile, KML, GeoJSON, and CSV with the Download GIS Data tool. For a step-by-step guide on utilizing the Add GIS Data tool refer to ” Add GIS data from IGISMap GIS data collection..” This guide provides instructions for obtaining administrative GIS data using the Download GIS Data feature. Trust MAPOG to enhance your understanding of Mongolia’s geography.

With MAPOG’s versatile toolkit, you can effortlessly upload vector and raster filesadd WMS (Web Map Service) layers, upload Excel or CSV data, incorporate existing files, perform polygon splitting and merging, generate new polygon and polyline data, use the converter for various formats, conduct buffer analysiscreate gridstransform points into polygons, calculate isochrones, and utilize the geocoder for precise location information.

We offer an extensive array of data formats, including KML, SHP, CSV, GeoJSON, Tab, SQL, Tiff, GML, KMZ, GPKZ, SQLITE, Dxf, MIF, TOPOJSON, XLSX, GPX, ODS, MID, and GPS, ensuring compatibility and accessibility for various applications and analyses.


  • All data available are in GCS datum EPSG:4326 WGS84 CRS (Coordinate Reference System).
  • You need to login for downloading the shapefile.

Download Shapefile Data of Mongolia

Mongolia is a landlocked country in East Asia, bordered by Russia to the north and China to the south. It covers an area of 1,564,116 square kilometers (603,909 square miles), with a population of just 3.3 million, making it the world’s most sparsely populated sovereign nation. Mongolia is the world’s largest landlocked country that does not border a closed sea, and much of its area is covered by grassy steppe, with mountains to the north and west and the Gobi Desert to the south. Ulaanbaatar, the capital and largest city, is home to roughly half of the country’s population.

Mongolia National Boundary

Download Mongolia National Outline Boundary Shapefile

Download Mongolia Regions Shapefile Data

Mongolia is geographically divided into 4 regions:

  • Central Region
  • Eastern Region
  • Khangai Region
  • Western Region
Mongolia Region Boundaries

Download Mongolia Region Boundaries Shapefile

Download Mongolia Provinces Shapefile Data

Mongolia is divided into 21 provinces or aimags and one provincial municipality, whose boundaries are available in the following polygon GIS data provided by IGISMAP.

Mongolia Province Boundaries

Download Mongolia Province Boundaries Shapefile

Here is the list of the 21 provinces of Mongolia :

  1. Arkhangai Province
  2. Bayan-Ölgii Province
  3. Bayankhongor Province
  4. Bulgan Province
  5. Darkhan-Uul Province
  6. Dornod Province
  7. Dornogovi Province
  8. Dundgovi Province
  9. Govi-Altai Province
  10. Govisümber Province
  11. Khentii Province
  12. Khovd Province
  13. Khövsgöl Province
  14. Ömnögovi Province
  15. Orkhon Province
  16. Övörkhangai Province
  17. Selenge Province
  18. Sükhbaatar Province
  19. Töv Province
  20. Uvs Province
  21. Zavkhan Province

Download Mongolia Districts Shapefile Data

In Mongolia, a district (locally known as “сум” or “sum,” meaning “arrow” in Mongolian) is a secondary administrative division. Mongolia’s 21 provinces are further divided into a total of 331 districts, each serving as a second-level administrative subdivision.

Mongolia District Boundaries

Download Mongolia District Boundaries Shapefile

Other Administrative Boundary Data:

Other GIS Data:

Above all links are provided for GIS data of Mongolia if you are looking for any specific data please write us on

Download Shapefile for the following:

  1. World Countries Shapefile
  2. Australia
  3. Argentina
  4. Austria
  5. Belgium
  6. Brazil
  7. Canada
  8. Denmark
  9. Fiji
  10. Finland
  11. Germany
  12. Greece
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Ireland
  16. Italy
  17. Japan
  18. Kenya
  19. Lebanon
  20. Madagascar
  21. Malaysia
  22. Mexico
  23. Mongolia
  24. Netherlands
  25. New Zealand
  26. Nigeria
  27. Papua New Guinea
  28. Philippines
  29. Poland
  30. Russia
  31. Singapore
  32. South Africa
  33. South Korea
  34. Spain
  35. Switzerland
  36. Tunisia
  37. United Kingdom Shapefile
  38. United States of America
  39. Vietnam
  40. Croatia
  41. Chile
  42. Norway
  43. Maldives
  44. Bhutan
  45. Colombia
  46. Libya
  47. Comoros
  48. Hungary
  49. Laos
  50. Estonia
  51. Iraq
  52. Portugal
  53. Azerbaijan
  54. Macedonia
  55. Romania
  56. Peru
  57. Marshall Islands
  58. Slovenia
  59. Nauru
  60. Guatemala
  61. El Salvador
  62. Afghanistan
  63. Cyprus
  64. Syria
  65. Slovakia
  66. Luxembourg
  67. Jordan
  68. Armenia
  69. Haiti And Dominican Republic

Disclaimer : If you find any shapefile data of country provided is incorrect do contact us or comment below, so that we will correct the same in our system as well we will try to correct the same in openstreetmap.

Download Vietnam Administrative Boundary Shapefiles – National, Provinces and Districts

Hello GIS enthusiasts, IGISMAP has now published the latest GIS vector data of Vietnam administrative levels. Links for downloading the shapefiles of the important administrative divisions of Vietnam are provided in the following. You can also download these data in KML, GeoJSON or CSV formats. 


  • All data available are in GCS datum EPSG:4326 WGS84 CRS (Coordinate Reference System).
  • You need to login for downloading the shapefile.

Download Free Shapefile Data of Vietnam

Vietnam, officially the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, is a country in Southeast Asia. Located at the eastern edge of mainland Southeast Asia, it covers 311,699 square kilometers (120,348 sq mi). With a population of over 96 million, it is the world’s fifteenth-most populous country. Vietnam borders China to the north, Laos and Cambodia to the west, and shares maritime borders with Thailand through the Gulf of Thailand, and the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia through the South China Sea. Its capital is Hanoi and its largest city is Ho Chi Minh City.

Vietnam National Boundary
Vietnam National Boundary

Download Vietnam National Outline Boundary Shapefile

Download Vietnam Province Shapefile Data

Following GIS vector data of Vietnam Provinces contains 63 polygon boundaries

Vietnam Province Boundaries
Vietnam Province Boundaries

Download Vietnam Provinces Boundaries Shapefile

Download Vietnam Districts Shapefile Data

Vietnam Districts Boundaries
Vietnam Districts Boundaries

Download Vietnam Districts Boundaries Shapefile

Please note that the Vietnam data provided here is license under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Please review the same before using it. If you want data under different license you can also look over to the post : Download Free Shapefile Maps – Country Boundary Polygon, Rail-Road, Water polyline etc

Download Free Shapefile for the following:

  1. World Countries Shapefile
  2. Australia
  3. Argentina
  4. Austria
  5. Belgium
  6. Brazil
  7. Canada
  8. Denmark
  9. Fiji
  10. Finland
  11. Germany
  12. Greece
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Ireland
  16. Italy
  17. Japan
  18. Kenya
  19. Lebanon
  20. Madagascar
  21. Malaysia
  22. Mexico
  23. Mongolia
  24. Netherlands
  25. New Zealand
  26. Nigeria
  27. Papua New Guinea
  28. Philippines
  29. Poland
  30. Russia
  31. Singapore
  32. South Africa
  33. South Korea
  34. Spain
  35. Switzerland
  36. Tunisia
  37. United Kingdom Shapefile
  38. United States of America
  39. Vietnam
  40. Croatia
  41. Chile
  42. Norway

Disclaimer : If you find any shapefile data of country provided is in correct do contact us or comment below, so that we will correct the same in our system.

Convert Shapefile to SQLite

The shapefile format is a geospatial vector data format for geographic information system (GIS) software. It is developed and regulated by ESRI as a mostly open specification for data interoperability among ESRI and other GIS software products.

SQLite is an in-process library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. It provides Geo database functional like PostGIS, Oracle. For more information on SQLite, visit

Online Convert Shapefile to SQLite

In this article we will provide you the pictorial based tutorial of Shapefile to SQLite conversion using IGISMAP.

Shapefile to SQLite

IGISMAP to Convert Shapefile to SQLite

For Shapefile to SQLite conversion, go to GIS MapOG Converter Tool, after logging in with your registered email and password. If you are a new user, click the Sign Up button in the Login popup and register to IGISMAP by filling the details.

There are three main steps for using GIS Converter:

  • Upload the data
  • Choose the format to which it should be converted
  • Download the converted file

Step one is to upload your Shapefile which you want to convert. You can upload your file from system or select from the Recent Files.

Upload Shapefile
Upload Shapefile

Here we have uploaded the Shapefile of the US state ‘Texas’.

Step two is to select choose the output format of the converted file, in this case its SQLite. You can also set the Coordinate Reference System of your preference. As a default CRS will set to WGS 84 (World) [EPSG:4326]. Click on the Convert File.

Select SQLITE as Output Format
Select SQLITE as Output Format

Your Shapefile will then gets converted to SQLite after a few seconds and will be available for downloading.

Download and Publish SQLite File
Download and Publish SQLite File

You can also choose to style the layer or continue with further conversion process by clicking the Convert Another File button.

You can also download the converted file or the uploaded file from the Converted Files section from the dashboard. This section contains the list of the details of all the conversion done in your account, providing both input and output data available for download their corresponding formats.

So, this is all about the Shapefile SHP to SQLITE conversion. We try our best with pictorial representation of steps of conversion. If still you are facing any problem then contact us or comment below.

Other GIS data Conversions

If you are facing any problem in conversion or login then please let us know by mailing at or drop comment.